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The house was already bustling. There wasn't a moment of silence. The younger nieces and nephews were running after the family cat, Garfield, who's name strangely fit considering the resemblance to the actual orange feline from the comics. Thomas's mother and grandmother, were in the kitchen making tamales while trying to teach his little sister how to correctly distribute the masa on the corn husks. She had just turned 15 last week and was still coming off of her quinceanera high, not really showing that she cared but still retaining all tips and instructions being thrown at her. Learning how to make tamales was a right of passage in this family. Thomas's mother, Maria, was a stickler to traditions and always made it clear, that I should learn more about cooking if I wanted to have a happy marriage. Maria never held back what she thought at the moment, that's why I value her view on me, she is an honest woman.

Thomas, not that long ago, wandered off after his uncle called him out for a beer. I decided to stay back so they can catch up. His uncle didn't live close as the rest of Thomas's family did, having to take care of a ranch down south. It was hard work, work that Thomas new well of. When he was younger he would stay with his uncle for the summer and help out around the ranch. Feeding the horses, and keeping the cattle in line. Thomas would always tell me how grueling the work was, and how dark his skin got from being out in the Texas heat for so long. He always made sure to mention how he would never regret it.

"Hey, Beatrice, could you hold little Micky real quick? I have to stop those damn kids from killing the cat."

Before I could even answer, Micky was placed on my lap, big doe eyes watching me, drool coming down his chubby face. Anna, Thomas’s older sister already gone. It wasn’t often, me handling a baby of any age. So, I just placed him on my knee as if he was riding a horse. 

“Hey, Micky, how ya doing? You’re riding a horse, look.” I begin bouncing my knee in a slow, up and down motion, Micky begins to giggle. It felt natural, caring for the young boy, even if it was short-lived. Not long after, Micky began to cry, and I had no idea why. “Omg, it’s ok Micky, look you’re on horsey” I look up, scared seeing if there was an aunt or uncle who could take Micky off of my hands and handle the crying baby. 

“I don’t know what I did, what’s wrong Micky?” I thought out loud, I was never one to handle babies and at this time it showed. 

“Oh give him here Bea.” Thomas was finally back. Hands still cold from the outside air. Picking up Micky and holding him close, hand supporting his delicate head.

“He’s just cranky that’s all. Don’t worry.” Thomas seemed to have magic because his nice sway was enough to calm Micky down. Enough to hold him off for the five minutes that passed until his mom came back. 

" Thank you guys, oh my god, you don't even want to know about what those freaking kids did to that stupid cat," Anna let out a breath, hands reaching for Micky.

" You're right, we don't want to know. What really matters is if the food is done? " Thomas spoke, as he was getting up stretching his back. He had the best smile on his face, not trying too hard but you could just tell that it was genuine.

" You're lucky I passed that way, yeah I'm pretty sure it's all set. We should go and get good seats or else ma will force us to sit with the kiddies again."

I stand there, taking in the interaction between the two. It was always fascinating and entertaining to see them both together. Thomas takes ahold of my hand and interlaces our fingers.

"Let's go, don't want to miss out on my mom's tamales. I know how much you loved them at the quince." His touch was comforting, I could take on anything as long as he was there with me, holding my hand.

We enter the dining room just as the women finish setting up the table. " Beatrice, where were you? You could have helped us set the table, and maybe talk about you and Thomas." a sly smile was given but of no ill intent.

" Ah I know, sorry Maria, I was watching over Mickey." I give a sheepish smile and lean closer to Thomas.

"Don't worry mama, you'll have plenty of time to chisme about me with Bea later tonight. For now, why don't we dig into this delicious food you made."

" Alright, but just because your papa has been nagging me. But Bea, don't you forget." A laugh then erupted from Maria. It was loud and seemed to have vibrated throughout the room.

As everyone began to sit down Maria spoke one last thing to mecbefore we all dug into the feast. Eyes focused only on me.

"Don't call me Maria, you can call me mom, you're apart of the family remember."

November 29, 2019 02:59

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Sadia Faisal
17:04 May 22, 2020

you can really win the competition with this story, please like my story if you like it and follow me


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