Science Fiction

I am in the future, and I have been for three years. Every day seems like it repeats ever since I have been here the first day just replays all day every day. I have a device it is to travel back home. Back to be with my family, back to where they have newspaper back when we were I know it sounds funny, but to when we were wearing masks because of Corona Virus. I have never intended on using it, but today is my daughter’s 18th birthday it’s a big milestone. I want to be there to celebrate with her. Suddenly I hear a knock on the door, so I do what every good person does I turn off the lights and hide. You never know what is on the other side of that door. 

“Benjamin I know you are home,” said Audrey.

“Sorry, you know how I get when people arrive,” I said when I was inviting her in. You see I have a thing for Audrey, but I do not think she likes me back.

“So babe… I mean Benjamin,” Audrey stuttered while she blushed. 

“I like you! Oh my, segway! I am so sorry it just sorta kinda just sorta ca…”

“No need to apologize I like you that is why I came over I wanted to invite you to dinner to meet my parents”.

“I would love to go,” I replied. 

I instantly knew what that meant. In this town slow is not a word in relationships. When you meet the parents that means you better propose soon. So I left the pod I lived in and ventured out into the world. This was my first time out of the pod since I got here. I get on the public monorail to the nearest jewelry store. I found a ring and it was just her size. I proposed that night she said yes. We got married the next week, and as a wedding gift, a stranger sent me a piece that looks like the missing part. I read the card it said, “ To help you get home”. It was signed Annonymous. 

Five years went by and every day I kept it in the box and put it in the closet that no one ever looks in. I was the only one who ever went in that closet. No one knew that I had a secret lab within. I worked and worked on the device trying to find out what it is. The mail robot came by and dropped off a letter, I thought getting a letter in 2020 was rare. When I got here letters were a thing no one ever heard of. Anyways, the letter read, “You have to use the device you need to get home to your family they miss you.” 

Today would have been my youngest's first day of senior year. My oldest by now is probably married and has children. My wife is probably struggling to support the family. I was the most famous singer in town until the new microphones and speakers came out it scared me so much I had to quit.

“Benjamin, I hear you singing,” Audrey exclaimed, “ I thought we agreed on no singing in the shower?”

“Sorry, I just love it so much.”

“Babe if you are gonna sing at least come serenade me.”

“I guess, can I at least finish my shower?”

“I mean, sure.”

I finished my shower, and went out to the living room I went to go turn on the record player, but there was no record player to be found. Then I remembered record players do not exist anymore. I ask my wife to turn on my favorite song, she does and I sang my heart away.

“You sound exactly like this famous singer named Benjamin F.”

“That is a little weird I guess maybe in another life I might have been him.”

“You are so funny,” while she let out a chuckle.

Four more years go by. My wife and I would have celebrated 25 years of marriage today. I just want one more kiss. In other news, I learned how to use the device there is a secret button on the side that I push. But I am not going to use it. I am scared I do not want to leave. I don’t want to leave Audrey or the two kids we just had together. River and Oceane are twins a boy and a girl. I want to go home and see my other children, my real children. 

I went out today they mentioned something about a war called WWIII. A person came up to me and told me I would make an awesome grandfather one day. I did not think anything of it. I went to bed that night, I had a dream about my family they were frozen in time. I still do not know how to feel about the device, I held it in my hand and I almost hit the button. Before I could hit the button I heard my name being yelled. The closet door was opened they had found me. I closed my eyes and clicked my heels three times wishing to go home, but it did not happen. They came in and found me with the button in my clasp. My wife stared at me shocked and then told me to come to eat dinner. 

I always wondered why my family disappeared at night, and then I saw them going out the door and downtown to a robot charging station. What the iPhone! I married a robot, my children are robots. I went home and found a person standing in my house or should I say robot in my house. At this point, I do not even know who is real and who is robotic. 

“Listen I know you do not know me, but you will soon enough.”

“Who are you why are you in my house?”

“I cannot tell you or will not take my advice for what it is, but for who I am.”

“Well, can you at least tell me why you are here?”

“You need to use the device tonight or your family is gonna trap you here.”

“ I am in love with Audrey I cannot leave her and what about River and Oceane? How do you know about the device?”

“ I am the one who sent you the missing piece.” The lady said while walking out the door. 

I stayed up all night with the button in my clutch. Pacing up and down the hallway is what I did for three hours straight. I heard the door open I heard footsteps coming into the threshold. My wife started speaking to the twins I could not quite hear what they were talking about. I debated on pushing the button. Soon enough the footsteps were coming closer and closer.

I remembered what the lady said about being trapped here. Suddenly my kids jumped on top of me and tried taking the device from me. I pushed it the room started spinning and all in a moment I was home. My family my real family was surrounding me while I lied on the floor asking if I was okay. Not a moment in time had passed I did not miss a single thing. What the iPhone happened?

February 25, 2021 16:17

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