Coming of Age Romance

Hello I'm jane. A normal college student. Things aren't certain these days. My belief system is shaking. You know these phases. 

I am someone who totally believes in love but in fiction not in reality. My parents had really good and successful love story which is why I believe in it but when I see around myself I just turn my head away.. Anyways today is a good day because it's assignment submission day. And may be I could go for movie with my friends. What could possibly go wrong.. 

Blue jeans, white shirt, Brown bag, sneakers, and assignment file check. And yes i am not fortunate person but still I got lucky few times too. So after changing two buses I have got college on time. "Hey jane" A familer voice across the hallway I turned around and it's Jake

Jake my childhood friend one of the reasons of my not believing in love .. He is too carefree well he is kind compassionate and helpful but he's too into reality and strategic person. "Hi what are you doing here" I said cause he's always on his jobs projects and hanging around person. " Getting some extra points for assignment " He said while taking his file out. Suddenly something fell down from his bag he's not a clumsy person what was it ?? He suddenly throw it in his bag before I could see it. " What you're doing after college? " "May be gonna go for movie with Meg and Ben. Why? "

"Nothing" He said while tapping on my head. 

Bell rings and we went to our class and while checking my things I held tightly to my Id they are not gonna count my assignment without my id. I thanked Joe. While coming for college I dropped it in lift and Joe ran to me and gave it back to me.. Joe is always helpful to me. 

Meg and Ben are my besties more like sister and brother but they are dating in secret.. I had to play along on keeping their secret.. But it gets annoying sometimes they are so in love and that is doubtful. I hope they can be together forever. But you never know. 

After college the three of us had movie plan but they both went leaving me alone here with message " sorry its our date today please tell my mom I'm with you. We are doing project together or something. See you tomorrow "  

"What??? " I shout out loud. She was my friend first yet how can she do this to me everytime I thought. Let's get distract and do something. 

I'm on my way to library something fictional can help me at times like this. "Where are you" Text from Jake. "Library" " Call me when you're home" "What happen?? " " Nothing just wanted to talk to you" "Ok" And continued reading my book thinking what could it be? I could not focus so ran. Buses were so crowded I was in rush so I fell on the bus stop while getting off. I twisted my ankle I sat there and called Jake he was busy Joe he was far off I tried to go by myself after few steps I fell again a girl helped me out in getting up and took me to nearest medical for first aid I could not more thankful helping a stronger isn't something everyone do. 

I was in hurry and late so I ran off again but we exchanged our numbers so I could give pay back for her kindness. Her name sounds familiar but I could not remember it.. Back to Jack what possibly he wants to tell me ?? Hey jane Joe came back from his trip

"I'm sorry jane I could not came:(" Joe said

"Don't worry it wasn't anything important" "Really I'm glad. What happened to your ankle? 

May be this is why you called me. I'm sorry again jane" "It's okay Joe" I tapped his left shoulder "it isn't anything serious I'm fine"

" Okay then if you say so" " Have you seen Jake? " " He left a while ago with..." "WHAT?? you should have tell me that earlier Joe" I ran off to my house. Ok calm down I called jake and ask him. Where he was and he hang up saying we'll meet tomorrow. Then I got message from the girl earlier she was younger then me asked for help in a history project I'm good at it by the way. " Ok tomorrow 11am." 

Next day we started at 11am and finished it on 3pm" Her brother is going to pick her up so we waited and a guy wearing helmet on bike stoped there it was good till he took out his helmet he was Daniel perk!! Flashbacks were playing like a movie reel. "It's been a long time " He said "yes. First time after high school" In low voice " See you around then bye" My first first love I tried so hard to forget about him and now when everything is going right he had to show up. Let me get these flashbacks gets done first I should cry for 5 minutes or may be three. I came back home and saw school id there it was of cammy perk. She text me her brother is going to pick my her id so give it to him. My phone rang with unknown number " Can I get my sister's id back" And I ran off to the gate then lift then main gate. I gave her id to him and about to walk back then he said " You still don't have any guy's number in your phone right? " " Things changed Daniel. I have lots of guy's numbers now I'm not that dumb anymore like I used to be in high school " "Jane! " He said while I was walking past. " Cammy's taxt I also forgot my some books there please give them to my brother thank you" The place we were doing our project was clean. Mom where are the books?? "On your shelf " She said he behind me all the time we were searching my shelf book by book and some loud sound came from kitchen my mom broken some crockery after cleaning I came back to my room and he was reading my diary. In which I write about everything.. This has to be dream.. I snatched my diary back. I can tell by look on his face he read it. I walked him out "you were always like this" I turned around " You always wanted to came out clean and you're still doing the same thing" " What do you know when you couldn't even took a step to stop me not even a word" 

" Do you remember I always sat behind you , gave you my notes to complete, intentionally came to drink tap water, opt out same subject as you, always trying to talk to you and and on our last day of school you know why I wander around here and there thera was something I wanted to tell you and yes you are as dum as you used to be in school jane, you never turn back " I was crying he was crying he collected me took me somewhere where we could talk I told him everything I wrote in my diary and he told me his side of story after a long talk I told him " May be Jake have something for me" Alright " He said with a little smile on his face. 

Next day with my first ever boyfriend I went to meet Jake and another girl showed up and he said he is in a serious relationship with her I can hear Daniel laugh with his closed lips. 

"That was it" I said "you didn't believe in things like this." "Unnoticeably there are things and people came into our lives and change the way we used to thing all our lives don't you think so?? :) 

December 18, 2020 20:55

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