
If you're anything like me, spending hours in a loud environment filled with acquaintances, isn't the ideal way to bring in the new year. Especially when you vowed that this year would be different. When I got the email to the annual work new years eve party, needless to say I was a little apprehensive. Its not that I had anything better to do, but how am I to make 2020 a special year if I stick to the status quo? All day at work was filled with questions and discussions about this party. What are you wearing? Who are you bringing? Was all that I heard all day. I didn't know the answer to those questions and really didn't want anyone to ask me. I put my headphones on and acted as busy as I could. I tried to come up with some excuse as to why I couldn't go, but as usual nothing came up. 

I admitted defeat and decided that this party sounds better than being alone all night. I tentatively hit yes on the invite and got back to ignoring the world around me, hoping no one would notice. The clock finally struck 3 and I rushed out of the office, in the most discreet manner. I rushed home, changed from my work black leggings into a slightly nicer pair of black leggings saved for special occasions. I reached into the back of my closet for my one "nice" shirt, it was black with a few sparkles around the collar. I threw it on, curled my hair, and put on some black booties. I spent the rest of the evening trying to work up the courage to skip the party, but to no avail. I didn't want to be alone, even if the alternative was a crappy party.

With a sigh I headed to the bar where I'd soon meet up with 50 of my closest coworkers. As I pulled up to the club, I could already hear the bass of some early 2000's hit blaring. I sheepishly walked in to find the usual crowd, yelling over the music with a drink in hand, dancing with the skills of an 8th grader. There was something different though. I couldn't quite figure it out.

I started to walk towards the table of free food and drinks, where I usually set up shop for the night. On my way over there, out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone who I didn't immediately recognize. He waved in my direction, but I had a mission to eat free food and meet as few people as possible. He couldn't be trying to get my attention, so I moved on without a second thought.

Seconds later I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned to see him. He was so handsome I was awestruck. I could barely squeak out a hi? He asked if we had met before, and a just shook my head. My mind was racing, get it together use words! I took a deep breath and spoke much too rapidly, yet he understood me. My name is Monica, I work in accounting. Whats your name? I swooned as his voice was something out of a fairy tale. He said his name was John. I was lost in his blue eyes. 

We started talking and it turns out he is a transfer from the UK. As you can imagine the accent only added to the charm. The chemistry between us was off the charts. We talked for hours as we watched the ball drop on tv. All the drama the chaos and craziness of the rest of the day faded away. It was almost midnight and everyone gathered around the tvs to watch the balldrop. 

I was so caught up that all I could see was John. The countdown started and we exchanged soulful glances. Maybe this year will be different. We exchanged a sweet and innocent kiss as the clock struck midnight. The bar crowd solely dissipated, but John and I were inseparable. The bar was closing, chairs were being put away around us, but we could not stop our conversation. We were meant to be together, and our anniversary would be the 1st of the year, how romantic!

I immediately started fantasizing about our wedding, future anniversaries, holidays you name it. I was head over heels in love. I knew that 2020 was going to be something special and this was the start. We exchanged phone numbers and both went our separate ways. It was 2 o'clock, the bar closed and neither of us was bold enough to keep the night going. 

I got home and texted everyone I know about John, detailing every moment and all my future plans with him. I fell asleep with John in my mind, I dreamed about him. I woke up and texted him and went off to work. He wasn't there, I thought nothing of it and did work as usual. When I got home I called him, no answer. I started to get a little bit worried, but it wouldn't be the first time I scared a man off. I just thought John was different. Every day for weeks I sent him a message, no answer. At this time I had all but given up. I wasn't going to let him disappear on me.

I went into work during this time as usual. I finally got enough courage to ask HR if they knew anything about John.No one else had any idea and I needed closure. Their tone shifted as they asked me to take a seat. I knew it had to be something bad.

It turns out the John had stage 4 cancer, had only been given a couple weeks to live. He didn't expect to make it to new years eve When he did he seized the moment and fell in love with Monica. He couldn't bare to tell her, as he didn't want her to worry. He went on medical leave January 1st and peacefully passed away that evening. Monica was in shock, but so thrilled to have met John while he was on this earth. 


A month later the ceremony was held and Monica spoke a powerful eulogy about new years eve night. 2020 did turn out to be a different year for her. She finally embraced the temporary aspect of life. She quit her soul sucking job and went on to establish a charity in John's honor, working their full time she never felt happier. Monica started to embrace the motto of seize the day, and continued to live a life that John would be proud of. 2020 wasn't the fairy tale romance year she dreamed of, but ended up with something better. 

December 31, 2019 17:48

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