Holiday Horror Teens & Young Adult

“Come on it'll be fun don't be lame” he said, “No i'm not trying to die by ghosts” she said. “Come on  I will be there with you nothing is going to happen. I have been in the graveyard before” he said trying to convince her. “Yeah But in the day time not the night” she responded. “I will be by your side, I promise,” he said. “You promise” she said sticking her pinky out “promise” he said connecting his picky to hers,  with a smile.”come on let's go upstairs to get blankets” he said running up “I'll get some snacks and water just in case we get hungry” she yelled out. “Ready” he said, closing the door behind them “yea let's go” she responded. As the two teens walked in the middle of the night finding their way to the graveyard with their flashlight in their hands and a backpack full of supplies they needed for the night, they saw a paper on the ground “Missing Anna Rose 17, 5’4, 125lb, Brown hair, last seen by graveyard” he read off. “Maybe this isn't a good idea” she said looking up at him with worried eyes “ you'll be fine she was probably alone and there was no one to help her” he said. “Fine but hold my hand just in case something happens,” she said with her hand out he grabbed her hand smiling . Once they got there the teens needed to jump over a fence. “You go first I'll help you up” he said “ok don't drop me” she said getting in position for him to help her  get over it. Once she was on the other side. He climbed over and jumped down. They both head more deeper in the graveyard with the flashlight on. (scary laugh) “Did you hear that” she said getting close to him squeezing his hand tighter “hear what” he said confused “A laugh it sounded like one in a horror movie” she said scared “No your hearing things come one lets go” he said putting his arm around her shoulder. “Do you want to go look around?” he said. “Yea” she said. They were reading all the tombstones and reading all their names. One caught their eye “Ammy Ally Right 1900-1925” he said reading off the stone “ Didn't her husband kill her because she didn't want to have kids?” she asked “yea but they never found him” he said looking at her. “ She was only 25 when she was young,” she said bending down to get a better look. “Look there's a face but no nose no eyes just a smile it looks like it's stitched it's on the bottom right corner ” she said “oh yeah that's weird” he said looking down. “Let's go find a place to sleep. It's getting late and cold” he said. The teens were still walking around looking for a spot to rest. “This graveyard is big,” she said, looking around. Yea I know it's the biggest graveyard  in the state” he said “No wonder there are always something wrong in this town” she said  . The teens continued walking. The teens finally stopped at a tall tree that had carvings in it that said smile. It also said A.R It hardly had leaves  . “This tree looks weird”  she said looking up and down at it. “It's fine help me with the blankets,” He said, taking out everything in the backpack. “But why does it say A.R and smile, who even says smile in a graveyard?” she said, frowning. “I don't know maybe because they are in a better place and probably just a couple that came here and put that” he said “ok your probably right” she said “come sit next to me” he said patting a spot next to him. “I brought some games,” he said, taking out a stack of cards. '' haha I won,'' the girl said laughing. “That's not fair. I don't know how to play” he said crossing his arms.'' Sorry, here I brought some of your favorite chips” she said and handed them to him “is this supposed to make me forgive you” he said smiling. “Kinda,” she said nervously,  “well it worked. I forgive you” he said. They both laughed and enjoyed each other's company . “I have something to tell you” he said scratching the back of his head “ what is it” she said concerned “these past couple of months I have been developing these feelings for you I like you” he said in one breath the girl smiled and said “I like you too”. He smiled and they hugged each other. The teens laid down looking up at the stars.  (scary laughing)  “Tell me you heard that” she said sitting up all worried “I did, it probably just kids messing around” he said, “why will there be kids at this time” she said looking at him.”hey everything is going to be fine i'm right here” he said getting closer to her. They were both looking at each other, both moving close and closer. Their faces are now an inch away; they both moved once more and kissed. They both stopped and looked at each other. When the girl moved her eyes away from him she looked up and saw a tall thing everyone has been talking about in town. It's very tall all black with a white face no eyes no nose just a big smile that looked stitched on. Just like the one she saw on the stone. The girl widened her eyes with a frightened face.”the husband” she said worried  “what “ he said he turned his head and nothing was there he looked back and she wasn't there. “Where are you” he said laughing, “come on stop playing”. He started getting worried he got up grabbing his flashlight walking around the tree to find her. It has been four hours and still no sight of her, the sun is starting to rise. He decided to head to the police station to report a missing case. It has now been five years and still no sight of her. From this day no one has ever stepped foot on the graveyard. 

October 29, 2020 23:19

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