Drama Fiction Romance

My sister is as persistent as they come. She is acting like a teenager since the time we came back to our hometown; almost after a decade and when my five year old son Nathan, teams up with her I cannot escape the trap they have set for me under any circumstances!

“Please don’t say ‘no’”, they pleaded in unison.

“Nathan, you can go with aunt Jen. I don’t feel like going anywhere today,” I say in my defense. And then he uses his ultimate weapon- puppy eyes. “I really want to go mommy,” he blinks his thick long lashes.

“With you”, he said in a voice that could melt even Hitler’s heart.

I huffed and engulfed him in a tight hug. “Let’s get dressed, actor.” My sister squeaked with joy and came running towards us from the dining table hugging both of us tightly.

“Thank you so much Ann, you are the best sister and the best mom ever,” she said showing her pearly whites.

“No buttering madam Jen, let’s get dressed before I change my mind.” I said smiling and winking at her.

While driving to the ‘Dawn lodge’ which is a great and the only safe sledding point in this town I saw that a lot of places were just the same as they were when I left. It felt like I came a decade back in time and am breathing in the same air as I did in the time when I was a kid and my dad would take the two of us there.

The area was all covered with massive snow and it looked beautiful, despite the fact that it was freezing cold which got me worried about Nathan. I quickly showed them the way to the booking area and we rushed inside.

George, the manager, showing his age through his wrinkled face, covered in a beautiful smile welcomed us with a warm nod. “Hey Uncle George, you are just the same- rolling and running faster than people like me. who are half your age ,” I said leading the way.

“Hello young ladies, how did you find your way here? And oh, who is this handsome fella?” he said in his sweet Texan accent.

Nathan being a shy child hid behind my legs and tugged my jacket with his small hands. I turned around and held him up in my arms and took him to where George was, “Uncle George was Grampy’s close friend, and he is family. Say hello to him sweetie,” I encouraged him.

Before I could say anything else, George took Nathan’s hand and said, “Call me Grandpa George, sweet Nathan.” And to my surprise Nathan smiled at him and nodded.

We dressed ourselves up to go sledding as soon as we got them. We headed out of the main hall and were welcomed by snow-capped mountains, trees covered with glittery snow with a bright yellow orb shinning in the background. I stopped to admire the view and inhaled the magical smell of this wonderland.

“Mommy, come fast,” I was summoned back from wonderland to real life with Nathan’s voice.

I was looking at the two of them and was trying to fetch my mobile phone out to take a picture of these two impatient munchkins when I suddenly tripped on the steps where ice was melting because of the warm sunlight.


A huge figure came in front of me offering me his hand to help me up. I looked up but I couldn’t see his face because the area around him was shining, making him look like an angel as they show in movies.

“Ann, darling, you are still the same, clumsy clown,” the man started giggling in a heavy voice.

“Are you okay?” Jen came running and so did Nathan. “Mommy?” I could sense worry and confusion in his voice.

“Oh,” the guy moved aside to make way for the two of them and that’s when the light draped on his face and I saw he was Henry.

I tried to stand up but I couldn’t. I could not apply weight on my right foot. Henry, my ex- boyfriend offered his hand again and I accepted this time. He wrapped his arm around me and helped me move to the sitting area. Nathan and Jen followed.

He made me sit on a wooden bench and inspected my foot after removing my shoe. It felt weird. When he touched my bare skin the buried butterflies somewhere in my stomach resurrected and began a dance of their own.

“Henry, “Jen came and stopped the music the butterflies were dancing to.

“Are you okay?” she asked me while looking at Henry. The way she looked at him reminded me of the time that was locked in the trunk of my brain.

He was still the handsome hunk as he was in his teenage. Every other girl in the school wanted to be with him. And Jen, even though she was nine at the time- she had a crush on him. She would tell me straight away that i am not good enough for Henry and that I look weird with him. She was a kid and I did not take her seriously.

However, I knew she was right because every other girl in the school envied me and looked me the way people look at criminals after they are sentenced to live a lifetime in prison.

I moved to get my college degree in California and that is when we decided to end things because we knew our relationship won’t survive the harsh waves in the sea of a long-distance relationship. It was difficult but after a while I met Nathan’s dad, who was exactly like me and we got along well. We loved doing things together, and we ended up having Nathan in our lives after four years of staying together.

I was happy as ever. But it didn’t last long. John while coming back home from his job interview, so that he can provide for our unborn baby, got into a car accident and lost the battle of life. He never saw his son and after that my world revolved around Nathan . I never had the courage to date anyone.

“She is fine, it’s just a strain. You just need to keep it warm and try not to exert pressure on It.” he replied to Jen while looking at me and instructing me.

“Thank you,” I said smiling at him but craving his touch from the moment he sat next to me.

“Oh, and meet my son- Nathan,” I said pulling Nathan in my lap.

“Come here you, mommy’s fine. Don’t you worry. And meet Uncle John, he was mommy’s classmate in school.” At this john looked at me and gave a weird smile and then looking at Nathan, he smiled a warm smile and shook his hand.

“Can we go sledding now?” Nathan asked, looking at me and Jen.

“You can go but your mommy can’t join you little man,” John answered him.

“Then, John you should come with us,” Jen said, her eyes gleaming with joy.

“Just like the old days, little Jen. When you me and your sister used to come here sometimes.” John replied. I laughed at the way he addressed her.

Jen looked at me and rolled her eyes. They quickly got ready and went leaving me with George and his first aid box.

Jen and Nathan had walked away when I saw John running back, I’ll be right back. We have a lot of catching up to do sweetheart”, he whispered and winked at me, which made my insides go jittery and brought the butterflies back to life

They all went away and after what seemed like ages I saw John arriving. “Where are my two impatient, snow and sled lovers?” I asked him from afar.

“They went to get something from that souvenir shop.” He answered.

He sat right next to me.

Took a long breath and asked about how I was feeling now. I told him I was okay and I am ready to go back home as soon as Nathan and Jen arrives.

“Sure,” he sounded defeated.

Nathan came back running, waving his miniature snowman keychain with excitement. “Look what I got for you mommy.” He said with a huge smile on his face. Jen appeared from behind him walking lazily.

“What did you get for your dad, young man? I don’t think it is fair to love your mommy alone. “John’s words made my eyes watery.

Jen saw my face and summoned John to where she was standing. They both went away for a while and I tried to shove memories of Henry back in the treasure chest of my brain, just to see my son smile and not ruin his sledding trip.

We all ate together the sandwiches I brought with me and got ready to leave. I hugged John bye and he instructed Nathan to take care of me, which made me laugh.

Jen was driving us back and I was sitting in the back seat with my right leg up on the seat.

After shutting the door, John stooped down near the window, “I gave my number to your sister and it turns out I still have a chance with you. So call me maybe?” he winked and then waved goodbye to us.

January 23, 2021 04:00

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