Author’s Note: I wrote this story with the fantastic help of my Reedsy friend, Maya Emerson. She will be submitting the same story, in her own style and in Cynthia’s point of view. Please go read it, follow her, up-vote her, and like her stories. She deserves it. Also, there will be three headlines in one part of this story, and I found those on the CNN website. I didn’t make them up. Plus, this is my first story of 2021! Yay! Enjoy! :D
“Wooh! Happy new year to us!” Cynthia hollered. I laughed and clinked our beer glasses together before taking a sip. We continued to sit on the couch and watch the excited-for-2021 people on TV. I broke the calm.
“You know what, we don’t have a New Year’s resolution. We should do one together,” I suggested. Cynthia nodded and her face contorted into the “I’m thinking; do not disturb” look. So, I stayed quiet until Cyn snapped her fingers.
“Got it. Let’s try to be less judgemental of other people. Especially since the people here are so… different. We’ll take different approaches, and compare results. I’ll go out tomorrow and start meeting people. What about you?” She stared at me expectantly.
“I guess I’ll research the people in this town and everywhere else on my computer. See what I’ll find out,” I decided. Cynthia nodded and yawned.
“I’m tired. See you in the morning. Well, later this morning,” she laughed. I gave her a small grin as she walked down the hall and into her bedroom.
The next day, Cyn went out to meet people while I sat in the recliner and opened my laptop.
Google… There we go. Now. What should I search first? Probably Northsin, Oklahoma. See what comes up, I thought. And I did just that. Lots of things came up, like the bake sale happening the upcoming Friday, the sale at the flower shop down the road, all of the usual small-town stuff. Nothing interesting. That meant that maybe they weren’t so bad… Maybe. But what if I searched something that applied to the entire U.S….?
So, I searched “recent new in us”. (Yes, I know. I have bad grammar. It was just a Google search, though, so get off my back, man!)
“Proud Boys leader arrested for allegedly burning Black Lives Matter banner at DC Church”.
“A sword taken from a Revolutionary War statue as a prank 40 years ago is finally returned”.
“Los Angeles County ambulance crews are told not to transport patients with little chance of survival.”
Those were the first three headlines that I saw. These people are awful! How could people do that? It disgusted me; I slammed my laptop shut.
A week later, Cynthia is standing in the kitchen and I’m sitting at the dining table. Fire burns in both of our eyes, our jaws set.
“You’re so stupid! Why would you choose to research?! The Internet is only going to tell you the bad stuff about our country! You have to talk to people. You have to meet them, idiot,” Cynthia fumed. I shook my head and resisted the urge to jump up from my chair and scream.
“If anyone is an idiot, it’s you. Going out there and meeting all of those weird, crazy people. They’re probably already filling your head with all of their wrong ways! You’re going to be just as bad as them soon enough!” I shouted back. Tears rolled down her face; normally I would stop and comfort her, but not this time.
“Oh, shut up! Looking at that screen all day has made you go whack. You’re not thinking correctly. Go into town with me, just once. Meet people. Please, Aislado. They’re nice and normal in their way.”
“That’s what they want you to think.” And I stormed out of the room.
One day later, Cynthia and I are continuing our “experiments”. She always came back home cheerful, especially on Sundays after she went to church with those brainwashers. And Cyn stayed in that good mood as long as she didn’t talk to me.
I became grumpier by the minute. Everything I read about the people of the U.S. was atrocious. The world I was living in was horrible. I got barely any sleep anymore--I stayed up, messaging every organization about the things they were doing wrong. I messaged news networks, magazines, and everywhere else. I told them what was wrong with the world, and how they were making it worse.
This happened day after day. Every morning when we woke up, every night when we went to bed. My days got drabber, Cyn’s were getting brighter.
Until that one day.
Cynthia and I were sitting at the peninsula in our kitchen, crunching on Frosted Flakes. Our Amazon Alexa played country music from the other side of the room. The refrigerator made its usual hum.
“What’s happened?” I murmured. Cynthia peered at me from the corner of her eye.
“If you’re gonna talk when I’m sitting right here, at least talk so I can hear you,” Cyn growled.
“What’s happened? What has happened between the two of us? We used to be so close, Cynthia. There was nothing that could separate us before...” I trailed off, unsure of how to continue. Cynthia was silent for a moment, then began her sure-to-be snarky reply.
“That was then, this is now. Now we have two completely different ideas of this world and the only reason we go anywhere near each other is that our parents won’t let us live in different houses. Now, can we go back to not talking? I’m begging you, please let us stop talking,” she snapped. I shook my head and pushed my bowl of cereal away from me.
“No! Even though I see the world differently than you do doesn’t mean that the two of us should hate each other for the rest of our lives! For Pete’s sake, Cyn, you’re still my sister! Twin! Sibling! Whatever! We’re still… together. So, we should set aside our differences and be civilized adults,” I declared. Cynthia looked at me. And she looked. And she looked.
Something clicked.
“Well, if we’re going to be ‘civilized adults’, you better start paying more attention to your grades.”
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An amazing story Brooke!! :)
Thanks so much, Laila! (I love your name!)
Aww, thank you! I too love your name!
My pleasure! Aw, thanks!
Your welcome Brooke!
I really like this story. The world is REALLY terrible these days.
Thanks! I know. It's awful. If you read Maya's part when she comes out with it, you'll be able to read about the good parts. :D
Hey Brooke! I just wanted to thank you so much for liking all my stories!! Means the world to me! :)
I wish I could do the same...but I already have, since the first day I joined here. I already knew that you were an amazing person. =)
Hi, Laila! (I love that pen name!) You are welcome! You deserve it! :) OMG Seriously? That makes me so emotional and happy to hear! Thank you so much! :D
Wow, thank you so much! I actually chose that name for fun, but glad you like it!
Yes, I am not kidding! Honestly, the first day I joined, I liked your story first. Seriously, I read your story first on, yeah. 🙃
No problem! Lol
WAIT WHAT I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS I AM SO STINKING HAPPY THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU btw, I have always loved reading your stories as well, and just talking to you. You're really nice. Like, EXTREMELY nice.
Haha, it's really true! I am so glad that I made you HAPPY!!!! :)
Aww, really? Thank you so much! You are too!!!!!
*squeals really loud*
Yes, really! It's my pleasure--you deserve it! Aw, not really, but thanks!
I love this, Brooke! And I love the collaboration with Maya. It really gives us such a 360 view as to what is unfolding here and such clear and strong writing. Congrats to both of you!
Thank you so much, Kristin! It means a lot to me. :)
I love the story Brooke! And 🍕
Thanks! Yay thank you again
Wow, great story, Brooke! I love how you incorporated real world news and whatnot into the story!
Thanks so much!
I love the concept here and the execution sealed the deal. It’s a perfect way to look at how media influences people. You two were geniuses to take this prompt and make it your own. I am looking forward to reading the other perspective. I’m curious it if it will be like I think.
If you have a moment I’d also love to hear your opinion on my new story “The One”. Be brutally honest. I can take it.
Thank you so much, Thom! From a stunning author like you, this means so insanely much to me.
Of course. I don't think there's any reason for me to be "brutally honest". I'm sure it will be magnificent.
Hi Brooke! I read Maya's part so I wanted to read yours! WoW, great work on this, It was a very interesting story to read:)
Hi, Varsha! Thank you!
Heyyy, Brooke!
🍕(I read your bio hehe)
We haven't talked in forever. I am so sad that you think Among Us is overrated, but to each his or her own. :):
Great story, I don't have much critique because this was awesome. Keep it up, bestie :D
Hiii, Meg!
Lol yay thanks
I know... :):
Aw, thanks! I will! You should, too :D
-Crazy Girl
I miss u!!! How's it been recently? Taken any trips? ;)
I have a new story, if you'd have five minutes to check it out.... :D
I miss u 2! We haven't talked in so long... It's been good! Nope, I've been staying close to home and happy with it
I always have time! Just not right now... lol I'll read it soon
Thank you!!
I was just making a point at the... um. location fact thingy. hehe.
if that makes any sense :/
No problem!
Yeah, I know what you mean... XD
Fav color? Choose oooone
Hm... Light/baby blue
What's yours? :)
Great! Now I can start my new series! Including youuuuiu
Oh, I like purple a lot, too. But light/baby blue is my all-time favorite.
OMG Yay! Thank you! (People have been insanely nice to me lately and I cannot get over it and now I feel like I need to be a way better person and up-vote every single one of you...)
No prob! I have been downvoted lately and need to make ppl feel better to make myself feel better!
Bio check plz
1.) It's awesome, as always. Thanks for putting me as one of your friends, bestie.
2.) Does this mean you're staying?!
*happy dance that goes on forever*
Squeeeeeeeeeee! I won't tell, though. :)
Well i was a little afraid that if I didn't agree you'd show up at my house and attack me hehe
I wouldn't put it past me... XD
I'm kidding! :D
Yay! Thanks, Lit! (hehe)
BEEP BEEP BEEP YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay! Thanks, Abby!
I like your name, and the pizza to go with it.
thank you!
You're welcome!
Can I based my part on yours?
What do you mean?
Like you write it first, then i follow.
Sure, if I finish it first. I'm almost finished with my rough draft now.
: D
Hey, Brooke!!
Maya Emerson and Luke (Litlover) did one of those stories where you have your Reedsy friends as characters, and I am going to do one too. Where I'm going with this is: would you mind being in it?
If yes, could you answer these questions about your character?
Favorite Color:
Hair and Eye Color:
Pet/Spirit Animal:
Thank you, bestie!! and if no, that's completely fine toooooooo
Hi, Meg!
I saw those! I want to do one, too, at some point. I would LOVE to be in your story! It already means the world to me that you just ASKED.
Favorite color: Baby blue
Power: Water (I'm able to control any type of water)
Hair and eye color: brown hair with blue tips and gray eyes
Pet/spirit animal: My pet is a dog and my spirit animal is an otter.
Weakness: Books, the chance to write, and chocolate
My pleasure, but thank YOU! I'm so excited *happy dance*
-Crazy Girl
Yes ofccccccc
Brooke, can you tell me your character’s:
Clothes they wear all the time:
Fav color:
Hair: Brown with green tips
Eyes: Gray
Clothes they wear all the time: A sweater paired with jeans and boots
Personality: caring, a bit of a know-it-all (she is actually smart, though), and has a sweet soul
Fav color: Baby blue
YES! Thanksssssssssssss
My pleasure!