Friendship Coming of Age High School

"Hey, is this seat taken?"

I placed down my notes and plastered a fake smile as I faced at the owner of the oh-so-familiar voice and her friends.

"No, it isn't. Sit if you want.", I mumbled and continued on reviewing for the upcoming quiz. I could hear them shuffling to sit down and placed their trays.

"By the way, I'm Joanne and these are my friends Lucy, Hussey, and Heejin.", Joanne started making small talk as she ate her lunch, her friends looking at me, expecting a response.

"I'm Olivia. I actually know you guys.", I gave them a small smile and continued on reading. I hate small talk because it just gets things awkward and hard to handle. I swear I'm going to have a little talk with my best friend, who ditched me for some girl she had a crush on.

"Wait, really? We haven't seen you around here. Are you new?", Lucy asked and took a bite of her salad.

"We've shared the same classes for 2 years now.", I closed my notes, clearly getting the sign that these people aren't shutting up. I looked at them and they all looked flustered, Hussey was actually staring at nothingness-probably thinking where I sat inside the classroom.

What I hate the most in this world is small talk or chit-chat or whatever includes talking to other people about baseless information. I mean, sure, I could share about my thoughts and opinions with them but, I just can't seem to be comfortable with these people. Just because we have the same classes, does not mean we're friends. They are more of acquaintances, to be honest.

"Oh, we're sorry. We thought you were from another class.", Heejin said as she smiled sheepishly at me.

"We were supposed to be lab partners Joanne, but you were absent at the day of the experiment so I was paired with Hyunjin instead.", I replied with my forced smile

"Isn't Hyunjin your girlfriend, Heejin?", Hussey asked the bunny-looking girl, who replied with a nod. I gave them one final smile as I fixed my things.

"Well, it's been nice knowing you girls but I need to head out. Enjoy the table!", I forced out the rest of my energy and stood up, holding my bag and food tray, then quickly left before they could say anything else.

I am seriously going to give Yves a beating once I see her.

After that incident, I thought I wouldn't have to talk to them. Unfortunately, luck isn't on my side.

It has been 3 months since the horrid small talk with Joanne and her friends. I steered clear of the cafeteria for those 3 months, eventually finding a spot on the school under the Balete Tree, as what the students call it. Everything was slowly turning into a routine, until the school administration closed off the area due to supposed magical creatures found within the vicinity.

I forced myself inside the cafeteria, quickly got an open seat and I started eating the lunch my mom has been making for me. I was about to get my notes when I saw Joanne and her friends walk towards my table. You have got to be kidding me right now.

"Hey, Olivia. Mind if me sit here?", Joanne smiled at me and I just nodded, got my notes and ate my lunch.

The awkward silence feels so heavy, I'm surprised no one's talking. I took a good look at everyone, making sure they won't notice my unnecessary staring. As soon as I was about to look at Heejin, I caught her looking at me. I swear I thought my eyes would fall off because of how fast I looked down.

"Why're you looking at us, Olivia?", Heejin gave me a questioning look, very different from when they first talked to me. Everyone looked at me as if I have committed a crime. I was so flustered, I accidentally choked on the bread I was eating.

"Chill, I know we're pretty but why were you looking at us?", Lucy joked, which earned a slap on the head from Hussey.

"You're so full of yourself, Lucy.", Hussey rolled her eyes and looked at me.

"I was just curious why everyone's so quiet.", I never raised my head to face them and just stared at my notes, pretending to read them when I can't even understand a single thing in this situation.

I expected a harsh comment or one of them to snap at me but what I heard next was very confusing, to say the least.

They looked at each other and laughed. I now looked at them with a very lost look in my face.

"What's so funny?", I asked lowly as I sank at my seat, feeling embarrassed.

"You're too cute, Olivia. We are very well-aware about your so-called "hatred" with small talk and we just wanted to test something out.", Joanne emphasized on hatred, even adding an air-quote motion.

"And that is...?"

"You're just too shy to approach others. We know Yves, who is your best friend, and asked her why you're awfully quiet and wouldn't talk unless someone talks to you. You're an easy person to approach and we're actually glad we could talk to you.", Heejin smiled at me and gave a "can I hug you?" look. I went close to her and hugged her myself.

"I can't believe I'm that dense. I awful at hiding my emotions.", I finally gave them a genuine smile and chuckled a bit.

"Now, that's the smile I was waiting for!", Hussey exclaimed and quickly hugged me.

"It was so obvious you were uncomfortable with us when we last talked. So, why not be friends?", Joanne extended her arm out. I was hesitant at first- picturing every possible scenario that could happen- but I just ignored it and shook it firmly.

"So, Olivia, today's the day you have finally met new friends!", I was startled by the sudden appearance of my beloved best friend, who, by the way, learned her lesson in ditching me for a girl. I just glared at her and scooted over for her to sit.

"Why don't we go to karaoke after school? My treat? Just a simple celebration for my ISTJ best friend.", Yves smiled and stole my strawberry milk.

"Yves, why're you drinking my milk? I thought you hated strawberries?"

"Can't a woman change, Olivia?", the latter just scoffed at me and continued drinking. I just smiled at her knowingly.

I looked around the table, feeling light. Everything felt comfortable now. It was not like the awkwardly uncomfortable first chats, but I guess I am willing to take a risk in letting people inside my life. It's just the first step in growing up, we are still in our junior years after all. I just hope everything goes well in the end.

From strangers who met because of a cafeteria table to friends sharing a table, from acquaintances to family. Who knows what the future holds?

July 02, 2021 09:43

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