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American Funny Romance

"Hello Bakers! This is our 25th annual bake off. If you participated in last year's bake off, then you know how fun this event is! The rules are simple, you will be given 60 minutes to create your best cookie and impress the judges. All ingredients will be in the pantry." Mayor Hillard said. My name is Maya, and this is my third year doing the bake off. I've been baking since the age 10, I'm 21 now. For the past three years I've been neck and neck with Jamie, he's a good baker but he's no where near on my level. I went to middle school with Jamie and we never got along, these contest only make it worse. Interrupting me from my thoughts, Mayor Hillard started the count down. "3.. 2.. 1.. You may began bakers!" I instantly took off going to straight to the pantry. I plan on doing a peanut butter truffle cookie bar, filled with delicate chocolate, topped with powdered sugar! As I was reaching out to grab the peanut butter, Jamie snatched it out the pantry. "I was going to use that, but go ahead" I said giving him a tight lip smile. "I don't care if you were or not" He said harshly and walked away. Brushing it off, I began rethinking my idea, I can't let Jamie get into my head. Looking through many of the ingredients, I decided I was going to do a Caramel Pound Cake cookie. I'm from South Georgia, and caramel cakes are loved by many. I've never seen anyone do a Pound Cake cookie, so I'm sure to wow the judges! I gathered all the needed ingredients. I then ran to my station, which was next to Jamie's and seen him struggling. I was going to help him but, this is a contest and Jamie is so rude to me every year, I can't let my emotions and kind heart trick me out of this win! I started mixing the cake batter and adding different ingredients. "This isn't a cake contest moron, they specifically said COOKIE" Jamie said adding emphasis on the word cookie. I was extremely close to throwing a rolling pin at his head, but I refuse to get disqualified. "Worry about your cookies, and I'll worry about mine" I said rolling my eyes and huffing. "30 Minutes left!" I heard the mayor say. I quickly put the cookies into the oven and started my caramel drizzle sauce. I ran back to the pantry for some butter and bumped into Jamie. "Your eyesight is horrible, just like your baking" He spat. "I didn't mean to run into you moron, but smells like your cookies are burning" I said doing an evil grin causing him to run off and check his oven. I ran back to my station mixing caramel chunks with un-salted butter. Time began to go by extremely quick and we were left with 15 seconds. I drizzled the caramel over the fresh cookies and plaited them nicely. "5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.. every one back away from your dishes." Mayor Hillard said. Everybody backed away from their station. Everyone told the judges about their cookies. I was the last baker to go up to the judges because of my last name. "My name is Maya Yitee, and I've prepared you all an unique caramel Pound Cake cookie. This was made with my families recipe, and a fresh caramel sauce." I said to the judges confidently. I heard whispers but decided not to entertain them. After taking a bite into my cookie, their face lit up. We were dismissed for 15 minutes, then called upfront. The judges discussed everything, and the other bakers tasted everyone's cookies. "Would you like to try my cookie Jamie?" I asked being sarcastic. "I wouldn't dare eat that poison'' He said. That was the last straw, I threw a cookie at him and it landed directly into his mouth. He seemed like he was about to say something, but his face softened. He looked at me, then at the cookie. "This cookie is.. magnificent!" he said and ran up to me. He kissed me out of the blue, but I kissed back. It felt like heaven on Earth! His lips were soft and felt like moist cookies. Just as we broke away from the romantic kiss, Mayor Hillard announced the winner. "The judges has come to a fair conclusion, everyone's cookies were delicious, but the two that stuck out the most were Maya and Jamie's!" I jumped with joy. We shook hands with everyone, and took a picture. As the event was ending, Jamie began to admit his love for me. "Maya, I don't know where to start.. we've been enemies for years! I truly apologize for the times I've humiliated you, and coming from the heart, I really like you. so can we start over, by going on a date tonight at 8:30?'' I could tell Jamie was genuine. "Wow Jamie, this is unexpected. I accept your apology, and I will have dinner with you!" I said smiling Seems to me my cookie had magic, how could one taste of a baked good, turn enemies into lovers? This day is one to remember, Jamie was hit by the Cookie Cupid, and I was falling for his genuine actions. This is the start of a hopefully, forever couple! I'm willing to give my heart to Jamie, despite all the bad moments we've had. It's going to take a while to get used to everything, due to the fact we used to hate each other, and I have trust issues from previous relationships. I pray we workout, I'd risk it all for Jamie. I love the way his lips feel on mine. I love how his skin glistens with sweat when he's working hard. He is perfect in my eyes. I can't wait to see how far the Cookie Cupid will take us. Who would have thought Jamie, and Maya the rival bakers fall inlove with each other.

December 05, 2020 22:35

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1 comment

Bree Davis
21:48 Dec 16, 2020

This story was extremely fast-paced. It had some good imagery, but next time I would work on making your plot more believable.


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