Adventure Christian Friendship

I’d like to introduce you to my BFF!

Some may refer to Him as my invisible friend.

My invisible compass—of the very best of the best in directions.

He is not invisible because His presence is felt—always.

No matter where I go, He is with me.

For better or worse.

In sickness and in health,

For as long as we both shall live.

Even if and when I make a wrong turn.😏

Until someday,

when we meet face to face, we can reminisce about all that He taught me here on planet earth about good times and bad times and the best way to extend a hand of forgiveness and light.

He has always known me. I am a stubborn kid.

In the meantime.

He is with me.

When I ride my bike

While driving in the car.

Playing on the playground.

While doing homework.😏

While cleaning my room😉.

He teaches me that I have a lot to learn. He is patient and kind while I learn it, too. Through all the laughs and tears and frustrations and anger.

The one true friend in the world who really WANTS the best for me.

And you🫵🏻too!


How do we get there?

There are no shortcuts.

No double talk, word gymnastics and jumbles.

That’s the not-so-good-news.

The better news is that He sticks with us through thick and thin. The bully on the playground, our parents when we feel they are pushing us too hard, our friend who is also having a bad day and doesn’t want to “play”.

He is with us all day, every day. To help us become a better person.

He shares everything good. He shares the lessons of what not to do when times may be bad.

He teaches us how, too, to be a good friend.

The things we share—when we are young to as we grow and mature—the toys, secrets, loyalties of and to others are all the ways he helps us grow.

In the springtime of blooming flowers, how beautiful!!

Is He!

(Here is a secret for you my friend—He even helps the beautiful flowers grow!)


He helps them to grow colorful and smell wonderful. Oil and perfume make the heart glad! (pf) Thank the Lord for their wonderful ness.🌷💐🌺🪷🪻🌹

He knows. What to do. What we need to do.

As Our friend He has no agenda, no calculation or compulsion to do what is wrong on our behalf. For us.

Except of course, teach us as we grow, like a beautiful flower in His wonder and love.

He WANTS us to wonder about the world around us like curious little children—even when and as we grow and change. Even the stubborn ones (like me)

He has true talent.Oh yes! He wants to share it with us. Teach us. To look at the face of another. Look deep into their eyes. Maybe what we will find, is we will recognize ourselves in another and share their joy or share their pain.

Friendship grows. Over time. A true friend loves all the time. A true friend loves us even if and when we make a mistake. He drives us to be better in all aspects. And if we make a mistake, he sets the proper course for us to dig deep and recognize our faults and momentary failings.

He puts the key of a good life back into our hands while guiding us gently along the way. He guides us lovingly to show our true face. To others, in the growth of a true and honest friendship.

So. Then. We, they can pass it on to another-the goodness and kindness and not the revenge and anger.

He, as God’s son, WANTS us to grow in friendship with another, with others. For the sole purpose because

He is good.

We are good.

Even when we mess up😳.

He guides us with all His merit and grace.

So. We will live with a face of confidence to,share with others the lessons we learn along our way in this sometimes challenging life—like sharing our toys, secrets and loyalties.

Choose carefully.

Bullies. Are a part of life. For all of us.

”The righteous choose their friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.” (Proverbs 12:26)

We will all encounter a bully, or two, as kids, all the way through our adult lives. We may react in ways that are fearful, not God-like. It is challenging and difficult to know what to do. Who likes confrontation?

Not me.

Withdrawing, from the fight shows weakness.

Well. He teaches us HOW to best to share of ourselves without the anger. It takes time.

Takes your time.

Takes my time.

The great news—it does take.

In the best possible way. Just give it a couple seconds, minutes or hours and you will see.

Give yourself a “time out”. Regroup. When you come face to face with a bully again, they will not feel so dominating, so powerful.


Guess who is standing right next to you……..🙏🏻

It is ok to mess up, make a mistake. It is how we learn from our mistakes—even the grown ups can learn this from Him. His ways.

Make no mistake. There is enough passing the blame to go around the room. Be the bigger person-He teaches us that while we are sharing our toys, secrets and loyalties. Life is simple. not always easy.

We are tired.


He picks us up.

”Carry each other’s burdens and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (Gal 6:28)

A friend in need is a friend in deed (pp)

Yes. Our over confidence gets the best of us sometimes. Look to His grace and mercy and He will teach us how to best make the change from a servant to a friend.

Both are good!

Growing from one into another is what He teaches us with the sometimes hard lessons in life. No worries about thinking about giving up. His gentle guidance never fails.


”A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity”—-(Proverbs17:17)

Take my hand new friend!

I’d like to introduce you to my BFF.

His name is Jesus.

And he is AWESOME!

Walk with Him.

Grow with Him.

Share His Good News!🙏🏻🫵🏻

May 05, 2024 12:16

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