The Monsters Reign

Submitted into Contest #65 in response to: Write about a group of witches meeting up on Halloween night.... view prompt

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Fiction Holiday Suspense

“Everyone here?” asked a pretty woman with long red hair and perfect straight teeth with piercing red eyes. “I don’t want to be missing anyone.”

“Everyone's here Cassandra high witch, just like you said.” piped up a rather skinny looking woman with greenish skin, webs in her hair, and yellow uneven teeth.

“Perfect.” smiled Cassandra. “I was beginning to think everyone was too scared to come since it is Halloween.” She glanced up at the sky. The moon was shaped like a round ball giving off a yellowish color. “It’s time.” She said as a group of bats flew by.

Cassandra climbed up a rather old looking stage that was about to crumble any second. As Cassendra stood in the middle of the stage, she smiled at the few witches down in the audience.

“Witches of Ireland!”She bellowed. “You have been forced into hiding by these humans. You have let humans take your land and your property! How dare you? How dare you not fight?”

At this a few witches bowed their heads. “But Cassendra, we couldn’t do anything, we-” began a fat looking witch who never got the chance to finish her sentence because right then and their Cassandra took a long pointed twisted stick and pointed it at the fat witch who disappeared.

“Never ever show weakness. Those who show weakness will be a shame for all witches. Now, as it's halloween, it's the perfect time to take over those disgusting humans. I have contacted a few others to join our army.”

Only then did the witches in the stand notice that behind them was standing about three dozen zombies with broken legs and arms, ghosts who looked almost invisible, ghouls looking almost demon like, and short goblins with crooked nose and twisted smiles. 

“Now that everyone is here, it is time to fight and to take what the humans took from us! Muahahaha! Now rise my army! Go!” She shrieked as everyone quickly fled.

Zombies went underground, the witches flew off into the night, the ghosts disappeared, and the ghouls let out an ear splitting scream before dissolving into air.

“MU HAHAHA” laughed the grand witch who got on her broom and sped off into the night.

Chapter 2

“Mommy please?” Cried a girl who was hysterically sobbing. “Please, I want to go trick or treating!” demanded the girl with curly blonde hair.

“Fine!” sighed her mother as she handed over the girls basket.

Yay! said the little girl, opening the door and jumping off the porch step. 

“Be careful will you Maddie?”  Called her mother but the little girl did not hear her as she was running to her friends in her ballerina costume.

As the group of girls began walking down Pillmey Street in silence, one of the girls broke the silence. 

“I have an idea,” she said. “Let’s separate and in one hour meet back here to see who has the most candy.” All of the girls agreed.

“Ready, set,... go!!”  They all shouted as they ran in different directions. 

Maddie wanted to be the winner so she began running, knocking on each door shouting, “trick or treat!”

After about 45 minutes, Maddie had filled about 2 bags. She checked her watch. She had about 15 minutes left. That’s enough time to fill up a third bag she thought. She was about to go down a different street when she realized she already had been to all the houses in this street. With 13 minutes left, Maddie, desperate to get more candy, raced down Crow Street, a street she had never been down before because of the rumors of the witch or witches that live here. 

As Maddie walked down Crow Street, all of a sudden, she thought she saw something out of the corner of her eye but when she turned around there was nothing there except a black cat.

“Kitty!” Said Maddie as she held out a toffee to the cat. The black cat hissed as it ran away. Maddie followed the cat to see where it had gone. The cat went through some green bushes. As Maddie followed the black cat, she saw the cat run to a tall and slender woman with red hair and straight white teeth. As Maddie gazed through the bushes she saw the slender woman was talking to some crouched figure but Maddie couldn’t see who it was.

She edged a bit closer.

“No, no! We are taking over tonight! No more waiting!” Maddie could see the tall woman say.

“But - Cassandra.. don’t you think it would be better if you  witches waited until you recruited more witches and zombies?” asked the hunched over figure.

Maddie let out a sudden gasp as she clamped her hand to her mouth.

The woman suddenly looked in Maddie’s direction. Maddie saw the woman had red eyes. Maddie wanted to scream but she couldn’t. 

“Spies!” The woman shrieked. “Come out!!” She bellowed.

At that moment, Maddie bolted down the street not looking back. She could hear angry voices behind her. Maddie ran and ran. She didn’t stop until she reached home.

“Maddie, you're home early!” Called her mother in surprise. 

“Yeah, I - I just  forgot something.” Said Maddie trying to hide the panic in her voice.

Maddie ran up the stairs to her room and closed the door quickly before her mother could ask any more questions.

Maddie took in a deep breath as she ran over the window and peered outside. She almost screamed because in the sky she saw witches with black pointed hats and wooden broomsticks flying around and zombies and ghouls grabbing on to peoples ankles and poking them.

I have to stop this! Thought Maddie. As she laid down on her bed, she had a sudden idea. Maddie quickly changed her costume and put on a black cloak. She added some webs and makeup in her hair. Then Maddie bolted downstairs and out the door leaving her puzzled mother at home. 

Maddie ran into the nearest bushes, just to make sure she wasn't followed. Then as she came out, she saw a zombie waiting for her.

“Are you Cassnedra’s witch asked the zombie?” Maddie nodded and acted as though she was an actual witch.

“I know you're not. You're that child! But don’t worry, I won’t tell. I know what you’re trying to do and I’ll help!”

“You will?” Asked Maddie surprised.

The zombie nodded.  

After poking around, with the help of the zombie, Maddie was surprised to discover that many of the witches, ghouls, zombies, and goblins had been trying to overtake their masters for years. When they discovered that Maddie was doing the same, they all agreed to help.

One witch gave Maddie her magic hat which contained all the magic Maddie would need to defeat the grand high witch.

After recruiting about 100 ghouls, goblins, witches, and zombies, they all went back to the stage where they found Cassendra high witch waiting for them.

How was everyone? She said smiling.

Not giving anything away they all said Good!!

Excellent! Said the grand high witch. She began looking at the faces in the audience.

Then after a while, Maddie could feel the Grand High witch staring at her. All of a sudden, Cassandra suddenly yelled “you!” as she pointed at Maddie. “You-you’re that spy!! Come up here this instant.”

Maddie came up on stage and said as Cassandra was about to raise her wand Maddie shot a disarming spell at her.

What? Said the grand high witch as her wand flew high in the air and was caught by a plump looking witch who broke it in half.

“Traitors!” Shrieked Cassandra who suddenly disappeared as the witches closed in around her.

Everyone yelped back in surprise.

“Where is she now?” asked Maddie.

“She used a basic witch spell and disappeared. Let's all hope that she doesn’t return.” Said the same plump witch who broke Cassandra’s wand. 

 Maddie was about to go when the plump witch said, “We owe it all to you. You freed our souls. We, like you, once dressed up for halloween as ghosts and witches. Then we met Cassandra who took over our souls and turned us into witches and ghouls. Now I can finally- mmf- take this-ugh makeup off!” She said she rubbed her face. 

Maddie headed home feeling tired. She dragged her bags of candy behind her. Maddie looked at her watch. It was 11:00. Mom was not going to be happy, thought Maddie.

As she entered her house, her mother rushed towards her and flung her arms around Maddie. “Oh Maddie! I was so worried! Are you okay? Are you hurt? You look exhausted!” She cried.

“Mom! Get-off-me-can’t-breathe!” Maddie said, gasping for air under her mother's hug.

Finally she let go. “Did you have fun with your friends?” Asked her mother.

“Oh yes, lots of fun.” Said Maddie with a glint in her eyes as she went over to the table and dumped the bags of candy on to the table.

October 30, 2020 20:12

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1 comment

Lisa Segale
23:47 Nov 05, 2020

I love Maddie's versatility, one minute she is trick or treating, and the next she is trying to save everyone. I enjoyed your story.


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