Written in response to: Start your story with a vehicle pulling over for a hitchhiker.... view prompt


Contemporary Fantasy Fiction

Bob was a young man, tall and handsome with a nice moustache. He had qualified as a biochemist and worked for a private hospital in the city of Mand. He had analysed test results almost night and day battling Covid. He was now on special leave with extra funds to take a vacation and he decided he would spend time at the amusement park about 200 kms away in Hemp, and then join yachting in the lake. He started his trip early one morning in his car dressed in trousers over which he wore a bush shirt with 4 pockets. He had one regret: He had to vacation alone as hadn’t yet found a woman to share his life with. As he drove along at speed, music was playing in the car. After about an hour the car suddenly stopped. He saw he was outside a big house. He did whatever he could to start the car but it was no use. He decided he would ring up resq service to send someone along to help. It was at this time he saw a young lady in a sari walking out of the house. She closed the gate behind her and walking up to him said “Car stuck? Let me see if I can help.”

She looked into the open bonnet and after fiddling with it, came and sat in the driver’s seat. She turned the ignition on and the car started with a roar.

He said “Thanks. How do I compensate you?”

She said “I’ll tell you. Mind if I go along with you?”

“You’re welcome. I’m going to the amusement park in Hemp.”

“Fine. Let me drive. Close the bonnet.”

She expertly drove on with him by her side. As she drove he introduced himself and she said “I’m Isis. That was my house I came out of.”

“What do you do?”

“Before I answer that question I’ve to give you some background. Have you heard of the Lall murder case?”

He said “Sure. Lall and wife were murdered by someone unknown and their money and gold were stolen. They found the murder weapon – a knife – with finger prints but couldn’t find the killer. The case is apparently still under investigation.”

“You’ve said it all rightly.”  Suddenly she was missing but the car was driving on. She said “Don’t worry if you aren’t seeing me. I’m in full control. I’m Isis Lall.”

“And you were murdered!”

 “Right again. I’ve turned a friendly ghost. When my ectoplasm is strong I materialise. Otherwise I conserve it by becoming invisible.”

As he sat wondering what to make of Isis, she asked “How is it you aren’t married yet?”

“I haven’t met the right girl yet. There is a police post ahead. Be careful.”

“Leave it to me. You simply say you’re in a driverless car.”

Police stopped the car and said “How is the car driving along with you in the passenger seat?”

“This is a driverless car.”

The policeman said “Okay. Open the boot. We’ve info that a car carrying drugs is on is on the way here.”

Isis opened the door and went round to the rear where she opened the boot. No drugs were found. The policeman was puzzled. He said “Driving is driverless. Opening the boot also seems done invisibly.”

Bob said “It’s all voice controlled.”

Finally the policeman said “You can go.””

The cop said to himself “Driverless cars exist and also passenger-less cars are perhaps coming. In 25 years of service I haven’t seen a case like this. The world is changing fast!”

The car went ahead. Bob said “I’m hungry. Let me have breakfast. You should join me.”

 She said “I’ll stop at the new Festoon corner cafe. Food is good there. I’ll accompany you but I won’t eat anything.”

At Festoon he ordered and a waitress took the order. He looked round and saw there was only a woman patron with her little girl in a nearby table.

When the breakfast dishes arrived, unseen hands moved them near Bob. The maid watched this with wonder. She went to Paula, the woman who headed the cafe, and whispered “That man is a magician.”

“Shut up and work. This is no place for magic.”

The little girl from the neighbouring table walked to Bob and she was rewarded with two toffees taken from his bush shirt pocket.

The delighted child ran back shouting “Mum see what that man gave me.”

“Say thanks to him.”

When she said thanks he smiled. It was Isis who had picked the toffees from his pocket. He finished breakfast and the bill came.

Isis said in his ear “She has charged you extra.” He simply nodded. She continued and said “You  don’t understand. She shouldn’t cheat patrons.”

Bob called the waitress and pointed out the error. Paula now came and said “It could’ve happened. My calculator needs a new battery which I haven’t fitted. I’ll correct the total.”

She shouted “You can’t swat me on my bum for it.”

He said “Lady I’m here far away from you.”

“But it did strike there.”

The waitress said “Madam he also gave me a pat there.”

Paula shouted “You can’t handle my staff.”

Bob said “There is some mistake. I was far away from you.  Ask that lady.”

“Then who else could’ve done it? I don’t need to ask anyone. You don’t do such things with evidence. You’ve paid the bill. You must disappear before police get here. I must report this matter.”

Bob walked out. Paula said to the other lady patron “That fellow pinched a part of me to which only my husband has access. This patron did that in addition to slapping my posterior. I didn’t mention it in his presence as it’s shameful. See what is happening these days.”

Bob went to sit in the driver’s seat when Isis said “It’s occupied.”

Seated next to her he said “You put me into trouble.”

Isis laughed and said “That Paula tried to cheat you and I have warned her in my own way to be careful.”

“But why did you bother that waitress?”

“Don’t think your appreciating the sumptuous perfection of her promontory was lost on me. I did it to tell her not to advertise her wares.”

They reached Hemp and the amusement park was over-crowded with people wanting to ride the lofty Ferris wheel. Isis said “Bob you ride on the wheel, I’ll fly by.”

The wheel was almost full for the ride and Bob was the last to get on. He had to share the seat with a young woman who was apprehensive about sitting with a stranger. Still the wheel went two rounds. When the third round was in progress it stopped with Bob and the woman caught midair.

Bob introduced himself and said “This is the first time I’ve climbed this wheel. It’s scary to look down from this height.”

She said “I’m Nell and teach school.”

Isis whispered “Make friends with her. She‘s good for you.”

Nell asked “Were you speaking to someone? You haven’t got the phone open. And I thought  I heard a woman’s voice.”

“No, no. Must be the wind.”

Isis again prompted him and he said “Let go of the wheel. We’re scared.”

Nell said “Again I heard a female voice.”

“I was praying to my deity to get us back to ground. My prayer has been fulfilled”

The wheel started rolling again. When they got off he asked her “You said you’re from Mand. How will you get back?”

“May be by bus.”

“Come with me. I’ll drive you back.”

The female voice said “Remember I’ll also be there. Tell her. And I’ll be driving.”

Bob said “She’ll be scared.”

“Wrong! You were scared when you were parked up there, she wasn’t. I’ll convince her if there is any problem.”

The 3 got into the car with Nell in the back seat.

Isis said “Now the payoff. You must tell the prosecutor that the killer was one eyed and was called Josh from someone outside. It was he who knifed me and Lall. It was made out that the murder was for robbery as money and jewellery had been taken. Actually my cousin Kesubhai who works for a car manufacturer inherits it all if Lall and I are gone. I’m sure Josh murdered us after taking money for it from Kesubhai. Josh’s finger prints will match.”

Bob said “I’ll surely communicate it but without saying who I am.”

After Nell was dropped Bob took the wheel when Isis said “Adieu” and was gone.

It should be said that Josh was located and Kesubhai was found guilty. The prosecution wondered how the murderer was exposed. The story ends later after Bon and Nell got married.


September 04, 2021 15:43

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