
Alex Brooks                    NO CLOCK IN


Kyle was already under pressure today due to some personal problems and was not prepared for any of this.  They did not need this problem. He was going to work with her however at this point it was above him. Something had to be done. Before he could even begin to come up with a solution Ms. Susie came around the corner immediately surveying the crowd and pinpointing the problem without missing a beat. Kyle put the phone down.The look on her face meant business. Sadie cover Kyles’s table he'll be right back. It’s going to be a while before Mrs. Bloom is ready anyway.

 Kaz drummed her slender fingers on the table simultaneously  checking her phone for any messages. A quick peek at the time confirmed that she was indeed on time. She pinned the waiter with a frosty stare daring him to sidle over and ask in that fake nasally voice reserved for those who work in customer service particularly food service, “can I go ahead and get you started on something? No sir, for the umpteenth time, you may  not. I would like to wait in peace, thank you very much. Kaz humphed. Another moment went by and she felt bad quietly  chiding herself, Oh Kaz you old girl you go on and calm yourself. He's just doing his job. 

 Mickey was usually the hot head. Kaz really was surprised at herself. All this weirdness had her testy. On edge even. It had been more years then she cared to count and she could barely remember a time that she hadn't been left waiting. She didn't understand why all of a sudden the thought of Mickey being late and herself being  made to wait one more time made her so upset. 

In the beginning it was a major problem for Kaz.In all of her 27 years She had never met anyone so on point with everything yet so scatterbrained when it came to being where she was supposed to be and what time she was to be there. Since it was unfathomable to her that such a person existed Kaz chalked it up to  a series of unfortunate mishaps. As time went on it became apparent that time management was not only not part of Mickey’s skill set it wasn't even part of her world.  Kaz unwilling to make it a thing held out hope  that her own excellent time management skills would rub off on her. No such luck. Afterwhile Kaz learned to make friends even quicker than before due to all the sitting around waiting on Mickey while Mickey learned well Mickey never actually learned

Kaz laughed to herself she knew she never would. After all this time Kaz was finally on Mickey’s time with no clock in sight.

Lately however things had been weird.  She was really beginning to think Mickey was cheating on her. It was crazy to even have to consider but one has to always consider the facts. She barely saw Mickey anymore and couldn't really remember the last time they sat down and had a real conversation. She came in after Kaz herself had been long gone to bed and left well before she arose. She had even taken to sleeping on the couch Kaz had seen the telltale pillow and blanket. At least she was eating. She made sure to leave a plate out for her no matter what. One had to keep their health up at this age.

 Kaz decided she would take charge and find out what was bothering her wife.

Mickey was a lawyer who after twenty long years of working in entertainment law, contracts mostly decided she could and would do more. She was savvy, smart, confident and refused to take no for an answer. By the time she was forty she decided to open her own law firm with Kaz’s help of course.Kaz was an accomplished music producer. No one had an ear for music like Kaz. Like Mickey she had always known what she wanted.  They  spent most of their 40’s building the thriving firm that Booming& Bloom  was today. 

They had really come a long way. Kaz loved to wait and think about all the funny things that transpired in their life due to Mickey’s chronic tardiness. Mickey had always made it seem like she had planned it that way just to keep her on her toes. 

She remembered how Mickey had canceled on their first date and Kaz couldn't believe it. No one canceled on her. She was livid and let her have a real piece of her mind. Mickey called the next day dripping apologies and rescheduled only to have Kaz waiting for thirty minutes. While she waited Kaz got bouquet after bouquet of gorgeous flowers.. Mickey had known she'd be late and how bad it would look so she arranged for flowers to be delivered every five minutes all through her wait and through dinner. Each time just laughing at Kaz’s joy and astonishment. She explained there was a bouquet for every time she'd be late over the years. She wanted to apologize ahead of time assuring Kaz that it would always be worth the wait. That memory always made Kaz smile.The day Kaz told her she loved her had been the same day Mickey was late to the first dinner with their parents. Once again she found a way to make it up to Kaz and their parents that made her forget why she was so mad in the first place. Being late helped Mickey get things just right. Their engagement came three months after the first fight they ever had. Mickey had misjudged her time schedule per usual and was running late. She of course got caught in traffic as a result the trip they had been planning for months had to be rescheduled. Kaz had been so mad she saw red. It was the first time Kaz wondered if Mickey was really the one for her. Gifts had begun  to show up little trinkets from all over the world with sweet notes attached. Antidotes about what real love meant from every culture you can imagine. One morning she came home to find her bags packed and a note that said Meet me at the airport you'll understand when you get there Kaz for obvious reasons was skeptical.  When she arrived she found personnel holding signs, Each sign had something sweet and instructions on where to go next. When she finally reached her gate there was Mickey on one knee. Kaz began  planning their wedding leaving out one small but important detail. At the dinner rehearsal Kaz announced that the wedding would not have a set time it would be a walk through. My gift from me to you darling. Mickey almost fell out of her chair. she laughed so hard tears flowed down her cheeks. Coincedently Mickey actually beat Kaz to the waterfall they were married under. It was one of the most humorous yet romantic weddings anyone ever had the pleasure of witnessing.

Kaz checked her phone again. Why was Mickey so late. She tried to call again only to get her voicemail. Finally she swallowed her pride and called Mickey’s secretary. Hello? Yes Jessica. This is Kaz Bloom have you seen my wife. We were supposed to meet for lunch. We have a standing lunch date every week as I'm sure you’re aware.. Umm yes Mrs. Bloom could you just give me a moment. After what seemed like an astronomical amount of time Kaz heard life on the other end. Hello Mrs. Bloom yes sweetie i'm here where you are able to reach her? No Mrs. Bloom im so sorry she must've already left for the day. Ok sweetie that's no problem. I'm sure she'll show up soon. Of course Mrs. Bloom have a wonderful evening.

Evening Kaz looked at the time and how much time had passed . I'm sure that young waiter  was about ready to skin  me alive.Kaz thought. I will go ahead and order for us both. It's not like I don't know what she wants. Kaz chuckled to herself. Mickey wasn't particular about many things which was one of the reasons Kaz loved her. However Kaz learned early that Mickey only ate what she wanted and she would wait for it and even hunt for it. She loved a good restaurant opening-- there was that feeling again in the pit of her stomach

She felt as though there was something she was missing and yet she couldn't put her finger on it. She was going to get to the bottom of it tonight one way or the other.

Where is she Ms. Susie?

 At her usual spot my dear, be gentle, I think today might be a bit more rough than usual. Ms. Susie turned to Kyle who looked sadder than she'd ever seen him. Go on home young man. See you tomorrow. Kyle ran to his car to cry for the next thirty minutes.

 Reese shook her head. This was always the worst part. Ma Mickey had died two years ago in a car accident. She had been running late and rushing to meet momma at this very restaurant. Ever since their loss she had been living with her mother waiting for the old Kaz to come back she couldn't lose her too. What had first felt like a just in case type of situation had become an increasingly disturbing reality. She had lost her and it hurt almost worse than when Ma Mickey died.  Her momma couldn't seem to wrap her mind around it. The doctors said she just wasn't ready. Reese personally thought it was more to it than just  that. She wondered if Kaz could ever really live again. To her it just seemed Ma was just running late as usual it used to be the sweetest thing to her the way her parents were. Now? Reese pulled in a calming breath and approached her mother.

Hey momma how are you doing? Kaz looked up. The young woman had startled her. She seemed vaguely familiar; she couldn't quite place her. Momma it's me Reese. Kaz wished this woman would go away so she could wait for Mickey in peace. However the young woman was rather forceful and kept calling her mother. Sweetie I’m not sure who you have me confused with however I’m waiting on my wife and I’d like to wait in peace. Momma, Ma Mickey is not coming. She won't ever be coming.  She is gone. Look how late it is. Reese regretted the words as soon as she said them. Kaz just looked at her and said, “my Mickey will always be late but she’s well worth the wait.”

Reese slid into the booth behind her beautiful and broken mother to wait for closing. The spell would break and Kaz would know she would cry all week until next week same day same time.

July 10, 2020 22:35

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