Coming of Age Fiction Contemporary

This story contains themes or mentions of mental health issues.

Jan 1, oops, the 2nd, Too hungover on the 1st, lol!

Oh my! What a big blank piece of paper I have here when I could be using that leather-covered expensive whatever thing that Grandma gave me. Where did that thing go? I last saw it under all the Xmas wrapping and kicked over to the side. Did it end up under the couch that Mom later threw out? If so, it is strictly AWOL, and of course, I will promise to transfer everything I am writing here into it, or it will break Grandma’s heart. How many times has Grandma had her heart broken? Darned if I know. Mom gives me the play-by-play, starting with ‘YOU NEED TO CALL HER! And ending with, “You know your Grandma doesn’t have long to live. Stuck in that apartment with a budgie and a cat that hisses all the time. Black cat hates everything. But brings mice home as a gift. With their heads bashed in.

Dead of course. Like whatever. I only wear black myself now. No one ever comments on it like I shouldn’t bother, either.


She called me up. Well, first, she tried texting. But I ignore everything, like usual. Nobody texts me now. Just the way I like it.

Jan whatever

I have to move back home. Yeah, that or living in a group home that looks like an apartment building with so many rules it would drive me insane. If I scream loud enough, Mom will get all shaky and threaten to call 911. So, she’ll leave me alone. She’ll have to!

More Jan whatever

Doing this diary blows! I sit and look out the window. One time, I sat and did absolutely nothing for two hours. Didn’t move. Tried not to breathe. Not so much, anyway. Amazing! Try not eating for a whole day! Then, breathe as little as possible. Listen to nothing. Be nothing. What does it mean to be alive? Does anything mean anything? Really? Why do I even care if anything makes sense?


So began the project. In the projects? Nah. Mom makes so much money on top of what she gets from Dad. I walk down the street and see such perfection. Perfect lives with expensive cars. Makes me want to key a few, but everyone has a doorbell cam. I would get caught so fast!

Anyway, about that project. I’m going to interview people about the meaning of life. With my phone. Seen a few of them on YouTube. Thought I’d try it myself. I’ll report back.

I talked to this really cool person first. He was just sitting in the sun on Air Pods with sunglasses and a drink in his hands, relaxing. Smiled at me for no reason, like anything that happens is fine by him.

I’m not good at this. Shaky like Mom when I pop the question. It occurs to me that I’m alone so much that I hardly ever speak. So, the first time I open my mouth, nothing comes out! Here I am, looking like a garbage man, sweaty and not cool, and he really listens to me. Waits for me to get the words out of my mouth.

What do uh you um think the meaning of life is?”

He takes a big breath and then lets it out like I have asked the only question that could ever matter. “It's all in the moment. If I try to explain it, then I’m doing something for you that you can only do for yourself.”

So profound. I was blown away.

“Thanks, man!” I say, waving as I walk away. It's what I make it. Cool. I go home and spend the rest of the day thinking about it. The project is done. Cool on the first try, no less! Whatever I want is what life is about!


But I’m thinking. Damn it! I wish I could just turn off my brain and have a little peace while video gaming for a change! Mom says that I shouldn’t spend 12 hours a day video gaming, but then she buys me all the latest stuff anyway. What can that mean? Buying me off?

She hates what I play. So, it isn’t like she is interested in anything I do. Actually, I almost never see her. My bedroom door is locked nearly all the time. It’s great when she is gone to tell you the truth! I hate seeing her car pulling into the driveway, even when she works 10 or 12-hour days. It’s time to eat, she says. I told her I had already ordered pizza. Or Uber Eats. Or whatever. Can’t stand the stuff she cooks. Healthy stuff? Kale nearly made me barf the one time I tried it. I’m young, still. Why would I have to worry about what I eat?

Like here she is right now at the bottom of the stairs, asking how I’m doing, even as I write this. My meal is ready. I’ll keep quiet until she bangs on the door! Pretend like I’m dead or something! My buddies online said it would make a really cool YouTube video if I recorded her yelling at me, saying she is all worried and stuff. Then she could bang on the door, wondering if I’m still alive…then I suddenly open the door and scare her silly! What a blast that would be! I wonder how many views I could get with a video like that!


I gotta restart the project. She called again. I wish I could get her out of my head! I only answered my cell because Grandma died. I’m supposed to go to the funeral. I told Mom I wanted to remember her the way she was. So, I’m not going! Mom was furious. Way worse than usual. I started yelling back to get her to stop, but she got more than just shaky. Didn’t even threaten to call 911. For once, she yelled more than I did. I got quiet and asked her politely to calm down. I had to promise that I would go to the funeral to get her to stop!

Like, I’m really going to go.


Missed the funeral. Now, Mom wants me evicted. What, I ask? How can you evict your own son? She says that there are limits to everything and that she has reached her limit over “how I behave.” Like I cause her any real trouble! I keep to myself mostly. She doesn’t have to do a thing for me! She doesn’t have to cook; a maid comes to clean. I can do my own laundry. And it isn’t a question of money. Mom is loaded. Dad even more. Millionaires several times over. In fact, Dad might be worth upwards of a hundred million dollars or more if you count the investments that he doesn’t want to touch.

So anyway I told Mom to pay my rent somewhere else! She said she could not help support my “degenerate lifestyle.” Whatever that means. Am I really going to have to live somewhere and be poor?

She called again, and I answered on the first ring. I was too upset to game or do anything anyway. We had a long talk.

“Contribute,” she said. She kept saying that word repeatedly. Told me that I was a “waste of space.” Said that the truth hurts. That life is hard and you have to work at making a life for yourself. Stuff I had heard before. Stuff my Mom always talked about. Stuff that Dad would have said if he was still around. What was my problem? If I had only one word to describe it, it would be this: Whatever.

January 17, 2024 20:00

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Mary Bendickson
20:13 Jan 17, 2024

Wonder why his life is so sad.


Joe Smallwood
20:24 Jan 17, 2024

It could be anything. Your attitude towards life makes the difference, not so much what happens or has happened.


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Graham Kinross
05:05 Mar 24, 2024

An attitude can define a life as much as the events. I’ve known a few people like this so I can relate to it. Great story Joe.


Joe Smallwood
03:18 Mar 27, 2024

I have known a few people like this MC too. Thanks for reading Graham.


Graham Kinross
03:50 Mar 27, 2024

You’re welcome Joe.


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Teddy Blight
00:31 Jan 25, 2024

this story is whatever (nah just kidding this is actually really good)


Joe Smallwood
16:08 Jan 25, 2024



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Dylan Martin
21:48 Jan 24, 2024

Hey Joe, you're in my critique circle this week :) How funny that we both wrote stories about people trying a new diary and not taking it seriously (in very different ways, but that aspect is similar). I love the progression of the dates, how it becomes less and less. I feel like maybe this could be reflected more in the passages? Some of this slides out of the diary form and starts to read more like a traditional narrative. For a future draft, just a suggestion: lean into the diary format more. Maintain that tone. Maybe don't use perfect g...


Joe Smallwood
15:58 Jan 25, 2024

Hi Dylan, Thanks for your review! Amazing stuff here, which I will refer back to if I write in a diary form again. I have never heard of "expository dialogue" before. But you are right. It can be as bad as telling instead of showing. Something I could apply to all of my writing in the future. I'll be on the lookout for your writing in the future. Thanks again!


Dylan Martin
22:10 Jan 25, 2024

Expository dialogue is more of a visual media thing where characters just word-vomit facts about the plot (or background information) which often doesn't make sense in terms of realism (as in, why would the character say all this specific stuff?), but I didn't know how else to describe how I felt. Either way, only suggestions, but I hope it helps! :)


Joe Smallwood
22:35 Jan 26, 2024



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David Sweet
14:54 Jan 22, 2024

I'm glad you found space in your life to write again. Not sure I can find that much sympathy for this character, but I'm not sure we were meant to (kind of like Holden Caulfield). Obviously, he recognizes that his mom is an enabler, but he doesn't seem to take the advice he seeks in the meaning of life. Keep the faith. Good luck in all your writing endeavors.


Joe Smallwood
17:09 Jan 23, 2024

Thanks for commenting, David. Hard to imagine that this story could be compared to the MC of such an important work. This story arises from my years of working with children and my realization that although looking for the causes of mental illness is worthwhile, by far the most important factor in anyone's recovery is the will to carve out a meaningful existence regardless of the price that must be paid. Thanks again for reading!


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