Horror Fiction Drama

Anna stood across from Sam, her best friend since their diaper days. Her eyes studied Sam's face, looking for the slightest sign telling her that the words she had just heard were a lie. Some distasteful joke and nothing more. All she found though was a deep, painful sadness in her hazel eyes which leaked tears that streamed down her flushed freckled cheeks. No… Everything Sam had just told her was the honest to God truth. When the reality of it hit, Anna could only stand there. Even as Sams's lips moved to speak Anna could not hear a word as the blood pumped loudly in her ears, but even so, she could still make out the shape of her name. Anna could feel a lump rise in her throat, and her vision became blurred with hot tears. "Why are you telling me this? Please Sam, please tell me you're just fucking with me! I...You can't...can't expect me to believe that-"

"I'm not lying, Anna! I...I'm sorry. God, I am so sorry. I just couldn't take it anymore. It was eating me alive!" Sam began pacing up and down the sidewalk, chewing nervously on the nail of her thumb. She had been doing that all day. Why was she just now noticing?

The two were walking down an old road that was never used. About five years ago a new road which shaved off about five minutes was built closer to the town center, and this one was all but forgotten. Blocked off from all car access due to the poor state it was in. On days like today, Sam and Anna would take this way home. It was almost magical how the red, yellow, and orange leaves danced along with the gentle breeze. Now though, that magical spell was broken, and it left the two feeling cold and aching. 

Anna felt as if the earth had fallen off its axis and was now spinning out of control. She slowly made her way to Sam, who stopped and watched her, seemingly ready to catch her if she did fall. Once Anna had made it to Sam she gripped her shoulders tightly, causing Sam to wince slightly. "Take it back, Sam. Just take it back and we can just forget about the whole thing."

In that moment Anna could see a look of hope in Sam's eyes. It would be hard for both of them but all Anna could do for her best friend was to try to give her a way out. Could she really just forget? Sam took a deep breath and removed Anna's hands from her shoulders and held them in her own. "No Anna. This isn't something I can take back, or forget about. I wish it were that easy, but I can't run from this... I murdered Jennifer."

~10 Hours Earlier~

"You're late. I cannot believe you would do this to me. After all these years, this is how you treat me? How dare you, Anna!" Sam said very dramatically into her cell phone, Anna laughing on the other end. "This is no laughing matter! Just how do you expect me to survive here alone with these, these, people?" Sam cringed as she spoke the last word and she knew Anna could sense it as she began laughing even more. 

It was David's annual party that he held at his family's cabin. He was a nice enough guy who got along with everyone and so the whole school would typically show up. No one that Sam was dying to hang out with though. So now she waited alone on the side of the house, giving a wave to others who had strayed from the party.

"Okay little miss drama queen I get it, and I told you I'm sorry. My mom was getting on my ass about Hunter failing his last math test. Apparently, it's my fault since I'm supposed to be tutoring him. Like, come on, I'm not a miracle worker." The two shared a chuckle. Sam loved hearing about what was going on in the Perez household. It made her thankful she was an only child. "Anyway, I'll be there in a bit."

"Alright just hurry up. I'm getting bored so I might go on a walk." Sam listened but there was silence on the other end. "Anna?"

"Is she there?"

Ah yes, she who must not be named. The wicked bitch of the west. Anna's ex, Jennifer Rice. The pair had dated for about four months before Jennifer broke up with her right in the middle of the school's courtyard, embarrassing her in front of everyone there. Ever since then Jennifer has gone out of her way to harass Anna at every chance she got. "I haven't seen her yet. If I do we don't have to stay. We'll just go over to my place and order some pizza, alright?"

Anna sighed softly in relief. "That actually sounds nice. Alright, just remember to keep your eyes peeled and do not engage." She said in a firm tone knowing fully well that Sam was never afraid to get into a fight. 

"Yes, moooom. Drive safe ok? I'll see ya when you get here." With that, the two hung up and Sam leaned against the side of the house. It would be probably around thirty minutes until Anna would get there. Sam didn't want to go inside just yet so she decided to go on that walk after all.

She walked silently through the woods, dead leaves crunching under her shoes as she stepped. There wasn't a cloud in the sky so the light of the moon was enough to guide her way. Sam walked for maybe fifteen minutes or so when she began to hear voices up ahead. Her steps became lighter as she got closer.

"I don't know about this Jennifer. I mean, isn't this all going a bit too far? Anna could get hurt!" Sams's eyes widened as she listened carefully to the group. What was Jennifer planning this time?

"Don't be a bunch of fucking babies. If you're all that worried then just make sure she comes out here and I'll handle the rest. Got it?" 

"No Jen. Bullying and name-calling is one thing, but this? What are you gonna do if she falls off the cliff or something?"

"Well, I think that falls under the category of not my problem. If she does then that's her fault for being a damn scaredy-cat. Oh, and if you guys tell anyone about this, I'll make the hell we've put Anna through look like child's play. Now get going! I'm freezing my ass off out here."

Sam hid behind a tree as Jennifer's henchmen passed her, listening closely to their whispers. "Jen has completely lost it. I don't give a shit what she says, I'm done playing along. You guys with me?" The others agreed with whispers and head nods. 'Good. She can freeze to death for all I care."

As soon as the group was far enough that she could no longer hear their footsteps Sam came out of her hiding spot and walked over to Jennifer who stood facing the cliff. "What are you planning to do with Anna?" She asked in a demanding voice, standing her ground. 

Jennifer turned around, a sweet smile on her lips. If Sam didn't know her so well she might have fallen for it. "Sammy? I'm sorry but I have no idea what you're talking about." She gasped softly and frowned. "Did someone forget to take their meds today?"

Sam tried not to look shaken but the cold air stung her now burning cheeks. "Don't play dumb with me Jen, I heard you ordering your little gang around. From the sound of it, they don't even want anything to do with whatever you're cooking up. Sounded like they think you're desperately in need of some meds yourself." She walked closer until she was only an arms-length away.

Jen glared at Sam. "You little bitch! Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?!" She shoved Sam, almost knocking her off balance. "I should throw you over this cliff and send Anna down right after you!" 

"Don't you fucking touch her!" With all her strength Sam pushed Jennifer. She stumbled back, slipping on the loose gravel on the ground, before disappearing over the edge of the cliff. There was no scream. Only the loud crack of skull hitting rocks on the way down.

Sam stood there for a long time. Waiting. For what she didn't know. Maybe for some sign that she was alive down there. She took a few slow steps backward before turning and sprinting back to David's party. 


Anna stood there in shock as Sam finished choking out her story through her sobs. Part of her didn't want to believe it, but she knew Sam would never make up something like that. "Are you...are you sure she was...you know?"

"She had to be. If she wasn't then she is now. It was so cold last night. Oh God what did I do?! I should have called the cops! I should have done something!" Sam wrapped her arms around herself and began rocking back and forth. 

Anna couldn't stand seeing her best friend like this. No matter what she had done. She pulled her into her arms in a tight embrace, hoping it would be enough to keep her together. "It's not your fault Sam. None of this is! She threatened both of us and you reacted. You didn't mean to hurt her. Let's go back to my place and get the car. We'll go back to the cabin and...well, we'll take it from there." Sam wiped her face and nodded and the two continued walking. 

When they had finally made it into the neighborhood they were only a few houses away from Anna's when they stopped dead in their tracks. "That's not possible." Anna heard Sam mumble to herself. Cross the street, leaving her house, was Jennifer. 

She spotted the two and smirked as she made her way toward them. She looked fine. No bruises, nothing broken. Nothing indicating the horrible fall Sam had described. When she was finally in front of the pair Anna noticed that her light blue eyes were now darkened, almost black. "Hey guys!" Jennifer said cheerfully. "Did I miss anything exciting at school?"

Sam and Anna could only stare at her. Other than the obvious fact that she should be dead, there was something very off about her. Sam was the first to speak. "You're alive…but how?"

Jennifer laughed and rolled her eyes. "Oh come on. I miss one day and you guys think I was dead?"

"Stop playing with me!" Sam screamed at her. Anna held onto Sam and pulled her further away from Jennifer.

Jennifer gave a confused look, but Anna could tell that she was playing some sort of game. "Sammy? I'm sorry but I have no idea what you're talking about."

November 16, 2020 04:20

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