Bedtime Funny

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Often though I go to bed earlier.sometimes later but for a reason I still only managed a couple hours sleep at night and I end up sitting back on my couch to read a book for usually the rest of the he night make coffee but when feeling sleepy again from reading quiet through the night with my lamp on and when sleepy a bit I either make coffee or just let myself doze a bit on the couch and suddenly I startle awake , look at the time on my wall clock.still night so I get up from couch and make coffee and continue reading the book I started earlier.maybe on secret though the world is going to end soon so comes to think must keep awake after first two hours of sleep and instead just continue to still stay in bed just looking around the darkness I get back up instead and make my coffee and pick out a book of off my shelf to read for the rest of night.ido end up sleepy again after a reading a couple chapters.simetime I lean back on couch to just doze a bit.or if I don't want to go back to sleep again I make another coffee and read . more books into the night .so I often have an early breakfast and just Nap through the day.abs cause me living alone with arthritis so I have some support worker's who drop by each day to see if. Needed any help with cleaning and shopping

As though one time they had been secretly thinking of putting me in a care home for my disability but I. Keep saying time and tu even never leaving my unit without all my books and if they try to I'll just pack up and go find some where on the street to sleep where there would be a few street open library s .and I meant what every word .so now my support leave me be in .my own unit.till my very old age and probably die re reading my very last book.wekl great they woken up about letting me stay on in my own unit which means there always will be my constant waking through night and just readmire books till early Breakfast and napping through the day which my support tried to I set me a bed time routine and I just agree on this but it is lie.i still no matter what time I go to bed I still rise up a couple hours later and make coffee and read a book through the night and by the way I have rows of bookshelf s everywhere in my little housing property unit and all have been stolen from those local open street libraries.one support worker told me I should have to at least donAte some back but refusing to do this by making a fuss that maybe one day in this time of age there might not be any more books around for all the technology coming into the world so therefore must keep all my books for my own future happiness and more late readings and early breakfast and napping through day in between reading. On between night waking s when needed to go for a walk

I often walk up to the local street library to raid for another bag of books through night and sit on a bus shelter and read a bit out there on the bus shelter at through night with a ,$2 coffee from the local petrol station and if near day light I grab a take away breakfast and return home to eat ,have more coffee and sleep back in couch.

Well at least my support worker s dint know about the night walks to the local new street library and sitting on bus shelter.wuth a coff and it isn't very often U go for a night walk often stay through the night in my unit to read till my early breakfast but no and then something just triggers me to take a night walk to the new local street library.dont really know why I sometimes get out of the hour to walk sneaky up there to the local street libary and raid withy bag and stack more book in a big bag of mine and sit out with coffee and read.bot often this happens to me though .I mostly stay in my unit read and make coffee and whan sleepy after an early breakfast I just doze on couch .now later I discovered u sleep more well in my bed through the day . don t know why I can't sleep longer in my bed at night so I don't mind having something startle me out of bed after a couple hours of sleep at night and then sit back in my couch with coffee and a book to read. Well tell me who wants to sleep when you have so many books around to read and do little time out of this world if not for fear of dying then fearing the world could come to end.dont matter of course as long as I have books to occupy me with my kind of insomnia and sleep the the day for thing through an early breakfast I'm still able to sit most of the morning still read and then after I just take a couple sleep tablet s I have prescribed by my GP doctor which would be appropriate to take at night but U usually don't take the sleep tablets at night as I think I read best through the night when it s more quieter and sometimes take the sleep tablets in the morning when and if can't still sleep after my early breakfast..and I sometimes hear neighbour down below from my unit muttering our loud and think she the d woman down below from my unit must be complaining about my night of waking but may I just have this issue wrong as the other old woman down below me also had a mental health issues.

November 11, 2023 23:16

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