Fiction Sad Inspirational

That's the thing about this city, you never know when it will start raining. Carry your umbrella all the time, one extra jacket and of course the shoes with better grip than I'm wearing right now.

Every step feels like the last step before slipping off into the pool of embarrassment in front my colleagues I left behind, waiting in the shade of garage.

I'm sure they can still see me. Too eager to beat the heavy rain and get home before roads flood with enough water to drown me half, I left as fast as possible but now all that is a part of regret.

Good thing, I learnt the lesson for next time.

There's not a single soul in sight, should I head back. No, that would be too embarrassing. Keep moving Iana either you are too smart or too dumb, we'll never know. Just keep moving.

Water is almost to my knees and it's absolute opaque composition is freaking me out probably more than Bruce Banner when he couldn't change into the Hulk.

I know these roads so there is no worry of falling into a pit or twisting ankle on a random bump but the scarcity of any breathing creature around is initiating the feeling of paranoia inside my doodle loving brain.


This squeaky little word with that voice is unrecognizable as well as chilling.

"Who's that?"

"Would you like me if I show myself."

It's a kid. Its definitely a kid, a girl.

A little girl of about 6 appears out of thin air in a yellow frock. Biting nails and fumbling with the hair strand, this girl is clearly scared but I'm more scared. Where did she even come from?

"Honey what are you doing here? Are you lost?"

"Have you ever heard of those stories where a person dies and turns into spirit."

"I have yes."

"I think I'm the spirit."

"I don't think so. Where you live? I'll drop you."

"I don't remember but I remember living my body and I'm quite sure I'm dead. Is there a way I can prove, I'm sorry I'm not experienced being out of my body."

"Honey maybe you listen to a lot of ghost stories. I'll have a chat with you parents, tell me where you live."

This is so weird she's walking towards me and there is no ripple in the water. Is she really a ghost? What if she's mentally challenged and needs help? But she is walking in water without causing disturbance in it. Just move away Iana, this is too much of creepiness.

Is she walking behind me? I can't hear anything, must look.

She is, she's walking behind me. I'm scared of a little girl right now.

"Do you not like me?"

What's with this girl being liked? Everyone won't like you however good of a person you are.

It's a kid Iana, come on.

"No that's not that. I like you but I don't know where you want to go. Can you tell me something about your family."

"Can I walk beside you."

"Of course."

"I'm a ghost." The little girl waved her hand right across Iana's shoulder and beamed at her. Iana stood in shock trying to take in what she just saw. What kind of world was she in?

"I'm not going to harm you. I don't think I can anyway. Its totally different from what's shown in movies. I can't move stuff without touching or make wind blow fast. Please don't be scared of me."


This is weirdest of the weirdest situation. I can't believe my eyes, my ears. I don't know what I'm going to do next.

"What can i do for you?"

"I have some questions. I died before I could find the answers. Can we walk and talk?"

"Yes, come on."

"What make people like us?"

"It all depends on people I guess. Some people will like you even if you are in wrong and some people won't liie you even if you are the kindest human."

"What's more important, being liked or being kind?"

"What do you think?"

"I don't know, I'm 6 years old."

"Well for me, I'd never hurt an innocent in an attempt to be liked or praised. Once we hurt someone, we loose any right to demand kindness for ourselves."

"Once I threw my brother's doll in the bin. Am I a bad person?"

"Sometimes we all do things out of anger and jealousy but if you really regret it then you are not a bad person."

"Jasmine I told you not to go anywhere while I call almighty." A short plump man in oversized red gown and yellow fairy wing walked towards them two feet above the ground.

"You met a human. Oh girl what did you do?"

"What...I mean who are you?"

"This is ketchup. He is my ride to wherever we go after death."

"Very funny, call me whatever you want but nice lady I must tell you this girl is a little devil."

"Don't you call a little girl devil. An where are you talking her?"

"Her life here is over, now it's time to embark on a new quest which I'm sorry but must remain unsaid. Although I can mention the new after life is way better and less stressful then the one here."

"How is that?"

"When the time comes, you will know."

"Where. Are. You. Taking. Her?"

"Somewhere she'll never miss this screwed up world. A place of absolute peace."

"Why can't earth be like that? It's full of hate, injustice and suppression."

"Can't say, won't tell, never know."

"Have a nice time on earth cause humans are going to exhaust themself with their feelings of...whatever, I don't want to mention that stupidity."

"Excuse me, feeling are not stupid. What's the use of being on earth and not have feelings for each other."

"That's what God must have thought but now look around yourself, ask yourself. Does this place really deserve another new born? A being with zero felling of hatred or jealousy. A little creature having no idea that the world its come into has a side none in the multiverse would want to enter. Ask?"

Are these tears? Am I crying? Why? What's wrong?

No. No. No. He is right. There is no hell or heaven after death. Hell and heaven are right here in this country, in this world and we decided what dominates. We all decides if we want this to be heaven or hell for every other individual.

"You are ri-" Where did they go?

Iana smiled to herself, rain has stop already and now she was just walking through the water without another thought of worry, there's enough to worry about already.

Number one is, why is this world too bad for new born?

March 16, 2021 17:37

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