Adventure Romance

'' When life gives you lemons, make lemonade '' - a stranger

"While she was talking on the phone: Excuse me, are you taking my photo?

Me: What? No..No, i was taking a selfie. I can show you if you want!

Her: sorry to offend you.

Me: not at all, i can see how it could seem weird."

The story takes place in Melbourne, Australia. We were both sitting on the steps of Bourke st mall while pedestrians were enjoying listening to a Latino singer from Colombia singing in Spanish while playing electrifying tunes on his guitar.

She continued talking on her phone in urdu, i could pick up her explaining to someone on the other end of the phone how she misunderstood me.

After she finished the call, I introduced myself to clear the awkwardness. You see, that day was a bad day for me and I just found out that my ex-love interest rejected my proposal. I have written her a whole book full of poems and memories and photos, but she still rejected me. So I went to the city to clear my mind and listen to some music.

It just happened that while i was sitting on the Bourke st steps i took a selfie which seemed like i was photographing that woman sitting next to me. I apologized again and we both laughed at the misunderstanding. She asked me where I was from and I told her that I am from Somalia, I guessed she was from Pakistan and I was right.

One thing led to another and we talked for an hour or so. We talked about many things and I told her that connecting with strangers is one of my hobbies like what we are doing right now.

I shared with her some of my stories and she was amazed and said '' my life isn't as interesting as yours.'' I told her I think that I attract stories to my life and that not every story has a happy ending like in the fairy tales.

We both agreed that everyone has a story that deserves to be heard. I asked her about her story, dreams, hobbies, studies and ambitions and she shared with me details of her life and dreams. She said that she's a good listener and all her family always ask her for advice and she always gives them solutions.

Then when they get what they want, no one asks about her ! They say she's strong and that she's always okay. She added: ''It's nice that you asked about my story''.

She told me that at her house she has a jar that she calls '' The Happiness Jar'' and whenever she encounters a happy moment she writes it down on a piece of paper and rolls it inside the jar. I asked her do you write about your difficult days too? she said '' No, i don't want to think about them. I only focus on the happy moments.''

I asked her '' So, how many jars do you have?''. She said '' I only have one and it's half full! and tonight i am going to add another piece of paper about you. Thank you for sharing and listening to me, this encounter made me happy today.

I acted surprised and said '' You have to get out more and have more experiences. I want you to have a collection of jars and fill them all.''

I laughed and told her '' who knew a misunderstanding like this will lead to an hour of a nice chat with a complete stranger sharing dreams & life stories with a beautiful Latin music on the background .''

We wished each other good luck from a stranger to a stranger, She seemed inspired as she walked away waving goodbye.

In Somali we have a proverb that says '' Don't hate me, before you get to know me''. It's really amazing how things could turn, she probably thought i was some kind of a creep when she first met me. Now after we talked and shared stories I made it to her special jar of happiness.

Three weeks later I saw her again sitting at the same spot, listening to a different busker by herself. I said hi and this time we talked like friends who were catching up, we talked for another hour and i asked her if her Jar was full and if she's planning to start another one?

she struck me with her answer, she said '' It's almost full with lots of more stories. But I want to keep it one, I don't want to divide my happiness. I would rather make more space for my little notes so that it remains special''.

I was surprised by her wise answer and I offered her a gift. I was at an exhibition earlier that day for a refugee friend from Afghanistan that I visit at Melbourne's detention center.

I told her about my talented friend who has been in detention for four years and i suggested we write a little message for each other on the back of the postcard.

I said on one condition though, none of us read it until we leave each other. This way it will be special.

I wrote her on the back of the card '' Everything that you are looking for is already inside of you. Just love yourself and the invisible will become visible. Good Luck ..Awale''

We said goodbye and I walked to the State Library of Victoria, I stopped to get some french crepe. The woman asked me what flavor you would like to have ?

I usually have caramel, but i thought to try something new. So I ordered a lemon crepe and as I sat down on the grass with my first bite of the lemon crepe i decided to read her letter & to my surprise it said:

'' Awale ...When life gives you lemons, make lemonade..wish you all the best of happiness in your life''.

August 28, 2020 15:39

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