Romance LGBTQ+ Drama

It was the night of the reunion of the two friends, it had been two months since their last visit, which was full of smiles and laughter. Unlike that time, this night the two faced each other with a serious expression on their faces. Each one on an opposite side of the hall, where several couples were dancing to a slow song, feeling the melody flow between them in the center. John was alone, with no one at his side, Pietro was accompanied by his fiancée, Vitoria. The woman watched the couples enchanted, waiting for the moment her future husband would call her to dance. Which did not happen.

John, on the other side, stared at his wife, remembering the last time he had seen her. She was even more beautiful, with the red dress hugging her body, showing off her curves. Her beauty drew everyone's attention; it was almost impossible not to sigh for her.

Knowing of her charms, Pietro hurried to have her by his side. Being young, gallant, handsome and rich, it was easy for Victoria to accept him. The two of them together were like a perfect couple that others wanted to reach. 

Just before the music ended, Pedro took his future wife's hand and walked towards his friend. Making his way through the dancing crowd. The couple stopped by John's side, quickly greeting the young man. Peter gave him a warm handshake. Then John greeted the woman next to his friend, with a forced smile on his lips. The couple didn't seem to notice.

- Congratulations on the engagement, my friend," John tried to sound as sincere as possible.

- Thank you, that means a lot coming from you," he replied happily.

- How are you, Victoria? John asked, leaving Pietro with a confused smile on his lips.

- I'm doing well, even better knowing that I'll have the most gentlemanly of men by my side," she smiled, squeezing her fiancé's hand.

- You two know each other?- Pietro asked, with an arched eyebrow

- It is impossible not to know the most beautiful woman in this city - Victoria, even knowing her beauty, did not know how to react to compliments, just smiled shyly - It's been only a few months since we met by chance at a friend's dinner - she explained

- I see. 

- Your friend is a gentleman, dear - the woman commented gently

- You are lucky to have her as a bride, Pietro. Treat her as a lady truly deserves.

Pietro looked at his friend, and with a broad smile on his lips, he told her:

- I will go, I will be happy by her side, and I will make her feel special every moment with me.

He smiled at the woman beside him, who smiled kindly and proudly at the words that had been spoken.

Victoria felt someone touch her wrist. It was her brother. The young man greeted the two men beside his sister and then whispered something in her ear.

- Excuse me for a minute," he asked. The men gave in.

Victoria said goodbye to John and Pietro, then walked away. The two men followed her with their eyes, until she stopped next to her family.

- How do you know you love her?" John asked, causing his friend to stare at him.

- Ever since I saw her, it was like love at first sight. John," he called seriously, "what we experienced was just a mistake. Don't take it so seriously. It was summer fun

- Of course - John found himself smiling again that night - I'm glad you've found someone - those words were genuine. He wanted Pietro to be happy, even if it wasn't with him.

- I hope you find someone too, my friend. He touched John's arm lightly, said goodbye with a smile, and went to meet his fiancée. 

Pietro didn't know it, but that would be the last time he would see John, and it would be the last sentence he would ever say to his friend. He planned to leave town, he didn't want to suffer every time his friend called him out. In fact, John didn't want to have to go to his friend's wedding, to see his beloved with someone else. As much as he was happy for him, his heart was broken.

John remained in that same place for a few more minutes, watching his beloved leave. He couldn't be weak, even more so there, where many people were, but he felt something coming down his face. A tear, which he quickly wiped with the back of his hand. That tear expressed all the sadness the young man felt that night.

That was the last time John had seen Pietro. He never returned to that town after that. He heard from others that his friend was looking for him, yet he never returned. 

Even today, memories of that night easily return to John's mind. Even though several years have passed, that phrase always comes back, "A summer's fun." That what he was, and nothing more. His heart still ached.

His own mind made him sad every time it brought that memory or any other back to him. John was grateful, and he felt happy for the good moments of that summer. And as much as he loved every moment, every touch, every kiss of the forbidden nights of love with his best friend, he forced himself to forget, for all those years. And the more he tried, the stronger the memories came back to him.

John has formed a family, lives happily and happily with his wife and children in a place far away from the town where his summer romance lives. He is a loving father, a kind husband, proud of what he has built, but even though he loves his wife, such love cannot compare to what he experienced that summer of fun with Pietro. The summer that gave him an intense love, that would explode his heart with its feelings, was the same summer that made his heart break into several pieces. There were only a few days for the infinity of feelings.

Looking out the window of his house, drinking coffee with a book in his hand, John smiled. Realizing that forcing himself to throw something away that is stuck like this is in vain. Feelings are eternal, you don't command your heart, you just live with it, accepting little by little what's past, until it's just past.

Notes: Sorry, English is not my native language

June 23, 2021 21:35

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