This was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives. Mark was finally going to get down on one knee and do it. But then something happened. We finally got him to talk and tell us what happened.
I feel the heavy contact of metal to my jaw, as I fall to the ground and my head harshly smashes into the ground. Then everything turned black. My mind turns a little clearer, as I have light perception. My body wobbles like I'm being carried. I get set down and feel the gritty dirt on my legs. Next to me I see Mark just sitting there. We’re in a confined room with a drain, metal walls, air vents and a metal shoot. What the hell are we doing here.
“Mark, what happened?” I question as I rub my jaw.
He refocuses and rubs her arm; a crease appears between his eyebrows, that appears when he’s anxious.” Um, we were walking in the park when out of nowhere a man with a gun came up to us. He said he would kill us if we screamed. When he started to tie us up, you started to fight.” Mark sighs. "He knocked you out with the gun. He made me carry you and then we ended up here. Are you okay?” I solemnly nod. A racking sob escapes my lips and I press my hands tight on my face hoping this all a nightmare. Without saying anything Mark holds my hands in his rough callused ones. From the hard work he does in the garage. His fingers stroke my jawline and move through my hair.” I don’t know what is happening, but I promise I will get us out.” His lips flutter over mine.” I promise.” Just above, or somewhere we hear a static then a voice.
“Welcome contestants! Welcome. To the game I would like to call Dare and Truth. You’ll be given a series of challenges whether it is telling the truth or doing a challenge. Don't think to lie I know everything. One of you can sacrifice yourself to save the other.” Mark just sits there staring straight ahead.” Now that option is only for the dare part of the game. “He chuckles.
Mark gets up and starts yelling.” Who the hell are you? What do you want?”
All there is, is a chuckle. look at Mark. I already know what he’s thinking.
“Mark, don’t you think about it.” I start yelling. No answer, just silence. "Dammit Mark, promise me you won’t do it.” I go up to him and search in his eyes for him to tell me.
He sighs, and a half-crooked smile appears on his face.” I promise.”
1 hour later
“Hello, contestants. Time for your first challenge. Let me see I'm going to go with truth. We’ll start with you Mark. Why did you plan this walk in the park?”
I see a rosy red blush escape over his face.
“Uh, Allisa Cartwright. I love you with all my life. I was just wondering if you would be willing to become Mrs. Beckett.” I see him grab his grandma's old ring. I was shaking my head yes before I could say it. The cold bronze ring smoothly glides onto my finger.
With aggravation in his voice “Ally buns anything you would like to say anything.” Ally buns only one person calls me that. I just play along and wait until we are alone.
“Mark, you might want to style up a little better because I am about to fall in love with someone a lot younger.”
A confused look spreads across his face.” What do you mean you just---
I finish with a big grin on my face.” And they are going to call you dad.” He looks down at my stomach in a surprised way.
“You’re pregnant. I can’t believe this I'm going to be a dad.”
“Congrats, you passed the first challenge.” The voice sounds even aggravated than before. I hurry over to Mark. I sit next to him to make it look like we are not talking.
“I know who he is Mark.” I silently whisper. Out of the corner of my eye I see him slightly nod. “College, high school, they always had a crush on me. Mark it’s Jonatan, he knows everything about us. He’s probably jealous, we didn’t help when I said yes and said I was pregnant.” He looks surprised. Probably because him and Jonatan go way back. I have a plan. Jonatan wants me and probably is expecting Mark to die. If I die Jonatan will be destroyed. He’s always played a fair a game he would let Mark go.
“Mark, why did you wait so long to ask me.” I tease.
He chuckles and runs his hand through his hair. "I had to get my grandmother’s ring resized.” Slowly he turns to look at me, with a sad smile on his face.” When did you find out you were pregnant?” I let out a quite giggle.
“Yesterday, I waited to tell you tonight.” I’m cut off again with the sound of static.
“Time for your next challenge. I choose to dare. In just a few moments a, meaning one breathing mask will be provided. Water will fill up to the top. You can try to save the other, but it’s almost impossible.” A sharp abrupt click ends his speech. Mark slowly walks toward the mask; he picks it up and just stares at it. Without even talking he comes over and kisses me then puts the mask on me. I furiously try and take of the mask.
“No Mark, I’m not going to let our kid grow up without a father. You’re not the one who can hold their breath for two minutes." I spit at him.
His cheeks get red and yells. "I won’t even be a father if you want to be reckless and try to kill yourself again.” He stops short, realizing what he just said. “I’m sorry, just please put it on.” I nod and he slips the cold metal on my face. Water starts to pour in and the water laps over my feet. My heart starts racing and I can feel it in my hands.
“Mark, I’m scared.” He just holds my hands, and mouths it’ll be okay. Out of nowhere the water is already at our chins. I see Mark take a breath as the water gets over our heads. He’s already struggling, I take in a deep breath and place the mask on Mark. His face full of confusion. I fill my lungs with the fresh cool water. When the water fully enters, I feel the burning. My body drifts to the ground. Compression are being done on my chest. Mark
Allisa Cartwright died a young brave woman. Later that week Mark OD. The doctors tried to save him. By then it was too late.
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Wow... Great work I liked the smooth flow of the story especially during the conversations between Mark and Allisa.