Friendship Happy Romance

My best friend Jacob always throws the best parties. This one was no different from the others. The morning after the night before we get up, each have a quick shower then it’s time for the worst thing about parties, the clean up. We grab bin bags, rubber gloves and antibacterial wipes from the kitchen, all the party clean up essentials. We start collecting empty beer cans, plastic cups and general rubbish. We always start in the kitchen and work our way through to the living room. Every so often I glance over at Jake and a smile spreads across my face.

One thing I forgot to mention is that I’m in love with my best friend Jacob! We’ve known each other our whole lives and I have felt like this for as long as I can remember. My love for Jake intensifies every day without fail. I’ve managed to keep my feelings hidden but as time goes on I find it more and more difficult. Every now and then my feelings spill out almost revealing the truth. Like last week Jake had just showered, he walked into his room with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. This wasn’t the first time I’d seen him in just a towel but like I said it was becoming increasingly difficult to hide my feelings. I wolf whistled at him, told him he‘s sex on legs and joked about sleeping with him. I said something along the lines of “I want to lick chocolate off of those abs” and the most cringeworthy of all “I see you’ve been working out. Why don’t you come over and give me a workout.” To that he laughed, called me Miss Horny Pants and threw his towel over my face.

We’re halfway through tidying and I have the random urge to hug Jake. So I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist. He hugs me back and I snuggle into his chest (he’s a fair bit taller than me.) I don’t know what comes over me but suddenly I find myself letting my hands wander south. They stop when they get to his peachy bum and I pinch it a little. He doesn’t seem to react at first but as we move away out of our embrace he gives me the biggest smile and raises his eyebrows. I giggle, taking in his gorgeous face and his amazing plump lips that are turned up at the ends creating my favourite smile. 

We carry on cleaning for a while until I’m wiping up the last puddle of beer. “Hey do you remember this?” Jake asks from across the room. I walk over and follow his gaze to a thick photo album, the picture he’s referring to is one of us around the age of 8. It’s from when we went on a school trip to a massive Tudor house/hotel. In the picture we are dressed up as Tudors, Jake is holding my hand and he’s leading me towards a big group of our fellow classmates who are dancing in pairs. “I remember! You were such a gentleman at such a young age,” I declare. It isn’t until then that I realise Jake has moved behind me and has placed his hands on my hips whilst resting his chin on my shoulder. I try to think nothing of it and focus on flipping through the album, looking at the captured memories we’ve had together.

Jake’s hands start moving down and then sneak up my top, stopping on my stomach. The feel of his hands on my bare stomach make the butterflies inside go berserk. “That was a great holiday,” he says referring to another photo, whilst caressing my skin with his thumbs. I manage to mumble a response, then I feel Jacob pulling me in towards him and his hands start to travel further up my top. He snuggles his face into my neck and my breath catches in my throat. I tilt my head to one side and put my hand on the back of his neck, stroking his hair. I feel his breath on my skin as he is mere centimeters from my neck. He inches forward, his lips so close to coming into contact with my skin. 

Suddenly the door bell goes. “I better get that,” he whispers in my ear. All too quickly he’s making his way out of the room. I pause for a minute, taken aback by what just happened. Then I decide to head upstairs. I pass Jake signing for a parcel and he gives me a subtle wink, causing my heart to beat 100 times faster. When I get upstairs I go straight to the bathroom. I take my hair out of a messy bun and push it about trying to make it look nice. I grab a can of Jake’s deodorant from the bathroom cabinet and quickly spray my pits. After I check my makeup in the mirror and decide that it’s actually alright. I plump up my hair one last time, exit the bathroom and then into Jake’s room I go. I lay down on the bed and turn the TV on. A minute later Jake enters the room. “That was yet another parcel for Karis. Her shopping addiction is getting out of hand!” Jake quips. (By the way, Karis is his older sister.)

He plonks himself on the bed, when I joke “No one can ever have too many clothes.” He does a small laugh before laying down on his bed. I’m about to ask what he wants to watch but I’m stopped by Jake wincing in pain, followed by a whispered “oh fuck.” I sit bolt up right and turn to him. “Are you okay? What’s wrong? Where’s the pain?” I fuss. “It’s my bastard shoulder, just randomly started hurting,” he responds. So I offer, “I can give you a massage if you want?” After a minute he answers “please, yes.” 

As it’s his shoulder that’s furthest from me, I make the decision to straddle him. The look on his face suggests he didn’t expect my behavior. After a while I realise that his hands are resting on my outer thighs. His eyes are closed and he’s making noises that sound like the massage feels good. “Want your other shoulder massaged?” He smiles and nods, so I get to work on his other shoulder.

A few minutes later he starts to caress my legs in circular motions. As I continue to massage him, I think how different this moment feels compared to how we usually are. I’m practically on all fours with Jake in between my legs, he’s stroking me, getting higher and higher sliding his hand up my shorts slightly and grab at my butt.

He suddenly opens his eyes and studies me. I glance between his face and the shoulder I’m working on. “Hey,” he says grabbing my full attention. I stop the massage and meet his breathtaking brown eyes. Jake props himself up on his elbows, with his face so close to mine, my heart beats out of my chest. A few seconds go by which feels like hours. He looks down at my lips and I can tell something is about to happen. He reaches up and places his hand on my neck with his thumb under m ear slightly on my face. He looks me in the eyes as he edges closer. Then with one action our friendship changes forever. He’s kissing me slowly at first and I lean into him deepening the kiss. He lays down fully and our kisses become more hungry and intense. I had no idea kissing Jake would be this amazing and passionate.

As our hands explore each other’s bodies there’s a sudden sense of urgency and I’m filled with desire as I tug off Jake’s top. He follows suit and quickly removes mine. I trail kisses down his neck and small moans escape his lips. He unhooks my bra and once it’s on the floor his hands immediately cup my breasts. I run my hand down his toned body and stop when I get to his belt. I undo it and slide my hand under the thin material of his boxers. He sighs in pleasure and we continue to undress each other, pausing to take in each other’s bodies. We switch positions as he takes control, we continue to kiss and fondle each other. We go through the motions with one end goal in mind... sex!

After he’s ridden me to paradise we lay there naked, breathing heavily wrapped in each others arms. “Wow,” I whisper once I’ve regained control of my breathing. “I had no idea you felt the same as I do!” He says before planting a kiss on my forehead and stroking my side. I look up at him and I can’t stop myself from blurting “I love you Jake, I have for as long as I can remember.” A silence falls between us and I focus on a spot on the wall, whilst I attempt not to slap myself for being so forward with my feelings. A moment passes and he finally speaks, I hear the smile in his sexy voice, “I love you too and have done ever since that day we were dressed as Tudors and I asked you to dance.” I stare up at him, bewildered by him confession. I have no words so I let my actions speak for me. I kiss him with so much love and intensity.

I climb on top of him, kissing him over and over, and I start up round 2 whilst taking the reins. He feels so good and I start to think I’m dreaming as I move to an unheard rhythm. All of a sudden we hear a voice say “Finally, it’s about fucking time!” I freeze before turning my attention to the person stood in the door. His older brother is there leaning against the door frame, arms crossed with the biggest grin plastered on his face. I pull the duvet up, making sure I’m covered up. “Get the fuck out!” Jake shouts, pulling me against him to shield my naked body from his brother. His brother winks, turns and starts to walk out the room as he raises his voice to shout “Mum, they‘re finally having sex!” I faintly hear his Mum reply “About damn time!”

May 10, 2021 00:10

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