Fiction Kids Happy

“Where I come from, the land is magical because everyone believes. That’s why I am a unicorn. Mystical, mythological.” I gestured to the horn on top of my head. I knew he was only one of the very few who could see it. He believed.

I glanced across the room and caught the reflection of myself in the mirror opposite. I could see my horn shimmering like a mirage.

“Tonight, I will tell you the legend of the Tooth Fairy.”

My beautiful little boy, curled up under the blankets and nested into his pillow now, turned his big, blue eyes toward me while clutching his teddy bear, his thumb finding his mouth.

He had just lost his first tooth and he wanted me to convince him that the Tooth Fairy was real. He has heard stories in his kindergarten class, some believers, mostly dissenters I told him the story of how she would come in the night, while he slept, to exchange his tooth for a coin because it was in the special pouch beneath his pillow. I had given him a little, silk bag in which to place his tooth and slip under his pillow so the tooth fairy could visit secretly.


I focused on the stars softly glowing on the ceiling, making my wish, before Mommy said my name. I looked at the sparkly horn Mommy pointed at on top of her head, when she started telling the story. My eyelids became heavy as she started talking. I loved her voice. I loved her stories.

I was listening to her words, but I remember seeing the tooth fairy that night. She was little and looked like Mommy - she was so pretty! And she flew in on a white unicorn with wings! I giggled when they landed and walked over my neck. She hopped off the unicorn and her wings fluttered on my cheek. It tickled when she sneaked under my pillow.

After they quietly flew away, I squeezed my eyes tight shut, squeezed Teddy hard and rolled over. I couldn’t wait for the sun to shine in my window so I could wake up and look in the little bag.

When I woke up to the rainbow shining on my wall, made by the sun catcher hanging on the window, I knew it was morning. I tossed my pillow aside, gabbed the little bag that had been tucked carefully under it, and opened it up. I pulled out a large, silver coin!

“Mommy, Mommy!” I called from my room.”Look!” I whispered in amazement as I held the coin up for Mommy to see. “She was here!” 


“Oh!” I gasped toward the shiny fifty cent piece my son held out proudly in his small hand. “Of course she was,” I stated matter-of-factly, giving him a gentle smile, fascinated by his wide, amazed, sparkling eyes. I hoped he would always believe in magic, like in this moment.

I gave him a bearhug, relishing the time he would show his enthusiasm for believing in magic. I reluctantly rose from the kneeling position I had quickly achieved to match his level with my hearty embrace.

“Get dressed and come out to the kitchen for pancakes, okay?”


Pancakes?! Today? Wow! I hoped they would be Chocolate Chip.

With a big grin and a fist pump, I shouted, “Okay!” and hopped out of bed to put on the clothes Mommy and I had picked last night. My favorite jeans, superman sweatshirt and my red tennies. I slipped the coin in my pocket, grabbed my cape, and raced to the kitchen, where Mommy was scooping batter on the hot griddle. I wanted to show the half-dollar to my friends at school and tell them all about the Tooth Fairy! She is real! Just like how my Mommy is a Unicorn!

She poured me some juice and brought me a plate with pancakes in the shape of Mickey Mouse, with chocolate chips for eyes and a smiling mouth. I smothered them in syrup before picking up my fork. I shoveled in my breakfast and gulped down my juice, rushed to brush my teeth. I rushed to fan the cape around my neck - it was red, like my shoes - then ran outside to jump in the care. We needed too go! I wanted to show my friends!

Mommy hurried out the door behind me to make sure I got buckled in and combed my hair before she started the car. I looked up at her. She was smiling. The sparkly horn on her head made me feel so happy, and she wore sparkly eye-shadow to match. My grin got wider as I clutched my backpack. My Mommy was a Unicorn! I wondered what I’d be when I grew up. I rearranged my cape so it wouldn’t get all wrinkly.

We finally pulled up to the front of the building. Mommy gave me a kiss on the cheek and straightened my cape before sending me off to the school.

After going through the big doors, I walked fast (we weren’t supposed to run inside) to the classroom. First, I showed the teacher and told her the story. She clapped her hands together and smiled at me. “How would you like to share your story for Show-and-Tell today?”

“Really? Okay!” That was important. I imagined how excited everyone would be to hear about the Tooth Fairy, my silver coin and that my Mommy was a Unicorn. 

When Ms. Meadows called me up to share the story, I proudly told about how the Tooth Fairy came on a tiny Unicorn with wings when she thought I was sleeping, I showed them the coin and told them that my Mommy was a Unicorn. I watched as some of the kids covered their mouths and giggled. I looked at my teacher. I could see her horn sparkling. She was a Unicorn, too. 

I put the coin back in my pocket and walked to my seat. I sat down quietly; a small smile to myself made it to my lips. Ms. Meadows winked at me. I shifted my cape so it could flow behind me.

September 22, 2022 16:12

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20:54 Sep 29, 2022

I enjoy the shifting of perspectives, it's a fun way to tell the story. I happen to have a child who just lost a tooth and so I am smack dab in the very depths of this age. I am wondering if you used a structure in writing for the child (such as I did this and then I did that) to relay a simplistic view but when reading, to me, it seems too linear in thought and often too mature in phrasing for a child this age. Switching perspectives opens the ability to write in a wildly different voice. With an imaginative world (and what a great way ...


Keila Aartila
22:11 Sep 29, 2022

Thank you so much for your in-depth critique! I did not use any particular structure, just life-experience. 😀 I see exactly what you're saying, and appreciate your using the example that caught your eye - your feedback is really helpful and appreciated. I was concerned about using some language that comes across as too adult, also -again, thank you for your time! 🦄


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Ross Dyter
19:56 Sep 29, 2022

I loved this, it really is the magic of childhood. I thought the switching of viewpoint from mom to kid was great. They each had very distinct voices.


Keila Aartila
20:06 Sep 29, 2022

Thank you so much! I didn't know if that would work well, especially in a story this short, I greatly appreciate the feedback. This was fun to write! 😄


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