A Journey in Brotherhood

Submitted into Contest #205 in response to: Make your protagonist go through a rite of passage.... view prompt


Adventure Drama Suspense

Leaning back against the damp tombstone, Steven knew he had made a terrible mistake. It was getting late, too late to change his mind now. The full moon shown bright enough to light the entire cemetery. Dark shadows lined the perimeter and cloaked whatever was hiding in the trees. Tombstones of all shapes and sizes cast long shadows carving out black holes in the white light.

Steven leaned his head back against the stone and felt the cool dew soak into his hair. It didn’t matter much; he was already sweating from most of his pores anyway. John had left him an hour ago, and he would be back soon to make sure Steven was keeping his end of the deal.

It was May 4th, 1974, and after tonight he would pass the final stage of initiation. He would finally be a member of the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity. Already having been through a week of hazing he managed to come out alive. He’d gained some bruises and lost some dignity along with a few pounds of fat, not to mention a left eyebrow, but this? This wasn’t something he expected. This wasn’t what he signed up for.

Starring into the open grave below, he could barely make out the casket laying in the shadows. His casket. Yes, this was the final test. He was to spend the night in this casket with the lid closed. Simple enough, but the thought of climbing down into that grave had his stomach in knots.

Wishing now he would have lied on the application, they had asked his greatest fears, and he wrote death and tight spaces. But the truth was he had an even greater fear, and that was living his life without Katelyn Hawthorn. He made a promise that he would give his all to join this prestigious Fraternity. She had made it clear that he was enough just the way he was, but convincing her Father of that was another story entirely. Alpha Tau Omega had been her Father’s pride and joy, and joining would be a giant step forward to gaining his approval.

He tightened his hands around the Polaroid camera John had given him. He was supposed to take periodic photos of the inside to prove he was indeed in the casket all night. The thought had come to snap some photos and exit but he knew the Brothers would be checking in, and adding any number of additional horrors to his experience.

Light flashed through the trees along the road. The Brothers were coming. His heart sank.

I could run.

The thought had been there from the beginning, and Campus was less than a mile away, but he knew it wouldn’t take long for word to spread to Mr. Hawthorn. Especially since his son Robert was secretary of the Fraternity. It was no secret that Robert hated his guts. He considered Steven a pathetic loser that didn’t deserve to come close to his sister, let alone enter the Brotherhood. In fact he had fought it with all his powers, but John the president had final say and had granted Steven the green light for initiation.

6 figures followed behind a single flashlight and were quickly approaching his grave on the hill. Steven glanced back to the woods still entertaining the idea of escape. Trying to stay a quiet as possible, he could almost hear his pulse picking up speed. Rapid breath prevented him from closing his mouth. A line of sweat ran down from his forehead and into his mouth giving him a fresh taste of salt.

Steven took one deep breath and lowered himself down into the hole. The lid was already opened and leaned against the wall of dirt to one side. He laid his head down into the casket and with a thud closed the lid down on top of himself. The world went dark. His eyes had already adjusted to the moonlight but the casket was another level of darkness. Directly above his face was a 4 inch circular hole cut out of the lid. He led out a sigh of relief, knowing that at least he could see out.

Steven held the Polaroid strapped around his neck, and he quickly snapped a picture. In an instant blazing white light filled the casket with the familiar sound of the camera motor sending the photo through the slot. The casket was empty of all the pillowy wall coverings he expected to see giving him a few more inches to move around. He pulled the photo from the slot and laid it down at his side.

The flashlight shined onto the walls of the grave as the Brothers approached. The light shown brighter until in flooded into the grave and lit up the casket. The light caused Steven to squint and bring his hand up to his face.

“Steven, OH Steeevieee, are you still alive in there?”

Robert.. Of course it was, who else would they send to checkup on him, Robert and his goons.

“Do you need anything? Just let us know when you want out. All you have to do is ask!”

Mad laughter filled the air in the cemetery. Steven knew better than to respond, he didn’t need any further problems. The way Robert was toying with him was evident that the frat Brothers already had too much to drink.

“Stevie, why don’t come up here and have a few drinks with us? No one has to know.”

Robert took a swig of beer and tipped his can over the hole. Steven watched in horror as a stream of golden ale poured through the casket hole directly into his face. The beer instantly foamed up into his nose and eyes. Sputtering and coughing Steven feverishly rubbed at his eyes. Laughter roared into the night while Robert held onto a devilish grin. The crew cackled and mocked like a pack of hyenas closing in on its prey.

Roberts grin turned down into a wicked scowl.

“You actually think that you have a chance to join the Brotherhood!?”

The Brothers went quiet.

Roberts face went red with his mouth foaming.

“You think you have a chance at finally impressing Katelyn!? You better think about impressing me first! Me! Katelyn will never love you!”

Anger raged up through Steven’s chest at the mention of his true love. Heat instantly ran up into his face.

“I already told John that we found you running down the road crying like a scared little girl!”

The Brothers went quiet, even they were surprised at this new development. Their eyes flashed to each other. This lie would imply that Steven had already failed the test, even before it started.

Robert turned the flashlight and glared at each one testing for their loyalty. One by one they each avoided his eyes.

It also meant each one could be required to testify falsely against Steven In front of the Grand Council. If any one of them didn’t follow along they could all be at risk of expulsion. Betrayal of the brethren was treason. But then again, Steven wasn’t technically a Brother, yet.

Satisfied, he knew his followers would all be loyal to him.

Steven knew now that any hope of success was lost. Robert had already reported his failure, and he was nothing but a trapped animal waiting to be abused. A second wave of hot anger coursed through his veins. He flung open the casket with lightning speed.

White light flashed back at Robert’s eyes. Too stunned to react, Steven was already out of his casket and lunging up at him. Before the camera had time to roll out the photo, Steven launched up to take hold of Robert’s ankle. With all of his might he yanked him down hard. Steven turned and used Robert's own weight to drop him down just as the lid closed on the casket. Robert flung through the air like a limp rag doll. His back punched straight through the casket lid with a loud crack. The flashlight flung into the air, bounced once against the casket rim, and went dark. Steven reached again and grabbed another ankle. This time he yanked down again and another Brother landed squarely onto Robert with arms flailing and beer flying.

Time had slowed down to a crawl. Steven knew he had only a small window of escape. The Brothers still were in complete shock, gathered at one end of the grave. Steven lunged to the opposite side placing his right foot firmly into a back, and vaulted off the Brother. He reached up and launched himself out of the grave into a forward summer salt. Using his momentum, he lunged into a full sprint.

The Brothers were still in complete shock at what they just witnessed. Robert lay smothered in arms, foaming beer, and splintered wood.

“Get off me you idiot!!”

The man on top of him tried to regain his composure, but Robert pushed him off to the side before he had time to respond. Robert could see the men in the moonlight looking back down at him in the darkness.

“Go after him you fools! He’s getting away!”

They turned to each other, looked around and ran stumbling after Steven. He was already into the woods, and in their half drunken state, they were no match for his speed. Steven ran a short way into the woods and stopped behind a tree to catch his breath. Leaning his head back against the bark he took in the cool air. He could hear the Brothers yelling and crashing through the trees. Adrenaline flowed through his veins, still buzzing with the excitement of escape.

What have I done?

Surprised by his own actions it all seemed like a dream. He had always wanted to give Robert a bit of what he deserved, but never had the courage to confront him. Something had come over him and propelled him past his fears and into a new place. A place of anger yes, but also a place of… he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. A place of freedom. The one in control rather than the one being controlled. He liked it, and it felt good.

Sure he didn’t pass the test technically, but if he could convince John of Robert’s plot to sabotage a potential Brother, there still could be hope for joining. Any other outcome would lead to his life being destroyed. Ruthlessly hunted down and hated by the Brethren for the rest of his days on campus. He had to join. He had to become a Brother. There were no other alternatives. Too much was riding on this.

All he needed was the one picture he had of Robert looking down into the grave. He must not have known about the camera or he wouldn’t have lied to John. But this one picture would prove that Robert had lied and was betraying a Brother.

Hearing the Brothers getting closer, he had to move. Even if they were a bit tipsy, he would be no match for all 4 of them.

Looking down at his camera a sense of horror crawled up his spine. The picture was gone! It must have fallen out of the camera while he ran through the woods. But he hadn’t brushed up against much. Even worse and he knew it was true; it flew out during his brawl in the grave. HIs heart sank to a new level. 

The 1st picture was in the coffin he knew, but the second could be anywhere amongst the rubble. Surely Robert had found it by now, but perhaps the darkness inside the hole had kept it hidden. He had to go back.

Reaching down he picked up a rock and threw it as far as he could to his left. Crashing into the distance the stone forced the Brothers to change course and run after the noise. Waiting a few seconds, he drew in a deep breath and headed back into the cemetery at full sprint. Blasting into the clearing he dove for the nearest tombstone for cover. The moon was bright, but the stones cast plenty of shadows. Peaking around he saw no one. Maybe Robert had gone into the woods. Now was his chance. He ran straight for the grave and stood over the edge looking in. Pitch dark.

Hands trembling, he lifted the camera and snaped a photo into the grave. The white flash revealed splintered wood and wet dirt. No pictures he could see.

Steven heard something and turned to receive a fist straight into his jaw. Spinning he toppled into the grave, crashing hard into debris below.

“Looking for these?”

Robert waved the photos. And threw them back into the hole.

“Here, keep them! It’s not going to matter much when your buried!” Groaning, Steven lifted his head as a clump of dirt fell across his back.

“Come on guys! It’s time to bury this fool!”

Robert used his foot to push dirt in from the pile at the head of the grave. The Brothers ran from the woods and gathered back around.

Steven laid in the black hole in panic completely defeated. He was about to be buried alive. It didn’t matter much anyway, he was dead already. Even if he lived through the night, he would be ruthlessly hunted and bullied by Robert and the Brothers. Not to mention being known by everyone else as the chicken who wasn’t man enough to stick it out. Or worse yet, as a failure in Mr. Hawthorn's eyes. He was a fool for ever trying, and now his life was over. Starring into the blackness, a tear ran down his cheek.

Everyone just starred at Robert pushing dirt into the hole, now down on his hands and knees.

“No one even knows he’s here except us! John thinks he ran home. No one will ever know.”

Surprised by his own words, he hadn’t truly thought through what he was about to do. This wasn’t a game anymore. The Brothers just starred at him in disbelief. Betraying a Brother was one thing, but burying one alive was another story.

One of them turned to him and said, “Look Robert, your drunk. You just need to cool down a bit.”

Robert paused and let out a long breath, “You’re right. But we can’t let this freak make a fool out of us!”

Lights flashed from the road. Robert looked over and saw a group of 8 figures walking into the cemetery holding 5 flashlights.

“Hello Brothers!" John shouted from the group.

Robert went white and swallowed hard. John and his crew came in close shining the light onto the Brothers.

“What is going on here? You look like hell!”

The Brothers looked toward each other and glanced into the grave sheepishly speechless. John approached the grave and shined down inside. Steven was soaked with sweat, dirt and fresh blood face down in a busted-up casket.

“Holy crap! Steven, it looks like a bomb went off in your grave tonight.” He reached his hand down. “Here, take my hand.”

He pulled Steven up and brushed some of the dirt off his shirt. He took one long look at him. He then turned and looked at the rest of Robert’s crew and landed a hard glare directly into Robert’s eyes. Robert could only hold the stare for a quick second, and was forced to divert his eyes and hung his head in submission.

Looking around at Roberts crew he said, “I’m not sure what went on here tonight.” John took a long pause and turned his gaze back to Robert. “And I’m not sure I want to know,” Robert’s head remained looking at the dirt.

John’s gaze turned back to Steven. “But from what I can see, a Brother has joined our ranks tonight.”

Steven’s eyes went wide. “I passed?”

“Your test here tonight was meant to prove your bravery, which is why I assigned Robert to your case.”

Robert started to protest, “But, he didn’t-“

John glared back to Robert and cut him off. “Which is also why I assigned Kyle here to watch what happened from up in that tree.”

John pointed to the large maple sprawling out from the center of the cemetery, not 50 feet from where they all stood. Kyle swung down from a thick branch and dropped down to the ground.

Panic swept over Robert. Not only was the President witness to his deceit, but Kyle the vice President saw everything. One word from either of them and the Grand Council would vote to expel him.

“If any of you have a dispute about Steven, we can take it to vote at the Grand Council. I’m sure Kyle will be happy to testify.” John cracked a smile.

John quickly scanned the crowd, and no one raised an objection. He looked back to Robert who hung his head in complete humiliation. “I didn’t think so.”

John turned placing his hands on Steven’s shoulders. “Steven Lewis, a Brother. A Brother!” he shouted.

The Brothers shouted in unison, “A Brother!”

No longer able to hide his emotion, tears streamed down Steven’s face.

“Bravery! Honor! Loyalty!” John shouted.

“Bravery! Honor! Loyalty!” the Brothers repeated. Even Robert had mouthed the words.

“Alpha Tau Omega!”

“Alpha Tau Omega!”

“A Brother forever!”

“A Brother forever!”

John pulled him in for a hug, “A Brother. ”

One by one each Brother approached Steven and embraced him and said, “A Brother.”

Lastly Robert approached, looked Steven in the eyes for a long second as if to apologize, and pulled him in. “A Brother.”

Cheers erupted into the night. Steven held him out at arms length and pulled Robert in again for another embrace, “A Brother.”

And so the night had ended with a very rocky start to the beginning of a life long journey in Brotherhood.

July 07, 2023 23:36

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