LGBTQ+ Drama Sad

This was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives,» Brian said. As he started talking flashbacks coming back to the other man's head.                                            

It was midnight. Getting up from his bed he couldn’t sleep. There he was William Schneider sitting in the balcony, a cigarette between his fingers watching the stars and enjoying the cold air of Denmark. Opening his phone a smile drew on his face looking at his wallpaper it was a picture of him and his friend but Harry was more than a friend…                                                                                              Meeting this man was the best thing that ever happened in his life. The man he fell in love with since the first time their eyes met. The man he met when he was a teenager. The man he grows up with. The man he will do anything for… A notification suddenly showed up on the screen, it was from Harry.                                                                                                                        

_ Are you awake Love?                                                                                                                      _Yes, I am. I miss you                                           _ I miss you too :'(                                                                                           _ When are you coming?                                                                                                             _ I don’t know. I still have some business to do but I swear I’ll visit you as soon as I can                                                                                _ Okay, it’s boring without you                                                                                                                           _ Aww. You will have something to play with when I’m with you ;)                                                                                                                            _I love you, Goodnight

_ Love you too, nighty         

     seen at 01:02 p.m

Waking up at 10 by the loud knocks at the door throwing away the sheets lazily he went to open. “Morning and God why does it smell like shit here,” his best friend said while walking to the kitchen. All those years, knowing him one of the things he learned William will wake up only after drinking his coffee and smoking a cigarette. “Go take a shower, shave your beard you look like a caveman and put on some nice clothes we are going out,” Brian said to see his friend giving him a tired look “I don’t want to go anywhere” the man noticed by the days how he rarely talked with someone or left his room this year he didn’t even fight with the other about where the 6 friends will pass the holidays when he discovered Harry won’t be with them for a couple of days. The first days went okay but after a short time, he seemed bored with everything. “I know why you are sad but your boy will be back soon and for now you need to get out and change the mood of course I am the best person to hang out with am I?” Indeed what his friend said was true some days and he will see his lover again besides that Brian knows what’s best for him he always did “Yes, you are”                                                                                                                                  15 minutes and he was ready. Leaving the house quickly he put on sunglasses feeling like a vampire first time seeing the sun. In the road, the two of them were talking and singing like the old days forgetting even to ask him where they were going. Stopping on the side Will was enjoying the view of Esbjerg beach. They decided to stay there since it was empty no annoying humans

 Will was losing himself in the beauty of nature letting his mind was calm no bad thoughts just loving the sound of the sea. Not focusing on what his friend said before leaving to the car he only nodded. “Will” turning to see who was calling him he couldn’t believe his eyes. “Harry” taking him in the tightest hug ever he could feel the man sobbing. 3 months he didn’t see this beautiful face for 3 months nearly driving him mad but now there he was in his lover's arms. Soon as they broke the hug Harry was on one knee. “Would you marry me?” tears couldn’t stop from falling Will was crying not from sadness but from happiness. “Yes,” the other man put the ring on his finger. Is this real? Is it really happening? Those thoughts were cut when the other kissed him. The kiss was gentle filled with love and affection. The couple turned to see his friends “CONGRATULATIONS!” Will felt safe.                                                                                                                                                             In that night, Will didn’t snuggle the pillow he had his Harry between his arm and he could swear he was the happiest man ever. “So now I am Mr. Warner?” he asked looking at the green eyes of his boyfriend “Yes. But I want to have your last name it’s so cool. Mr. Harry Schneider. Everyone will be like are you German? No, my husband is from Deutschland! Wait isn’t it also the last name of Rammstein drummer too?” Harry was a 37 years old man with 6 years mind and he loved it. “Yes pray they don’t think you are married to him” The green-eyed laughed. William loved this laugh. William loved this man.                                                                                                                                                                   21st September 2009. William woke up early went to the hairdresser, made his nails, wore his costume. The time has come. “C’mon Willy you can do it” Brain said to his friend who was rubbing his sweaty hands trying not panic he felt close to crying “Chin up, take a deep breath and let’s go” he did as he was told looking at himself in the mirror for the last time he looked amazing. Walking towards the altar he saw his man smile always on his face black gothic costume he was unbelievable. After the priest's speech “Now I announce you as Husbands. You may kiss each other…”                                                    Opening his eyes he wasn’t home… A hospital… What….Where is Harry…?                                 “Mr. Warner didn’t make it” Will heard the nurse saying to Brian that didn’t notice he was awake.                               21st September 2020. Years passed and William couldn’t forget this day. A drunken truck driver destroyed his life crushing his car in two killing his love and making him live in pain. 11 years passed and it feels like yesterday.

“But then it was too late» Brian finished the story to the therapist and William only wanted to die.

November 18, 2020 20:38

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