"What time is it?" I ask myself this out loud. My entire dwarven body felt like it was in a pile of rubble but instead, it was just me being sleep fatigue inside a tent. I was lying on my bedroll and noticed the familiar things around me.
Next to me was nothing too special. Just my drawer I put all of my clothes in. It was a simple four tile drawer that isn't too tall nor too short for my stature. On top of it, was an unlit candle within a holder and curled handle.
Across my tent area were souvenirs from across the world with my beloved band. So many trinkets from various places we have been traveling through. I can't count how much stuff was there on my desk, let alone my other personal stuff.
Cause from the other side of my desk, were my four personal drums of different sizes. Both my long tabor and bass drum were placed off the side of my desk, considering how big they were. However, my bango and snare drums were stationary along the surface of the desk. You can say I was really into percussion, especially considering I'm the Bard of the group.
Outside of my tent, I heard obnoxious laughter. Our flutist and muscle of the party, Vahan, was probably morning drinking again. Some old habits never die, I guess. At least, he was a good drunk and not an asshole. Well, only when he wants to be. But you're gonna love him, especially with the many times he saves your life. Vahan has a good conscience.
In fact, all of the band members, including I, have such a virtue. Thus why we get invited to numerous events that it's often hard to keep track of. With Vahan out and about, that will only mean the rest of the crew were about to get up.
I was mistakenly wrong cause after Vahan's signature laugh, I heard the rest of the crew laughing along with him. That would mean our lutist Eleos said a joke to the group. While the slender man was often silent and one with a few words, he can sure a jokester when he wanted to be. Among the laughter, I can hear women giggling among with the gentlemen. Which also means our lead singer Flavia and harpist Moina were awake as well.
I must have overslept or something but that's a given and I'm 100% positive once I step out of my tent, my crew will poke fun of it. So instead of me, just listening to the voices of my band, I decided I should face the music. I got up from my bedroll, and change my attire from my sleepwear to one of my casual clothing all gathered in my 3rd tile drawer next to my bedside. It was just a plain white cotton linen shirt along with some brown trousers all fit to my size. I next brush my teeth and comb my declite hair. A Bard has to look good, even on his worst days. By which, today I felt it wasn't going to be the case, but you never know.
After gathering myself, I eventually ventured out of my tent and step into the camp where my band were all looked at me. From my left, Vahan had his right foot on a sitting tree stump leaning it with his drink in his left hand. Next to him, was Moina sitting on a long log among with Flavia next to her. There was even a blanket laid out for the ladies to sit on the log. Must be Eleos's work. Speaking of Eleos, he was just casually leaning on a tent post where him and Flavia rest. The two of them were the power couple of the Fanjesters so of course they had a tent all for themselves.
As they were all staring at me, I couldn't help but go jokingly: "You all up early."
Vahan was the first one to speak as he at first laughs at my remark and then replies: "Says the one who overslept for the 100th time."
"A dwarf needs his sleep," I said with a grand smile.
"Yeah, a sleep that's fit for a sleeping beauty," Eleso chimes in.
"You got that right! Haha!" Vahan responded before he laughed.
"Our dear Jorfrikin is a professional Bard so oversleeping does check out," joked Moina with a smile.
"I can second that," agreed Flavia.
The two ladies giggled there while the other two gentlemen laughed heartily.
Meanwhile, I shook my head but my face had a grand smile nevertheless. Even if we poke fun out of each other, we were still family and loved ones.
Eventually I go: "Well, at least I don't go morning drinking."
Vahan chuckled before replying: "Don't change the subject, Mr. Kinimee!"
"How many is that now?" asked Eleso taking the bait.
Vahan took a moment to look at his cup as he actually thought about it without even occurring in his mindset. "Let's see, I had one two hours ago, another one after thirty minutes, a 3rd twenty minutes later. I'll say five so far," he said it proudfully just an achievement.
"You might want to slow down on your drinking, Vahan," Moina noted.
"Don't sweat, my dear," Vahan waving out the suggestion. "It's only light anyways. It would take a lot more out of me, considering my ginormous size."
Vahan does make a good point. For after knowing him for so long, we have known him a half-giant. And if you were to ever meet such a fascinating race, you can understand where Vahan was coming from. Giants can really hold their liquor.
However, instead of us acknowledging it, I had to poke more fun out of good Vahan. My joke went like: "Which would explain that ginormous head of yours."
Everyone except Vahan laughed after my comment. Fortunately, our beloved half-giant didn't take it seriously so he instead replied afterwards: "Nice play, dwarf, nice play."
"That's Jorfrikin Kinimee for you. Always get the last laugh," smiled Eleso.
"Right you are, my love," concurred Flavia. She then continued on by saying: "Now, since we are all up and awake fully, we must discuss our next tour."
As we were about to talk about our next band's outing, something in the back of my head was stirring within me. It felt like was missing something. Something extremely important. Sure, my Fanjesters, were very important to me, but there was something else that I simply can't pin it.
"Our next tour will be at the country of..." Flavia went as my mind was still trying to comprehend what was missing here. Did I forget something in my tent? Or was there something, like one of my drums, I needed to trink on?
Apparently my face can speak a lot of words that Flavia even stopped what she was saying and called my name. "Jorfy, are you okay?"
I didn't speak at first cause my mind was still doing flips mentally. Whatever it was, I hope I didn't start having dementia. That would be really bad considering I was too young to have one! I'm only 150 years old, which is 30 in human years for those wondering.
I felt my body shaking me as both Vahan and Eleso happen to do so. Eleso was gently shaking me on my right shoulder, while Vahan was roughly shaking me on my left.
Eventually, I was back to them and I looked around and saw them with concerning faces. Both Eleso and Vahan were by my sides, while the ladies were standing within arm's length. I couldn't help but get a bit teary eyed seeing them like this. They were awfully worried about me.
"Are you okay, my friend?" asked Eleso.
I replied with a slight nod: "Yes, thank you, I am. What happened?"
"You were in some kind of terrance. I almost looked like you were having a seizure," Flavia explained.
"I don't know what came over me, but my mind felt like it was missing something," I said honestly.
"Well, we are here," said Moina with reassurance. "Whatever, you are missing, we will help you find it."
"I second with Moina," chimed in Vahan. "Now, what's this thing you are missing exactly."
"That's the thing. I honestly don't know. I can't comprehend what it is exactly."
"Let's have you sit," Flavia suggested. "Vahan, if you please."
Our dependable half-giant grabbed one of the logs that were stacked off to the area of the campsite and placed one behind me. After doing so, both him and Eleso spotted me while I sat down on the log.
"Now, let's get him some water," mentioned Flavia.
Moina wasted no time to fetch me some water as she sprint to gather some from one of our barrels. She quickly grabbed a cup from the side table and filled water in it. Once she obtained the water, she returned back and give me the water there.
I drinked the water with ease. It honestly felt good drinking such a cold one, especially when you felt like your mouth was on fire.
"Let's give him some space," noted Flavia.
Everyone stepped back but were still watching over me, just in case. I looked at each of my band members and gave them a nodding smile. They all replied with slight smiles while watching over me like a parent would with their infant. I drink more of my water as I continue sitting there on a dry log. After my second dose of good quality liquid, my mind was doing it's flips again!
But this time, instead of me having a no comprehend, I started seeing images. Images of a beautiful lady dwarf, a pair of two adorable children and an entirely different setting. We were living in a world that was a bit advanced, compared to Rissindell accustoms. I could see steam coming from numerous buildings and ships that were up in the air!? How was that even possible?
The two kids (one boy and one girl) were playing out in the backyard, while the woman and I were sitting on the porch watching them play tag. The beaut laid her head on my left shoulder, which made me feel like the touch for some apparent reason.
Who was this gorgeous woman next to me and are these our children?
The two kids came up to me without me even knowing their presence. They playfully tackled me, which also made me feel the impact of them doing so. Again, weird! The two kids looked at me with those puppy dog eyes and told me: "We love you, daddy." For some apparent reason, I could feel my tears given from my eyes.
I turned my head to the woman next to me and she even said: "We all love you, Jorfy. I hope you know that." Before I could even say or do anything, they disappeared out of thin air.
In front of my vision now was my concerned band as they hooved over me. Apparently I fell off the log at some point.
"Jorfy, are you okay?" Flavia asked.
"Do you need some water?" Moina asked.
"How about some tea?" Eleso asked.
"Come back to us, buddy!" demanded calmly Vahan.
I sat up but slowly as both Vahan and Eleso spotted me. Eventually I replied to all of their concerns: "Yeah, I should be fine. Water would be good, plus the tea."
Without hesitation, both Moina and Eleso grabbed the drinks Jorfrikin requested. Meanwhile Flavia and Vahan stay put. After getting water from Moina, I drunk the water slowly as my mouth was coming back to me. Eleso brew the tea over the campfire and while we wait, he came by my side to check up on me. "You will be alright?" our reliable lutist asked.
"Yes, thank you El. I appreciated it. In fact, I appreciate all of you."
"Don't mentioned cause we know you would do the same for us, good lad," responded the half-giant.
"I agree with Vahan on that," agreed Moina.
"The same can be said me," second Flavia.
"You already know my answer," third Eleso.
"You are all the best," I smiled.
"So what happened?" asked our Vahan, getting to the point.
"I think I found what I have been missing this whole time," I replied while taking another drink of my water.
"What is that's missing, darling?" asked Moina.
I finally my drink and replied to our harpist: "I'm missing my family."
"But we are your family," noted the half-giant.
"Yes, big guy. You are all my family. However, I have a wife and two kids. Somehow, we must have gotten separated. Not to mention, that things looked quite different. Like everything was a bit advanced."
"That's interesting. A bit advanced to our daily accustomed," Eleos pointed out while thinking there. "I wonder what that would be."
"But how's that even possible?" asked Vahan. "You've been with us this entire time and you have never mentioned having a wife or children."
"I know, but somehow, I just know I have a family somewhere out there."
"You must have been dreaming about this," mentioned Moina.
"I thought so too but anytime, they made contact, I could feel them as if I was there with them," I explained.
"Some dreams would do that, you know," noted Flavia.
"Yes, but I feel like I know them personally. Like I know their actual names."
"What are their names, little lad? asked Vahan.
"Aimee is my wife while both Hilda and Litick are my children."
"I can't say I know those names," replied the lutist.
"Me either," responded the lead singer.
"This has been quite a predicament," Moina pointed out.
"Sounds like the Dark Wizard is at play," mentioned Vahan with his strong arms crossed.
"That's a possibility. But why would Noa Vens even bother giving any of us bad dreams to start with?" Flavia pointed. "Let alone Jorfy here. Ain't like Noa has a grudge on anyone. Him and this class of dark mages keep to themselves."
"That's for sure," agreed the fluist. "Is there anything else?"
"Not that I know of. It honestly feels like I'm in a different universe."
"Yeah, especially since you have mentioned that it was a bit more advanced compared to this lifestyle. I think our best bet is for us to rely on a light mage," suggested Flavia.
"It sure sounds like it," agreed Eleso.
"Where is the closest one?" asked the half-giant.
Moina thought about it and mentions shortly: "From where we are, the closest should be at the Southern Kingdom of Rissindell. I know there are a few gathered around there with King Elijah and Queen Teresa."
Just after discussing our next destination, the tea kettle whistled while letting out some steam. Of course, that steam let me think about what a different world I was seeing. I still can't comprehend how the ships were floating in the air. That's going to be bugging me as much as figuring out who these people I'm imagining.
"I think we should have some tea before we head out," suggested Flavia.
All of us agreed as not only do I get my own cup of tea, but so do everyone else. We all drink our tea in silence as we listen to the surprisingly calm sounds of the Howling Woods. These woods were given the name as such considering as how loud it is. Guess, the wolves are taking a nap or are oversleeping too. As I listened to the sounds of the landscape, I couldn't help but think of my families. The one before me and the one I'm seeing out of thin air. I needed answers, and the five of us hoped that one of the light mages from the Southern Kingdom of Rissindell might be able to help me with this current predicament.
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