Sonny's POV
It was a cold Monday morning, and I was on my way to work. Part way there, I realised how stupid it was not to wear a coat in the middle of winter. I was freezing cold, and I had wrapped my arms around myself in an attempt to keep warm.
Just as I was contemplating going back home and grabbing a coat, the overwhelming smell of coffee and hot chocolate from a nearby cafe drew me in. I stopped in my tracks, smelling the beautiful aromas of caffeine before I finally went inside.
The warmth hit me as soon as I stepped inside and I let out a sigh of relief, releasing my arms from around my body.
The first thing I noticed were the cute little circular tables, decorated for the festive season. Along with the fairy lights hung above the windows, and the unmissable christmas tree placed in the corner, the cafe had a homey feeling. Although the tree looked as though it had been decorated by a child, tinsel strewn everywhere and mismatched baubles hanging from each branch, it somehow made the room all the more perfect.
I made my way to an empty table at the back, secluded from everyone else. There were two seats, but I wasn't expecting company, so I ignored the second chair. I sat myself down, placing my backpack and laptop on the vacant chair. The tables were set with a small rack, holding the menu and other leaflets and brochures that advertised different upcoming events.
Reading through the menu, I was surprised to see just how many different drinks they had, and was ashamed to admit that I had no idea what most of them were. I skipped to the end, a bright smile replacing the confused frown on my face when I realised they sold hot chocolate with marshmallows and sprinkles. I instantly knew I was going to buy it, so I got out of my seat and headed over to the counter to place my order.
The lady at the till was very polite, offering to bring my drink over when it was ready. I smiled gratefully, heading back to my table. I pulled out my phone, scrolling through instagram to pass the time.
Not long later, the lady arrived with my heaven-in-a-cup. I thanked her, taking the drink from her grasp and tentatively taking a sip, closing my eyes to savour the moment.
However, my eyes shot open when the bell rung, signalling someone had entered the cafe...
Andy's POV
After much teasing from my friends about being the only one who was single, I had had enough. I decided to do something about it, not being one to get embarrassed by much. I stepped into my favourite cafe, scanning the room to see who I would be talking to.
There was an old married couple in the far left corner, lightly sipping their drinks and smiling dazedly at one another. Cute, but not what I was looking for.
I moved my gaze over to the middle of the room, spotting three teenage girls laughing and joking as they nibbled on cakes, gathered around one girl's phone. Sadly, not what I was interested in.
I looked over to the right side of the room, smirking when I spotted a tall guy around my age sat alone, sipping on a hot chocolate as he scrolled through his phone.
I cleared my throat, grabbing the attention of most of the cafe before I spoke.
"Where are all the gays?!" I screamed, laughing to myself as I saw the looks of horror that sat on most peoples faces. I smiled at the tall boy, who motioned for me to come over to him. I made my way closer, suddenly becoming nervous. I took a seat beside him, looking down with a blush on my face.
"Hey cutie, what's your name?" He asked.
"Andy Fowler." I smiled.
"Beautiful name for a beautiful boy." He winked.
I rolled my eyes fondly, muttering "Comment cliché."
"Did you just call me cliche?" He raised an eyebrow. I smirked, my confidence building up.
"That I did, beau."
He placed his head on one hand, resting his elbow on the table as he leant closer.
"I take it you're french?"
I nodded.
"That's fascinating. I've always wanted to speak french."
"It's a beautiful language." I commented.
"Not as beautiful as you."
I blushed, avoiding eye contact with the stranger. "Tu es assez charmante."
"As gorgeous as you sound, I can't understand you."
I chucked, standing up.
"Where are you going?" He questioned.
"To order a drink, mon chéri."
"Let me buy it for you!" He half begged. I smiled, taking my seat once more.
"I'll have a hot chocolate, with extra marshmallows."
He grinned at my order, walking towards the counter once more.
"Il est magnifique." I whispered, fanning myself with the menu.
Soon enough, he arrived back at the table with my drink in hand. He placed it down in front of me, also handing me a chocolate cookie.
"You didn't have to."
He shook his head. "I wanted to."
I took a bite from the cookie, using this time to really look at him. His dark hair contrasted with his pale skin, making his gorgeous brown eyes stand out. He was dressed quite formally, causing me to believe he worked in an office somewhere.
"What's your name, mon chéri?"
"Sonny. Sonny Robertson."
"Ah, Sonny. The sun is rather stunning."
"I'm a sucker for a sunset." He replied, making me chuckle.
"So is my best friend."
We sat in silence for a short while, not breaking eye contact as we both drank our drinks. The moment was ruined by his phone ringing.
"Sorry, I need to take this. I'll be right back."
I shamelessly watched him walked away, admiring his plump arse as he left.
"Oh mon dieu." I breathed, pulling my phone from out of my pocket and dialling my best friends number.
"Hey Fovvs, what's up?"
"Rye, I met a guy."
"Really?" He asked, a hint of surprise in his voice.
"Oui oui, il est absolument magnifique et tellement charmant."
"I'm happy for you, baby." I could practically hear the smile in his voice, and I really wanted to give him a hug.
"Thank you bee."
"I'm expecting you to come home with his kiss on your lips and his number in your phone." He told me.
"I don't know. Et s'il ne m'aime pas?"
"He does."
I jumped when I heard his voice, turning my head to face him as I quickly hung up the phone.
"How did you understand me?"
"I took a bit of french in high school. I only remembered the important phrases." He joked, taking his seat once again.
"Really? Like what?"
"Like, tu es la plus belle personne que j'aie jamais rencontrée de ma vie."
I blushed, struggling to keep the smile off my face. "You don't mean that."
"Don't I?" He raised an eyebrow, poking one of my dimples. I giggled, pushing his hand away. He took my hand in his instead, a look of pure adoration in his eyes.
"You're adorable."
"Et tu as chaud. What other things do you know?"
He paused for a moment, moving his chair closer so that we were practically face to face.
"Je pense que je t'aime?"
My heart started beating rapidly, the butterflies going crazy in my stomach.
"Maybe we'll get there some day." I whispered. He moved his hand to my cheek and started stroking it lightly, his eyes glued to my lips.
"Veux tu m'embrasser?" I asked, knowing the answer.
"I have no idea what you just asked, but I want to say yes."
I closed my eyes, bringing my face closer to his until our lips touched. He realised what was happening and immediately kissed me back. My hands gripped at his wrists as I tilted my head slightly, allowing him to deepen the kiss. He licked my bottom lip and I immediately granted him entrance. I let his tongue explore my mouth as I savoured his taste, loving the hint of hot chocolate in his breath. I was dying for more as he pulled away, but settled for his hand in mine as he lead us out of the cafe.
"I need to get to work, but I want to see you again." He told me.
I nodded. "You will."
He pulled me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me as I snuggled into him, loving the feeling of his body on mine.
"This might be way too soon to think this." He started, placing a kiss to my head. "But the feeling is unmistakable."
"Je tombe amoureux de toi." I admitted.
"I wish I knew what that meant."
I pulled away, placing a soft kiss on his lips.
"You will soon. I promise."
He pulled out a pen, quickly writing his number on my arm.
"I'll see you soon Andy." He spoke, pecking my lips once more before walking away.
I watched him until he was out of sight, a dazed smile on my face and a giddy feeling in my heart.
"I look forward to it, mon chéri."
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Hello! I received an email a week or so ago regarding Reedsy's critique circle and your story was recommended to me to read and give feedback. I really enjoyed your story and I wish I knew French!! The descriptions were great and it was very sweet. Great job! :)