Submitted into Contest #88 in response to: Write a cautionary fable about someone who always lies.... view prompt


Fiction Drama Crime

I know you've all heard the story of the boy who cried wolf right? Well this is about the girl who cried bloody murder! The girls name was La'Shay Whitman and ever since a little girl she'd been known to lie through her teeth for different reasons but mostly because she wanted people to think that her life was more exciting than it was. She'd lie to her friends about being related to famous people. She'd say things like "Did you know that Michael Jackson is my uncle"? Or did you know that Mariah Carey's my second cousin"? Some of the kids would be in awe of her stories while most of them thought that she was full of crap. La'Shay would even lie on her siblings to get them in trouble which she got a kick out of making most of them resent her. La'Shay was the youngest of six and was spoiled rotten by her parents which gave her this sense of power and entitlement over everyone. By the time La'Shay became an adult most of her friends and siblings had distance themselves from her but she didn't care just as long as she had her parents to support and believe her. La'Shay was the only one of her siblings still living at home and since her parents were up in age she now had to take of them. By now La'Shay's lying had gotten to a point where nobody believed a word she said not even the police. "Breaking news! An inmate from Jesup correctional facility escaped authorities today and is extremely violent! If you live in the area please stay inside and stay vigilant. And if you see this man please contact the authorities"!

As soon as La'Shay saw the news report of the escaped convict she called up one of her only friends Tania. "Oh my god, Tania I seen him"?!

"Seen who"!? Tania asked. "The guy on the news! You know, the guy that escaped from the prison"!? Tania knew how much La'Shay lied but just to make her feel good she kind of catered to it. "Oh no! Are you serious"!? Tania asked. "Yes! I saw him down the street"! La'Shay said. "Then you should call the police girl"! Tania suggested. "Uh, um, okay. Yeah, I'll call the police"! La'Shay replied before hanging with Tania. "Hello, police"? "911, how can we help you"? The dispatcher said. "Yes I need the police please! I think I saw the escaped prisoner near my house"!? "La'Shay is that you"!? The dispatcher asked. "Um, yes it's me"?

"Are you being serious"?! The dispatcher asked. "Yes, I swear I just saw a man that looked just like him down the street"! La'Shay replied. "Okay, I'll send a car over" she said. Once the police showed up they got La'Shay's story then searched the block. When they saw no sign of the escaped prisoner they questioned other residents on the block and no one else saw anything one or anything suspicious that day. Not even Mr. Butler who had been working outside all day. "I knew that girl was lying. She couldn't even keep her story straight"! One cop said to the other as they got into their cruiser. "Yeah that's the Whitman girl. She's been telling lies all her life"! The other cop replied. Two nights later as La'Shay and her parents slept cozy in their beds a sound of breaking glass disrupted their slumber. "What was that"!? La'Shay asked herself. As she sat up in her bed wondering about the breaking glass she heard the sound again and realized that someone was trying to break in! La'Shay grabbed the phone and dialed 911. "911, how can we help you"? "H, hello, I think someone's trying to break in my house"!? La'Shay nervously said. "La'Shay is that you again"? The dispatcher asked as she rolled her eyes. "Y, ,yeah it's me. I hear someone breaking in downstairs"! She told the dispatcher. "Okay honey. I'm sending a car over right now" the dispatcher said nonchalantly. "P, please hurry"! La'Shay said. "We will hun. Just sit tight".

"Hawkins can you stop over to the Whitman residents. We just got a report of a break-in over there" the dispatcher said. "Are you talking about lying La'Shay"!? Hawkins asked. "Yeah, yeah I know. But just stop by there anyway, thank you"! The dispatcher said. "Yeah I'll get to it"! Hawkins replied but had no intentions on rushing over there. A minute after hanging up the phone La'Shay heard the floor boards creaking downstairs as if someone was creeping across the floor. Now for sure that someone was in her house she dialed 911 again. "911, how m.." "I need the police now! Theirs someone in my house. I can hear them"! La'Shay whisper through the phone. "Honey I sent a car and it should be there any minute" the dispatcher said. "Please hurry"! La'Shay said before hanging up. "Hawkins are you still heading to the Whitman residents"? The dispatcher asked. "Yes Irene, I'm heading there now"! "Please do because she just called back and she sounded serious this time"! The dispatcher said concerned. When Hawkins finally showed up a half an hour later he noticed blood drops on the walk way leading to the open door of the Whitman house! "Irene I'm gonna need back up and an ems at the Whitman house. Theirs blood everywhere"! Hawkins nervously said over his radio. "Police, is anybody here"? Hawkins shouted from the door with his gun drawn. He looked to the floor and saw more blood leading to the stairs so he followed trail which lead to La'Shay's parents bedroom. When Hawkins opened their door the scene was unbearable. Both of La'Shay's parents throats were slit and we're stabbed multiple times. Hawkins then followed another trail of blood that led to La'Shay's bedroom. "Police, is anyone in there"!? Hawkins shouted through the door. When he got no answer he slowly crept through the door and saw La'Shay laying in her bed with her back to him. Hawkins then walked slowly towards her calling her name. "La'Shay? La'Shay are you alright? La'Shay.."? When Hawkins finally made it to her he noticed her eyes open and that she was breathing. "La'Shay it's officer Hawkins. Are you okay"? When she didn't reply he then tried rolling her over and when he did he noticed a butcher knife protruding from her chest and a puddle of blood on her bed. "Oh my god! La'Shay what happened? Who did this"!? Hawkin asked as held her in his arms. And with her last breathe La'Shay whispered to officer Hawkins "I wasn't lying this time"!

April 05, 2021 13:14

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