Suspense Drama Crime

As a child, my family was not close-knit. I never knew my dad's side that much because of their criminal involvement. Each time someone from my dad's side did something illegal, it made news headlines, and my family would talk about it around the dinner table.

"Did you hear?" someone would say.

Someone always responded, "Yep, he's gotten locked up again. The jail is his home."

I always took my dinner and made an excuse to go upstairs just to avoid the chatter. At nights, I remember sneaking through the phone call log, dialing countless numbers just to get in touch with someone from my dad's side. I had no such luck in my search until one dark day, I received shocking news. My family gathered around my dad after he finished talking with someone from my dad's side. I found out that my unknown uncle Kason had died from an assassination. His death was premeditated. Dad gave me a tragic look and took to the phone to talk with a deputy to schedule a time to go to the police department. Apparently, the PD was conducting a family investigation first before they moved on to any outsiders. It seemed like everything had collapsed, the sorrow got to me, and I couldn't take the situation anymore. I ran upstairs to my bedroom. A couple of moments later, I heard footsteps and a knock at the door.

"It's dad. Can I come in?" He asked.

"Yes," I stated.

Dad came to my bed and made a spot for himself.

He lowered his voice, "I know this is unsettling for you, but let me tell you something."

He began, "My brother, Kason, and I was very close despite the family's issues. We always spoke over the phone and met over the years. He was the only sibling of mine who lived a non-criminal life."

"So why didn't you introduce me to him? I wish I hadn't missed out on him."

"I just couldn't. With the family strife, I didn't want to bring you anywhere near my brother because if someone from the family saw that, it could have ended deadly."

"Deadly?" I asked.

"Yes, and the last thing I wanted to do was have my child killed out of spite."

Dad paused for a brief moment before he drew closer to me with some more news.

"Your uncle always wanted to get to know you, and he always said that he wanted to put you through Glenview college. It's where he attended for business."

I uncontrollably concentrated on Dad's serious face. 

He continued, "I know this is odd, but he has an inheritance for you. You'll receive it when you turn eighteen, and by that time, you can attend Glenview."

I remained silent.

"Is there anything you have to say?" dad questioned.

I replied, "Im shocked."

"Ring, ring, ring," Dad's phone cut the conversation short. The caller ID read the local investigator's name, who was in charge of my uncle's case.

Once dad left the room, I walked towards the window and looked over at Glenview. The college stood out amongst the scenery, and ever since that day, I waited till I could attend. As a couple of years passed, the investigation of my uncle didn't. My dad was still dealing with the investigators and endless calls throughout the night and day. He became irritable and began questioning those he knew himself but without luck. When I turned eighteen, it was time to attend Glenview and fulfill my long lost uncle's wish. I packed up all my things and celebrated the last night with my dad and the rest of the family at Parlay boo, a restaurant downtown next to the gaming spot and pizza parlor. We took table eighteen right next to the entry where the cars frequently brushed past the roadside. Wendy, the renowned, waitress strutted down the aisle with a special tray equipped with fireworks and all our cuisine. The night went off with a blast as we sung, laughed, ate, and said our graces to one another until a masked man entered in and let out 10 rounds from a blazer automatic.

"Ahhhhhhhh," the criminal yelled out as he shot.

As the gunfire progressed, patrons flipped over their tables for cover, knocking away their dinners and red wine about the dining hall. 

"I need everyone's phones now!" one of the accomplices yelled.

Everyone complied immediately and threw their phones into the middle of the room. They were collected in a sack and tossed in a trash can just outside the ladies' bathroom door. As time went on, a man called out for Dad and me, explaining to be there to introduce a proposition. I didn't know who the man was, but I soon believed that he was a part of Dad's family and that the night wasn't going to end well.

"What do you want?" Dad yelled in question.

The man ordered, "Reveal yourselves!"

Dad and I emerged from our disorderly hiding spot to face the male when dad immediately said the man's name.

"Cannon," dad disgustingly uttered.

Cannon maniacally introduced, "Yes. It is your flim-flam brother. I've come to discuss some things." 

"I don't want to hear what you have to say, but start talking," dad announced.

Cannon disclosed, "We have hacked the financial database and ceased your son's inheritance money. If your son wants his inheritance, he'll have to confess."

"Confess to what?" dad hollered out.

Cannon revealed an unfamiliar rolled-up newspaper from his back pocket and tossed it across the room. My father picked it up by each end and read the front cover. His face turned dangerously pale as if he was going to faint. He'd found out the biggest secret that had solved the mystery of my uncle's demise.

"Cannon Montclair is presumed to be a lead suspect in the killing of Kason Montclair."

Dad lowered the newspaper from his face to stand up. He took the newspaper and pointed at Cannon.

"So you mean to tell me that after all these years, you were the murderer of our own brother?"

"Yes, and im sick and tired of watching over my shoulder. The only way out is for your son to confess in my favor in exchange for the inheritance."

My father was taken by surprise. He trembled with anger, stood deadly while tightening his hand, shoved over a few plates, and grabbed a knife.

"No, dad!" I exclaimed while waving my hands.

Dad deferred me, "Nothing you say will stop me, so don't even waste your breath."

He pointed towards his brother with the knife, "You evil son of a bitch. I'll make you pay for killing my brother, oh I know I will."

Cannon stood with a smirk that showed, even more, his cold heart. 

A gun magazine was placed in a gun that echoed throughout the silent restaurant. Soon after, we found ourselves out of the restaurant rear in the backseat of a black car. We were bound with tape and a white zip tie that made red strokes around our wrists. The vehicle finally arrived at the police department, where the investigation of my uncle was in motion. Dad's brother turned around from the driver's seat to explain the plan. 

"Your son will go into the police station and confess to the murder. Don't get any bright ideas because my team and I will be on standby."

He paused at our lack of response.

"Is that clear!" he roared.

I gave a trembled resounding yes while Dad maintained a look of vengeance.

I went to the police station entrance while the crew kept watch through the camera feed. The female desk receptionist greeted me and asked why I was there at such a late hour. I told her that I needed to speak with detective Rooney about my uncle's case and that it was urgent. She went to typing on her computer keyboard and pointed for me to walk down to the left hallway to his office. Halfway down the hall, no cameras were present, so I slipped a piece of paper and pen from a table and wrote a note.

It read, "Need help now!"

I took the note and held it to my pants just upon entering the office door. The detective was about to ask a series of questions, but I placed a finger over my mouth, signaling for him to be quiet. I explained what was going on and that my dads' brother and crew were armed just outside the station. The detective called backup around the back entryway till I heard a car door slam and a bunch of commotion, specifically my dad cursing at Cannon. He was coming to kill me as he found out I'd alerted the police about him.

"You son of a bitch, if you kill my son, you might as well consider yourself dead," dad threatened Cannon.

 His brother shouted back, "I'll kill you if you try to stop me!"

A moment of silence ensued, right when he and the crew stormed through the station lobby. He took lead shooter. 

"Sur, put the gun down, please," the lady receptionist pleaded.

Cannon showed her no mercy as he shot towards the desk. Luckily she ducked and ran on to the ladies' bathroom to hide.

"They've got guns, they've got guns," the lady called out.

"It's go time," the detective yelled! "Let's take them down!"

Crossfire ensued between both parties, making it hard to move an inch. Even one false move could have proved fatal. When Cannon's men fell victim to the police, he flipped the lobby room furniture in a straight line to form a sturdy barricade. He slumped down with the gun in his hand, turned it over an oakwood table, and fired continuously into the neighboring room. Two officers succumbed to the inevitable rein of casings, no matter how hard they tried to dodge them. Intrepid officer Daniels rushed over to aid the two officers under the help of Officer Talley, who dragged them to safety. Daniels then grabbed two stray guns, placing himself out in the open to end the standoff once and for all.

"I suggest that you put that gun down. There is still a chance to end this!" Daniels exclaimed.

Cannon bellowed, "No! I refuse to surrender! I'll never put my gun down!"

Cannon popped up like a jack in the box, confidently holding his gun steady with both hands. Daniels and the remaining officers joined him to subdue Cannon.

At the moment Cannon gestured for the trigger, the officers shot him cold dead in the rubble. They holstered their weapons and walked towards his body to collect evidence and secure the scene. The reign of terror was finally over. In the end, I got the inheritance and went to Glenview, but I'll never forget that ordeal.

December 17, 2020 06:35

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