Emilie in Evergreen

Submitted into Contest #8 in response to: Write a story about an adventure in a small town.... view prompt



   Emilie is just a normal girl who lived in Evergreen. The only difference was that Evergreen isn't normal. Evergreen is a small, unknown town only about 120 miles away from Grand Rapids, Michigan. Evergreen was shrouded in the plant, hence the name. All the houses were like small cottages in the woods. The yards were bid, and the children were friends with everyone. All the children would play in the snow that would fall in the winters and the warm summers that came and went every year. And all the children would love to go to the only school within the 30-mile range. Almost all the children in Evergreen had pets, whether it is a dog, cat, or some wild animal.  

   Emilie Wiston is 12 years old, and she was the light of Evergreen. Everyone thought she was the best student with sparkling grades. Everyone admired her and loved her. All the boys would fawn over her at the schoolyard when she On the inside, she was a fun-loving, caring person. Emilie loved to read, write, and sing but was afraid to show off her talents for fear of judgment. But of course, her best friend, Enna Martines, had to be a typical friend and help Emilie overcome her fears. Enna was the fun-loving, show off, kind of person. Ever since Emilie and Enna had worked together on that art project in kindergarten, they had been best friends and loved to do their favorite things together.

   Emilie and Enna loved to go out into the wilderness, tracking animals, or going on hikes. They love animals, and they love to go to other towns to explore. They had a new outdoor plan for every weekend, and this weekend, they were going on a hike in a new part of the woods behind Emilie's house. 

  They had never been there before because of the Legend. The Legend said that a bear lived somewhere in the Evergreen Woods. The places where Emilie and Enna usually hiked had been traveled often, ensuring that the Legend Bear didn't live in those areas. The small area behind Emilie's house was unknown; now one had been there before. But Emilie and Enna, being rule-breakers, had decided to explore that area. 

Emilie and Enna set off, through the small gate at the front of Emilie's house so they could go around. As they took the first few steps onto the underbrush, Emilie was overcome by a sudden sense of foreboding. Then, a loud growl sounded the air, coming from near where Enna was standing.

" Enna? What was that?" Emilie asked, frightened by the sound. 

" I don't know? Maybe a fox or coyote or something?" Enna replied, not at all wavered. 

" Should we go back?" Emilie asked, scared at the prospect of large predators, 

" No! I was just teasing! There are no coyotes! There's nothing to worry about. Come on!" Enna said in a laughing voice. 

" Enna..." Emilie said warningly. 

" If you're not going to come, don't. I will," Enna shot back, as she stepped into the shade under the Evergreens. 

A large black shadow loomed above Enna, and before Emilie could warn her, a large black bear slashed at Enna and she fell to the floor with a cry. The bear was large, almost triple the size of Emilie, and it towered above Enna, who stared up at the bear, to scared to move. she sat there, clutching her arm where the bear's claws had dug into her skin, the blood gushing out so much, Emilie was afraid Enna would die. 

The bear suddenly seemed to see Emilie for the first time, finding more interesting than Enna and turned towards her. Its glowing red eyes shone with an evil look that froze Emilie in her place. Emilie let out a squeak before trying to tiptoe away, but the Bear turned its whole body towards her. 

" Oh no, Please don't tell me..." Emilie didn't finish the sentence, for she had turned to run back down the small road as the bear lumbered slowly behind her. The bear soon started to catch up with her as Emilie rushed through the empty streets of Evergreen. Some people pulled back their curtains, surprised to see a young girl run by, but then ran out of their houses with guns, running behind the bear. The men in the town chased the bear, who chased Emilie through the town and into a small deserted alley. 

Emilie's parents were terrified at the thought of their daughter being chased by the Legend Bear, a bear in a legend that had lived in the woods for over 300 years and would attack the first person to step foot in his territory. Emilie soon realized this and stopped, trapped in an alley. Horrified, Emilie screamed for help, but her friend had abandoned her. The hungry bear charged towards Emilie, snarling and showing its teeth. However, the townsfolk also had the bear within gun range. The bear, realizing its situation, at last, charged towards the men with guns, and after they moved out of its path, the bear lumbered back up to its hiding spot. 

Enna had escaped the little shaded area soon after the bear left for Emilie and was able to be saved. She had come out of the area, stumbling out into the sunlight and let herself into Emilie's front yard where she passed out from shock and was later found. Her wounds were treated, and she still loved to go outdoors, just not in the woods behind Emilie's house where the Legend Bear lived. Since everyone now knew where the Legend Bear lived, the area was separated with a small wall. Emilie's parents who were terrified of everything, especially since Emilie's encounter with the bear, moved with their daughter to the other side of the town where there were no woods. Enna and Emilie would look back at that day, many years later and would talk quietly about their little adventure, in the small town of Evergreen. 

September 27, 2019 18:11

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