The Great Indian Talks

Submitted into Contest #49 in response to: Write a story that takes place in a waiting room.... view prompt



The train stopped with a jerk. The passengers have already made a line and now they hurriedly deboarded the train. I was not anxious to leave as I knew that the train won’t move for it was its last stop. So I sat there until only a few passengers were left. 

I looked at my watch, it was 10:30 pm. I picked up my handbag and dawdled through the empty blue coach. This Indian Train, sorry but I don’t remember its name, was quite amazing and comfortable to travel in. Also, there were these amazing Indian peoples to talk with. 

As I got off the train, a gust of cold icy breeze hit me, only to make me cringe under my thick leather coat. Indian weather is of extreme type, especially in its interior. I rubbed my hands and as the heat provoked, I quickly slide them into my pockets.

I slowly moved on the stony platform. My next train was at 5:00 am the next morning so I found it dumb to book a room for just a few hours, instead I decided to rest in the waiting room.

After a minute stroll, I was finally successful to find the waiting room. I pushed open the door, it squeaked and it was embarrassing. The waiting room was silent, and people have already occupied the seats. Some were sleeping straight while some were busy scrolling through their smartphones. They were least interested to see a new guest approaching.

I walked inside quietly, carefully finding my steps between the lying bags and suitcases on the floor. My eyes noticed an empty seat beside two men who were busy talking among themselves. I tiptoed over to them.

I made space for myself on the seat, although it was not enough for me to sit there comfortably but still it was better than having no place. I squeezed myself into the attached chair. The two men were least interested in their surroundings as they continued to converse among themselves. They didn’t even bother to look at their neighbour.

Finally, I managed to settle myself and I was grateful for that. I looked around myself and then was sure of one thing that I won’t be able to sleep, so instead I decided to read. I opened the chain of my handbag and took out a novel. The bookmark was already there so it was not difficult to find the page. I started to read but then I heard-

‘…yes, the last time when I visited Rameswaram, this incident happened with me…’ one of the men spoke. I eavesdropped although I did hate to do so but Indian talks have always excited me!

The man continued- ‘ You know I am a pure vegetarian, I have never looked at meat or chicken, it disgusts me. And these south Indians, they can’t digest their food without fish or any other of those water creatures. Oh, it sickens me only to name them!’

‘You know, I am also vegetarian except the fact that I can eat eggs”, the other man remarked.

My eyes were intended on my books although I would not have read a single word, my ears were fully attentive towards their conversation.

‘So, for all the days, I spend there I kept reciting my mantra but you know that one rascal there would have almost drove me off my religion”, he derided.

‘There are people like that…’ the other one muttered.

Their talks tickled me from inside but I controlled my grin.

The man sighed, ‘ You know I was not good at cooking so I had to go to the restaurant to have food but I made sure that it was a vegetarian one.’ The other man nodded and was as attentive as me.

‘One day when I was returning from my visit to that famous temple, you know its name was Ramanathaswamy Temple, it was very late because of the great crowd. You know when I entered that temple I thought that I would be stuck there for a week or so, ’ he chuckled. 

‘Yes, once my father told me about it but I was very little then.’

‘It was night and there were hardly any vegetarian restaurants that I could find and you know that the rats were jumping up and down in my stomach. So I decided to go to a small dhabha rather than a non-vegetarian restaurant.’

Dhabha food is always great!’ The other man exclaimed.

I swore it was great although I had never been to one.

‘After fifteen minutes of search, I finally found one and that too was almost going to be shut but I was lucky enough to be in time. I was their last customer, I guess. I settled myself at the most isolated spot away from those unhygienic people. A waiter approached me soon and soon I faced another difficulty. You know I didn’t know their Tamil language and they didn’t know my Hindi language and I was damn sure that he didn’t know English for sure. He presented me the menu. I was utterly confused. Everything was written in Tamil and I can’t understand a word. So, I tried to make him understand in sign language but that man only gave me confused looks and after unsuccessful ten minutes he left.’

‘He left?’ the other man gave an astonished look.

‘Yes, but he came back again and this time with another menu in his hand. This time he presented me the menu in English and I was surprised. I ordered my food and he carefully noted it but in his own language. When he finished noting, he took the menu from me and retired but he returned again presented me with an open menu. I was confused. Then he pointed at the word ‘pickle'.

‘Oh, did he ask you if you want to have pickles?’ the other man questioned.

He nodded, ‘And I agreed. The food was served after twenty minutes but there were no ‘pickles'. I noticed and pointed it out to him and he went hurriedly to bring some. I looked at the food, it smelled delicious. I recited my prayer and begin to eat. Then he arrived, in his hands was a plate and I guessed he brought the pickles. But when he lowered the plate and kept it on my table I was totally horrified.’

‘Why… what was it?’ the other man asked impatiently.

I bet I was more impatient than him to hear. I was totally immersed in their conversation that I even didn’t noticed that my book was lying on the floor.

‘Could you have guessed what it was...” his eyes went wide and then in clear words he uttered- ‘IT WAS FROG! And not one there were two, each of them covered in gravy.’

‘Ew… it’s so disgusting, Oh my God!’ the other man shrieked.

Two frogs, I was disgusted myself but still I was not able to hide my giggle. I saw their faces and it made me laugh even more. I bit my lower lips and bent down to pick up my book after realizing it.

‘When I saw it, I would have puked at his face but somehow I controlled myself. I got up and ran out hurriedly. I kept running until I was far away from that place. I cursed that man until I left Rameswaram, ’ He sighed.

‘If I were you I would have given that man a good lesson,’ the other man boasted.

And their talk continued…

I listened to more of these interesting incidents until I fell asleep.

The next morning I was awoken by a loud thump. I rubbed my eyes and straighten my neck, it pained badly. When I finally came to my senses, I was amazed to find those two men again and the shocking part was that that they were still chatting-

‘…when I was young, a Buffalo kicked me…’

I looked at my watch and it scared me even more for I have already missed my train.

July 10, 2020 16:33

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