Desperate Remedies

Submitted into Contest #248 in response to: Write a story titled 'Desperate Remedies'.... view prompt


Fiction Science Fiction Thriller

When the bombs hit it was nothing like what we were told it would be. We had been raised preparing for the day the world went up in flames and became uninhabitable, but the bunkers we had been instructed to build collapsed around us. Heavy soil filled my mouth and nostrils.

I couldn’t tell which way was up and which snapping sounds were the shelves or the bones in my body and those of my loved ones. I clawed my way through the dirt that threatened to suffocate me and the skin on my hands began to blister, as did every inch of me as I got closer to what I assumed was open air.

When I felt no more resistance, I used every ounce left of my strength to pull myself to the surface. Blood coated every one of my limbs and the ground was blistering hot under me, but I could rid my senses of the dirt that blocked my breathing.

My lungs burned as I coughed up lungs full of damp dirt and blew it out my nose. Tears stung my, no doubt, torn up face and my body collapsed on the burning ground. Through my blurry vision I saw the sky ablaze with shades of red and orange. Flames roared in the distance and the sounds of screams filled my ringing ears.

The pain was too much to bear, and consciousness left my body, and stole away with the pain. I was dying and I just hoped my family made it out of this nightmare alive.

I woke up to my body being lifted off the ground and searing pain causing light to bloom behind my eyes and a scream to rip from my throat. The hoarse sound was surely coming from me, my throat burned with the effort, but it sounded far off in the distance.

Muffled voices sounded around me, but I couldn’t make out any of the humanlike shapes that surrounded me. Their urgency made my heart thud harder against my chest. My head spun and I fell in and out of consciousness. Every time I thought I could finally die I was ripped back to the surface by the sharp shooting pain and damp cloths with cold liquid sliding down my body.

Had the bombs even gone off, or had the world plunged into hell with the determination that no one was worth saving?

My vision slowly came into focus and all around me were men and women in dark blue. The walls were shining steel and bright lights shone from either side of me.

I could see their mouths moving but the sounds were still so muffled that I couldn’t understand a word they said. So, I let my eyes close and hoped whatever torture they had in store that it would steal my life away before too long.

When the pain stopped jarring me awake memories of my family being crushed and the sounds of breaking bones sent my eyes flying open. I could not move my body, so my eyes scanned the room.

A small lamp sat on a table next to a glass of water and a man I did not recognize sat at the foot of my bed. We made eye contact when he lifted his head to check on me.

“Good you’re awake.” He stood and I saw he was wearing the same dark blue clothing the people before were wearing. When he was by my side, he examined my body, his eyes roamed over every inch of me and I felt so vulnerable in that moment.

He shushed me and I felt the pressure of his hand rest next to me. “I know you’re frightened, but we found you barley alive after the explosions. We rushed you to our own bunker nearby and got you stabilized. We had a few doctors on standby to help anyone who survived the initial blast.”

My mind reeled from the information. I wanted to ask about my family, about why they were so prepared, but all I could do is look on with abject horror as he pulled a large needle from the bedside table. He removed the cap and I felt it pierce the tender flesh on my wrist. “We will need to keep you still while your wounds heal. Go to sleep now. If you survive I will explain everything.”

Every time I woke up the same thing would occur with a rotation of men and women attending me. Occasionally they would gently lift my head to allow me water and thick purred food. Once I had a few moments awake they would again put me to sleep with whatever serum they concocted.

Time had no meaning as I came to and faded time and time again.

My body was unwrapped limb by limb as I healed with their constant care. Each time I woke up my body cooperated a little more and each time the person I woke up to seemed astounded that I continued to do so.

Finally I woke up and there was no one there to immediately feed, water, and sedate me. Still a murmuring voice sounded next to my head. I turned and saw, for the first time, a radio. A piece of our past that had survived, likely saved by the people who built this place.

I didn't know how it was still working, but I needed the company of something other than my thoughts.

I moved with great effort and turned the know until the voice came through clear.

A woman's voice echoed through the room, almost robotic and mid sentence, “...recorded message from your leader.”

My brows scrunched. Did some world leaders survive the blast? They would be the most prepared of us all I supposed.

Static made my ears ring, but was quickly replaced by a booming male voice that set my nerves on edge.

“If you are hearing this then you are one of the lucky few who survived. Your soul has been shown mercy and you have been deemed safe to the planet we call home.

Human kind had become a parasite upon the Earth. We depleted her resources, damaged her, and disrespected her beauty and abundance. We had to be stopped. It was the only cure for a problem we caused.

Now all those who are left can begin anew. Your sorrow for those lost is not taken lightly. You may mourn and curse those who forced my hand.”

My stomach churned and bile rose in my throat. I fought through the pain to sit up on my own. A dark blue uniform sat on the chair at the foot of my bed.

The static of the radio again drew my attention and the door opened to the man who had been here when I first woke up in this room.

From the radio the voice echoed, “Welcome to the new world.”

May 02, 2024 23:27

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Darvico Ulmeli
09:44 May 09, 2024

Is a dark future in sight? Descriptions are vivid; I can sense her pain and loss. It looks like an introduction to a novel. Good work.


Rachel Henry
10:48 May 09, 2024

Thank you! That is huge praise and so exciting to read!


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