Adventure Horror Kids

Do. Not. Disturb.


Don’t touch.

I need my personal space.

Away from you.

Don’t Look, Don’t Touch.








What makes you, you?

Genes versus environment.🍷🍩💪🏻🍺🥊

Bring it On.

Bring your “A” game.

If you have more than one, may God have mercy

On you.

No worries.


Not scared.

Won’t even flinch.

Things are about the get “fugly”

Worse than ugly.

Word of caution.


Word of warning.

I am a cry-er.

Always have been.

It’s a good release.


Bring In On.

Hit me with your best shot.

Won’t even flinch.

I have been fighting superficiality for decades, eons even. Before I was a blip in the radar of existence. it’s in my genes and I am in my jeans😌.


Or. Inheritable.

Great question.

How ya’ doing the the control department?

The self control department. Cannot always blame everyone else and everything else on lack of sleep. Lack of shut eye😴.

Or the use of the phrase, “Shut up.” When we do not like what we hear. Inhabitation and cohabitation in the little house of horrors in our heads can be a never-ending chatterbox of chatter. Contradictory chatter. Babble chatter.

It can get noisy up in there……(pt)

The Perfect Match.

Yep. You got it. The perfect daily boxing match of never ending possibilities. Positive possibilities.Negative possibilities.

Just please remember.

Before we get all snug as a bug in a rug.

You could be next.

A word of advice: Look.Dont’Touch. Enjoy the moment of beauty and satisfaction for as long as you need to.

Tomorrow is another day. Another dollar.

Vicariously living through another prevents the rolling stone from gathering no moss.

Wish I had seen the opportunistic opportunists earlier.


Better late than never.

Are you available?

Great question. Depends upon perception and perspective, I suppose. Don’t really know at this point in time.

It can be a jungle out there. Don’t be too anxious. Appetites and desires are sometimes both the icing on the cake and the collapsed cake under the weight of the icing.

Who you let in can or cannot be the difference. In figuring out the rest of the story. Who you like to roll with, roll around with. Especially in the midst and the mists of the cries and the crises.

Reminder. I am a cry-er.

It is very releasing.

Leaves worry in the rear view mirror. Although many times, Siri is not a fan or participant in this line of behavior. Siri likes to know where you are, where you have been and worst of all,

Where you are going…….

I have a rather good idea where I am going.

Don’t plan to become a slacker anytime soon though.



Where was I.

Long and drawn out.

Hate this.

Buying a couch should not be so complicated.

Neither should buying into an idea.

But it is.

Opinions are like you know whats……😌

Everyone has one.

Is there really safety in numbers or numbers in safety.

Every relationship lives off of its resource pool.🤨🥊

Gosh. What a novel concept.

Things such as:







Are you available? Depends upon perception and perspective.

Mismatched or mishatched? Mismatching occurs when relationship partners have very, very different ideas about who, when, and why each gets access to those resources and how they are replenished.(pt)

Example: Since I am a cry-er, does my water supply get replenished sooner than yours, and if not, why not?

After all.

You are not boss of me.

Unequal power over time can be the harbinger of a dying relationship.(pt) Time takes its toll on things

Ask me how I know.

Look. Don’t Touch.

Don’t look. Don’t touch.

Your choice.

It is not mine any more to make. Life is never one-size-fits all.

Here is possibly the most important little shop of mind horrors of all.

The escape.





History and patterns have insidious ways of repeating themselves.

Especially in the little shop of horrors in the mind. That exist in the mind. Do you prefer the master bedroom or the family room….The den, the man cave, the she shed.

Hopes and dreams take up space in the horror spaces in the mind too. Incompatibilities exist in all of us. They can become stimulating opportunities to expand and grow or increasing irritations that become deal-breakers over time.(pt)

Wish I knew.

The options of the options.

Before it became too late.

Effort really counts.

But. Only for so long.

Challenges abound. And challenges exist.

Look. Don’t Touch.

Because one may break.

Another may take.

That which has not been freely given.

People Management.

Is a thing.

A joyful thing.

A desperate thing.

A blame-game thing.

A tame the beast thing.

Words plus a fist a mighty brutal combination.

Make no mistake.

Words alone can take up expensive rent in the little shop of horrors of the mind. Rumination swirling like the last bad exchange. The voices become contaminating and louder and crowded in there.

Even with our own best intentions, we can make things worse.

No one said it would be easy. When you enter another’s mind, horror-filled or empty space, you are entering more than their world. Similarities. Differences. States.

Of mind.

Throwing down the hammer over time. Is a must.

Getting to know you, getting to know all about you!

Getting to like you, getting to hope you like me too!

Getting to know you, putting it my way,

But nicely.

You are precisely.

My cup of tea.

No mention of the words “Shut up”.

Getting to know you,

Getting to feel free and easy

When I am with you,

Getting to know what to say.

Still. At the Look. Don’t touch stage.The Don’t Look don’t touch stage too.

Haven’t you noticed

Suddenly I’m bright and breezy

Because of all the beautiful and new

Things I’m learning about you.



day. (r&h)

And there you have it.

One person’s beautiful is another person’s ugly.


Vice Versa.

An opportunity for the best way to learn.

Without judgey judgement.

We could all learn a thing or to about the ability to precisely be nicely cordial, kind and polite to one another.

Even if and when we have the desire, the urge to run them over with our car.😜🤓😳🚗

September 29, 2023 15:03

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