Carrie sat in front of the window.
“What is it, girl?” Audery asked.
“I’m just thinking.”
“About what?”
“About what all has happened since that party.”
Audrey sat down on the floor next to her friend, which felt cold on her bare bottom.
“Aren’t you ever gonna wear clothes?” Carrie asked.
“I will when it gets cold out.”
“It still feels as it came out of left field.”
“It was. I just decided I was gonna stay naked.”
“But don’t you feel embarrassed?”
“Nah…not anymore.”
“When Zexado flew out of me, I was embarrassed, but when he offered me Leader of the World, I thought why not become a nudist as well?”
“That’s it?”
“Yeah," Audrey said, matter-o-factly.
“And I always suspected something was up with you.”
Carrie sighed, “Yeah.”
“But, it’s cool. We get to hang out together more.”
“You’re a good dog, Carrie.”
Audrey laughed.
“What’s so funny?”
”Nothing, I’m just glad I have you.”
”Thank you. I’m glad I have you too!” Carrie licked Audrey’s face. “Can I sleep at the foot of your bed tonight?”
“Please!” Carrie’s eyes were wide.
“Oh! What the heck!”
Carrie jumped up, spun around, and curled up.
Audrey sat up. “Want some TLC?”
Carrie barked.
Audrey petted her bald head. “What a good dog!”
“Ooh! Feels good.”
“You like that, girl?”
“Yeeeeaaaahhhhh! I’m in dog heaven now!”
“Good!” Audrey rubbed her butt.
Carrie closed her eyes and wagged.
Audrey laughed. “You really are a dog!”
“Hells yeah!”
“Hold on…” Audrey got up and walked over to the cabinet.
“What are you doing?”
She opened it and grabbed something behind her back. “Look at what I have…”
“What? What do you have?”
Audrey pulled the flashlight out.
Carrie tilted her head.
She turned it on and aimed it at the wall.
Carrie ran and clawed the wall, barking.
Audrey burst out laughing. “Sorry!”
“It’s OK, I’m having fun!”
“Yeah! Continue.”
“Maybe not here, but I know where.
“It’s too late, but tomorrow night, we’ll have some fun, OK, girl?”
“I love you!” Audrey hugged Carrie.
“Love you too.” Carrie licked her.
“Goodnight.” Audrey turned the light off and both fell into wonderful dreams.
The next morning, Audrey woke up and stretched.
Carrie panted at the foot of her bed.
“Good morning, did you have a good sleep?”
Carrie crawled to Audrey and licked her face.
“I’ll take that as a yes! OK, stop!”
Carrie did and rubbed her face against Audery’s.
“What are you doing
“Giving you extra puppy love!”
“Aw, thanks!”
She licked Audrey’s face once more and panted. “I dreamt I was chasing squirrels.”
“Good, did you get those furry bastards?”
“I don’t remember.”
“I bet you did!” Audrey said and rubbed Carrie's chest. “OK, it’s shave time!”
Carrie hopped down and on all fours, followed Audrey to the bathroom. Audry opened the cabinet and grabbed the Clippers. "This is the way we shave the dog, shave the dog, shave the dog! This is the way we shave the dog, so early in the morning!" Audrey sang as she buzzed the short hairs off Carrie’s head.
“Wow! You weren’t kidding about keeping me bald!”
Audrey laughed. “I told you!” She buzzed the back of her head.
“Thank you.”
“No need to thank me.”
She checked Carrie’s scalp for any more hairs then shut the machine off. “All done! Now, let’s get some food!”
Carrie, on her hands and knees, followed Audrey into the Family Kitchen. She poured a bowl of cereal and sat it on the floor.
Carrie yelped and dunked her face in. She started eating.
“Good dog!” Audrey said, petting her head. ”I’m gonna have myself some breakfast then work.”
“OK, I love you.”
“Love you too.” She kissed Carrie on top of her head then made a bowl of oatmeal. She sat down,, grabbed her phone, and began reading the news. “Let's see…Iran still at peace…China developing…new spacecraft…dolphins may be far more intelligent than we think. Well, DUH! OK, everything’s fine for now.” She laid her phone down and started eating.
Carrie gobbled her food down.
“Damn, girl! You were hungry!”
“Such a good dog.”
A blue cloud appeared and began misting. Then, the mist formed a red demon.
Zexado materialized. “Hi, ladies, how are you doing this morning?”
“I’m not a lady! I’m a dog!”
“Sorry, how are you, lady and canine doing?”
“I’m good. Awesome entrance, by the way!”
“Thank you, girl!”
WOOF! Carrie uttered and licked Zexado’s hand.
“Are you hungry, Zexado? I could make you something?” Audrey offered.
“Do you have chocolate?”
“Oh! No, sorry, I forgot to get some. But I will pick you up some next time I go shopping.”
“I could make you waffles.”
“Ooh, I’ve heard of those!”
“Then, let me make you some.”
“Here you go!” Audrey set the plate down in front of Zexado. “Two waffles drowned in blueberry syrup!”
“They look like small Flawerdds."
“Flawerdds are huge round creatures in the Underworld and they make great pets!” He grabbed a waffle, put it to his mouth, and took a bite. he chewed the crunchy, sweet bread. “Mmm!” He swallowed. “These taste… AMAZING!”
“Great! I’m glad you like!” Carrie replied.
“We demons eat rocks and dirt and drink mud, so this is quite a pleasant change."
“Ew! really? you eat dirt and mud?” Carrie asked, wrinkling her nose.
“Yeah, we demons nourish on mud and dirt seven times a day, except on Pengeluin Stomping Day, in which we fast. But, yeah, we eat dirt and rocks and drink mud." He shrugged. "Tastes okay, I guess... Occasionally a worm slithers down our troats."
“Yuck! Gross!”
“Well hopefully you won’t have to eat dirt and rocks again!” Audrey said.
Audry discussed the climate situation in Brazil, negotiated with Turkians over oil reduction, and signed a couple bills, requiring every gun owner in the world to have a permit.
"Another successful day!" Audry said, walking into the World Leader Bedroom Suite.
“’Can we go for a walk outside?”
“Now?” Audrey looked puzzled.
She nodded and barked.
“It’s awfully dark.”
Carrie looked at her through sad eyes.
“Oh, what the hell? Come on, girl!”
Carrie jumped on Audrey. as she stood up. “Go get your leash.”
Carrie ran on her hands and knees to the low shelf. Biting the handle, she pulled the drawer open and snatched her leash with her teeth.
“Look, girl, the full moon is out.”
Carrie looked. The white sphere shined in the clear night sky. “It’s beautiful.”
“You said it.”
“Yes, girl?”
”Why did you automatically accept me as your pet?”
“You’re my BFF! I’d do anything for you!”
“But, didn’t you think it was weird?”
“I’ve become the naked leader of the entire planet so, I figured, what the Hell?”
“YOLO, you know?”
Audrey looked at the stars. “Such a great night! I’m glad we’re out.”
“Me too.”
A blue cloud appeared hovering a foot above them. It evaporated and the bird creature matriculated.
“Mokopai, right?” Audrey asked.
“This is my friend, Carrie. Carrie, this is Mokopai, Zexado’s, er, friend?”
“Please to meet you, Carrie!”
Carrie stood up. “Thanks.” She shook his hand.
“So, I have nothing to do. Wanna hang?”
“Sure, but what if somebody sees?”
“Deguisilo!” Mokoopai said and a red light flashed and a gentleman with a black mustache stood in his place
“So, you do that, too,” Carrie said.
“Yep“Sorry for asking, but what are you?”
“A demon…like Zexado.”
“Oh, are you related to him?”
“No, I’m just his friend.”
“I see.”
“What about you? Have any brothers or sisters?”
“Yes, unfortunately.”
“Why can’t you come to my play?” Carrie asked.
“Told you. I’m busy,” a man with wavy blond hair replied and took a swig of his beer.
“Doing what?”
“I gotta run some errands.”
”What kind of errands? And you shouldn’t drink so much before you go out.”
“OH MY GOD! Do I have to tell you everything?”
Carrie dropped her stuffed black Terrier toy and ran to her room. She grabbed her phone and called Audrey. “He won’t go!”
“Oh, Carrie! I’m so sorry/. I’ll have mom pick you up.”
“No, I’m not going.”
“But, you’re the star! It wouldn’t be TWoO without Dorothy.”
“I don’t care! I have to go to the play!”
“You’re going to that play! And do you wanna know why?”
Carrie sobbed.
“Because you’ll be magnificent.”
“But, Jake-“
“Forget about him! Sarah, Hayley, Jo, and many more of our friends will be there!”
“But, he’s my brother.”
Audrey sighed. “Carrie…”
“Just go, OK? You’ll have fun and do awesome.”
“You really think so?”
“Hell yeah! You’ll blow the roof off!”
“I’ll go.”
“Awesome! I’ll have Mom pick you upon at five forty-five or somewhere around then.”
She wiped a tear away. “OK, I’ll be ready.”
“Audrey… Thank you.”
“There’s no place like home!” Carrie said and then the curtain fell.
Audrey stood up and clapped and cheered with the audience. Carrie stepped out and bowed. She smoked.
“YAY, CARRIE!” Audrey shouted, stuck her two fingers in her mouth, and let out a shrilling whistle.
Audrey followed the crowd out of the auditorium and into the hall.
Audrey saw Carrie. “CARRIE!”
She looked and spotted Audrey. She ran to Audrey wrapped her arms around her best friend.
“Carrie, you were fantastic!”
“Oh, yeah!”
“Well, thanks , I just wish he came.”
Audrey sighed. “Yeah…” She patted Carrie’s back.
“Why don’t my family adopt you?”
“Not this again.” Carrie rolled her eyes.
“Mom offered to have the den renovated.”
“I know. I don’t want to be a bother.”
“Carrie, you’re not a bother.”
“Well, Jake thinks so.”“Jake can go straight to-“ Audrey started, but took a deep breath. “We’re not talking about Jake. We’re talking about you.”
“Well, thanks for the offer, but no.”
“It’s getting late. Can you ask your mom to drive me home?”
”We were going to Olive Garden to celebrate.”
“No, thanks, I don’t feel like celebrating.”
“WHY? Cuz I want you to be happy?”
“I am happy.”
“Living with him?”
“Just drop it!”
“You’ll have a loving family.”
“I’m fine, OK?”
“I can handle it on my own!”
“I’ll be going, OK?”
Carrie looked at Audrey. “It truly is really a beautiful night.”
Audrey petted her head. “Yes, it is my girl, yes, it is!”
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Dear Writer,
The shadows of realities sometimes set in life like a dream. Feelings over a woman can live like the life of a snowdrop until the sun comes up. The toy mind surrenders to the task of counting Mani's moles in the light of a moon.
Write more Congratulations
Oooh, feels like I just entered a Geronimo Stilton book. No matter how old I grow, I still love those books. Smooth write, Charlie. Way to go :)
Imaginative and fun, as all your stories are.
Personally, I think it lacks conflict. That Audrey is a female, teenage naked leader of the world and noone at all is opposing her / fighting back / plotting /sabotaging her...?? Potential for a lot of drama there if you want.
Thank you! You have a point there! I've already been thinking about it!
Yesterday, I tried to edit this story, but it said it was approved, but I haven't gotten a notification yet. Do you know what's going on? This happened one other time.
Ummm well you're not supposed to edit after the deadline so maybe that's why?
But, I could edit other stories before I get notified.
Oh. Don't know then. Maybe a little time delay for the notification ?
Racheal, i submitted another chapter this week.
That's great, Charlie 👍
Its a nice story. A bit sad for my taste but I liked it.!!! :)
Thank you! Anything that I could improve?
Maybe just a bit more descriptions about the character's appearances and their environment for better understanding of the surrounding. other wise your dialogue flow is good and the story line is good as well.
It's part of a series. If you want to read more, the titles are in my bio.
i submitted another chapter this week.
Thanks for telling me. I'll read it.
Another fun chapter in your imaginative stories. Thanks, Charlie.