What if Apps on your phone speak?

Submitted into Contest #82 in response to: Write about an android just trying to blend in with their human companions.... view prompt



Sunil's exams were nearing. He was a phone freak and used to spend most of the time on phone. He returned home from college and was telling his mom and dad that exams are nearing and he has to concentrate on his studies for the next 2 weeks.

His father said "Throw your phone aside. You'll succeed for sure.". He replied "Yes dad, this phone indeed is a great distraction to me".

His android phone was hearing all this from his pocket peeping out.

It was sad and angry since he mentioned him as a distraction.

Sunil entered his room and took his phone in his hand. He took a silent resolution to himself. No more distraction for the next 2 weeks. His voice was unheard to the outside world. But his phone could hear it very clearly.

He switched off the phone and kept it aside. The moment he turned off the phone, all android apps started talking to each other.

Chat app said "See this guy, he uses me to text to his girl friend (who never replies him) everyday and finally he has put the blame on me!"

"Yes, he checks all random costly stuffs on the internet all day and never buys them. But he is saying us as his distraction.", sighed the shopping apps.

"He always watches movies and web series all night, sleeps late and finally blames me in the morning that I spoiled his sleep. How bad!", said Netflix .

Google Meet said "Guys he never listens to the online classes conducted. He just puts me on mute and starts using Instagram and twitter.

Sudden laughter sound from Instagram and Twitter "True.. True... He keeps on scrolling me day and night yaar." said Instagram.

Google meet out of anger said to "Guys , he is attaching the test documents obtained from his friends via Whatsapp directly in me".

"That's not my fault..", Laughed WhatsApp sarcastically.

Guys Guys.. He is coming. Silence! said the phone.

"Ah! why don't I switch on the phone once and check if I have any notifications?" Sunil thought to himself.

Meanwhile WhatsApp shouted "He will 1st open me guys. I bet you.!".

"No his exams are nearing. He'll probably first check me!" said Email app.

"No guys! he will check out for the price drop alert in me" said the shopping app.

To their disappointment, he first opened the browser and typed in "How to pass the exam without studying?", all apps were shocked.

He searched for few blogs related to his search and then took a visit to all other apps. After using phone for almost an hour he said "See I've wasted 1 hour on this stupid machine. This is such a distraction. I should 1st throw this away and study".

He switched off his phone and plugged the charger to it.

All apps became extremely aggressive hearing this. The only happiness is that he was providing them food (charge) on time.

Again, they started their conversation.

WhatsApp started, "He came. He checked with all his friends how much they've studied and logged out. Guys, he also turned off his activity history just to show off that he is concentrating on his studies."

Browser said "You guys are far better compared to me. He is asking all stupid questions to me for which I don't have an answer".

"Ok guys. It is better you all take rest for some time. He will anyways come back after an hour and check you", said the phone in a mocking sense.

Every app became calm and went to rest. After an hour Sunil came back turned on the phone, opened alarm and set it to 4 AM in the morning. He was telling to himself, "I don't feel like studying now. I will wake up early tomorrow and start fresh".

All other apps were laughing to themselves because they all know that it was his routine during exams.

WhatsApp said to Alarm "All the best Buddy! Anyways he'll not wake up at 4. Be ready to get scolding from him".

Alarm replied "Oh no! Last time when he didn't wake up on time, he was blaming me to his mom. He also added that if I would've woke him up on time, he would've become the topper of the institution. But you know what, I was shouting once in every 5 minutes for almost an hour". "He never recognizes us man!", sighed the alarm.

It was 4 AM and the alarm started ringing. Hearing its sound all other apps woke up except Sunil. He was in deep sleep. His mom entered the room. Tried to wake him up. No response.

She got angry and turned off the alarm. Alarm was afraid that he'll scold him instead of his mom.

He woke up at 9 AM and was shocked. "No!!! It's 9 AM. What happened to this stupid alarm? It has wasted my 5 hours time. I could've completed a chapter in that time! ", he started his regular complaints.

Meanwhile alarm was quiet and never spoke even a word. He cross checked the alarm again and said "I must better throw this phone. It never helps me during critical times!"

He opened all other apps and checked the notifications. All other apps felt pity for the alarm.

This routine continued for a week and all apps were completely disappointed by the way he complains.

Finally, all his exams got completed and his browsing history showed, "Will god help me to pass the exam?, How to get pass mark without studying?, "Will university cancel the exams?" so and so.

All apps were reading his browsing history and laughing out loud.

The day his exams got over, he was telling his friends, "I will now chill with my phone all day buddy. Holidays are gonna be fun".

Hearing this all apps decided something together. The moment he came home and turned on his phone, all apps started hanging.

"Oh what is this? All apps are hanging. What happened to my phone? It's the 1st phone that my dad gifted me and it never hung before. It has helped me in all tough times. It has accompanied me in all my highs and lows. How can I go for a new phone leaving this", he said to himself.

All apps were laughing out hearing his mind voice. They all said, "He will never realize that the distraction lies in his mindset and not on us guys. Better let's go with the flow. Stop hanging guys. Let him enjoy his holidays".

The moment the phone became normal, he said "Mad phone! Behaves weird at times". All apps were hearing this but never spoke anything.

It is in the hands of the human to accompany them in the right way. Mobile phones and apps were invented to make human life easier. But most of us don't use it in the right way.

We often become addictive to them and forget that we have a life beyond that.

When we use it right, it will always be a best companion. But if we fail to do so, it will always be our master. Choice is ours!

- Abinaya Chandrasekaran

February 21, 2021 12:16

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Matthew Langford
07:44 Mar 04, 2021

Nice idea for a story. Some mistakes however in the writing. Second line the tenses don't sound correct. 'Asking all stupid questions to me' could be just 'Asking me all the stupid questions'. When he us talking it is not clear who he is addressing. Also the last bit I feel the moral of the story should stand without the reader being told - show don't tell.


Abinaya Devi
18:30 Mar 04, 2021

Thanks Mathew! Noted down the suggestions. Will improvise the areas mentioned.


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