Crime American Kids

"Son, can you come here for a sec? Please" he said sweetly, smirking devilishly.

Jogging on into his father's room, wondering what he wanted from him "yes dad?"

"I got you a wooden horse."

Tilting his head a bit "okay, where is it exactly?"

"It's in your room, on your bed" licking his finger. 

Tyler tilted his head, noticing a speck of blood. Looking away, heading towards his room, observing all the blood that was on and all around the horse.

Realizing his father, Jason, killed a 14 year old and he could be the next victim to die if he ever tells a soul.

Gulping, heart racing, not wanting to die next.

Tyler's dad soon walks in, crossing his arms "well, do you like my bloody gift?"

His mouth felt dry, stuttering a bit "y-yes dad, I love it."

Jason nods "alright, I'm glad, gonna head into town. Ya need anything son?"

Shaking his head "nah, I got what i need."

Striding out, leaving his son alone in the house.

Sighs "why do I gotta be the son of a infamous criminal? I could've been the son of a doctor or a lawyer, but a criminal? Really?"

Slams his fists up against a wall "and why kill a frigging kid just to steal some wooden horse?!"

Looks down, hating life, even after the day he was born. Turns the tv on, changes channel after channel.

Jason was a caring man, always loved his husband and wife. 

Happy as can be, everything changed on a cold winter's night when his luvs were brutally killed right before his eyes.

Vengeance consumed him, so did the lust for the hunt, as well as the thrill to kill.

"If that tragic night never happened, dad wouldn't have ever turned cold and heartless" Tyler softly said, tears brimming.

Heading too bed, needing a good nights sleep.

Next morning, Tyler got up and saw that his dad was passed out on the couch, an empty beer bottle laying flat down beside the couch.

Rolling his eyes, walking into the kitchen, mumbling too himself.

Reaching for a bag of beef jerky when bullets blaze into the house, ducking for cover "why are we living in Chicago again? There's too many drive by shootings."

Throws a pillow at Jason "dad, wake up! I was asking a damn question for crying out loud." Tyler says becoming irritated.

"I got no idea why we live here son."

Tyler rolls his eyes, wondering why he even asked, his father's too damn fucking drunk at the moment. Otherwise he would've give a actual answer instead of a bull ass one.

Needing a plan, one too escape all this and two, getting his own dad arrested and put behind bars for what he's done.

Running up too his room, closing the door behind him, quickly got too work.

"I promise, dad will pay for what he's done.

Jason was down stairs, watching the news, hearing bout riots and murders.

Closes his eyes once again, consumed by boredom.

A weeks passed and Tyler finally has one hell of a plan, one that can hopefully bring the truest of justice.

1. I need evidence

2. Need too wrap the wooden horse up, put it in a bag and hand it over too the police

3. Gotta make sure dad doesnt see my spanking plan

4. Once the cops have me in their care, as well as protection, tell them everything.

5. Put my dad's ass behind bars for the murder of a 14 year old boy

Hearing his father walking up, folding the piece of paper and hiding it somewhere safe. Turning his head, holding a book, smiling "hi dad."

"Hey son, I see youve been reading a book for a whole week."

Nodding "yeah, I have. Its an awesome book."

"Well, im gonna be heading up North for a few days, gonna hangout with a bud of mine. You gonna be alright here alone?"

"Dad, ive been home all alone before. I'll be fine, honest."

After a bit, his dad gets in the car, driving off.

"Now, let's bring justice fourth."

Strides on down stairs, grabbing a plastic bag, heading back up, taking out some rubber gloves from in a drawer that he has, putting the gloves on, sticking the blood splattered toy inside the bag, closing it tightly.

Brings the evidence too the police station, giving it too the head sheriff.

"What's this?"

"It's all you need too arrest my dad and take his halve heartless cold criminalization ass into trial for the death of a 14 year old boy."

The sheriff nods his head, getting some of his comrades "yo, get ready! We got him." High fiving each other, smirking broadly.

Tyler grins with victorious victory, knowing his parts done, praying that the cops do their part.

A couple days later, the cops are up North, arresting Jason's sick, disgusting lustful ass when a shoot out breaks out. 24 rounds quake out, killing Jason's long time friend while injuring him. Driving over too the nearest hospital where he gets stitches, heading back, a couple a week's later. Jason's going through trial, he has a mistrial, a third trial comes racing a long, murder in the first degree, Tyler's father gets life without no possibility of parole.

Tyler hears bout from on the news, smiling brightly, dancing like a wild child "hell yeah, justice has finally won!"

21 years later, Tyler goes off too college and graduates, becoming a well known cop. Putting every perp behind bars while giving them all hell for what theyve done.

Driving home too his wife and kids, happy that he brought justice long ago and is happy too be alive.

Wondering as well as hoping that his father and mother are smiling down upon him from the heavens above, praying that their happy for not allowing another family too lose another child.

"Jason, you could've had a better future, sadly you went down the wrong path and it lead you too do horrific and tragic things."

October 01, 2020 21:04

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