Young daughter in a teddy bear

Written in response to: Write a story from a ghost’s point of view.... view prompt


Drama Sad Thriller

Why did she have to die at such a young age she was the best thing that has ever happened to us Hannah said falling into Zak's arms. She's in a better place now she Anna would want us to move on and not be sad Zak said trying to calm his wife down. Hannah and Zak once had a little girl named Anna they loved her with all there heart. She was only 2 years old when she passed away from a kidney disease. Also died of blood lost during the operation. But she was going to die by her disease with the surgery or not. The parents were very desperate for there daughter to get help but no use. But one day while they were visting her grade they would sometimes see her spirit sitting there almost like she was waiting for her parents to come back. They would normally bring her favorite toy to play with when they visited. Zak knew a lot about spiritual stuff because of his mother. He was sometimes worried that Anna's spirit was going to get stuck in one of the toys they brought to her grave. But Hannah would just say it would be fine and nothing bad would happen. That's until one faithful day they were playing with her spirit and out of nowhere she asked if she could attach her self to the bear. And Hannah remembered that Anna could be trapped there for good. Mommy daddy pls it's so lonely when you leave I just want to come home Anna spirit begged with a tear rolling down her cheek. Obviously Zak and Hannah wanted to help her but they didn't want her stuck to an object. But also didn't want her to be lonely. So, they just agreed and let her do it. When they brought the teddy bear home they placed the bear in Anna's room. Because they weren't just going to let people see the bear out in the open. As months passed, they would see Anna's spirit running around which made them feel better even though they couldn't physically hold her at least they would be able to see her around. But after some time things felt a little different she wasn't acting the same. Almost like she was a completely different person which really concerned them. They did something they would never want to do. They called Zak's mother which half of the time she would judge Hannah but they were a little desperate just to find out what was going on. Here's the bear that Anna wanted to attach herself too Hannah said in a worried voice. Wow what kind of mother let's their child attach their child to a bear Kirsten said. (Kristen is Zak's mother) MOM JUST TELL US WHAT THE F*** IS GOING ON Zak yelled. Kirsten goes to explain that her spirit started to get bored and wants more attention and that she might be getting older in a little girl's body. Shaken by the information Hannah and Zak were upset that one their daughter is getting older two their daughter feel's left out. Is there a way we can help her be happy and not the way that she feel's Hannah asked. Well, you could take the bear to her grave and she wouldn't be the way she is Kirsten replied. But she mentioned she get's lonely Zak told his mother. Well sometimes you got to make sacrifice's if it hurts Kirsten told Zak in a sad voice. They felt like they weren't ready to let go but if that's what it took for everything to go back to normal then so be it. When they arrived at her grave. They dropped the bear off and just left and said sorry and that they would come back soon. MOMMY DADDY DON'T GO PLS CAN YOU COME TOMRROW AT LEAST Anna begged. It hurt but Hannah couldn't hold it back. We will try to see you in the morning sweetheart, but no promise's alright Zak told Anna. Anna just shook her head and try not to break down. But obviously Hannah wanted to go back. But Zak stopped her. I think we need to learn on how to let go Hannah we have made ourselves suffer of her death but let's not keep letting it get to our heads Zak pointed out. He had a point but they would still choose to visit her just not as often as they always did. It felt like a punch in the gut but as time went on it felt just like a trauma memory.

(Once again has nothing to do with the prompt)

(Random story)

It was a bright sunny day with the birds chirping and everything gleaming in the sunlight. Everything was normal! I went downstairs to tell my wife Caroline and my daughter Nichole to say good morning honey you're up late usually you wake up a little early Caroline says. Well, I stayed up a little bit later than usual. Nichole decides to go outside and play basketball like she did any other morning. With her parents (Zak and Caroline) that like to just sit outside and relax. Caroline had the idea to go on a hike Nichole and Caroline found that a great idea. They get ready to head out on the hike and in the middle of the hike when they reached a stop. They heard someone walking, hearing crunching leaves! The family wondering where the footsteps were coming from. They look around and out of nowhere they hear a gunshot. When Zak turns around, he sees his daughter Nichole on the ground. Caroline screams and runs to go get help. Zak looks around to see where it could have come from. But nothing looked around and still nothing. Finally, 911 arrives at the scene to get Nichole to the hospital. Once they got to the hospital Zak was pacing back in forth praying for her to be ok. The doctor comes out to tell them that she will live. Zak questions himself wondering if it could be any of his enemy’s, that’s when he decides to look for the culprit.

The next day Zak got up to start looking around for where his daughter had been shot. To see if he can find any clues about who it could be. He had 4 people in mind Nicholes enemy and 3 of Zaks old toxic friends. He still wanted to look around for clues tho. Suddenly he looks up and sees a big black panther with bright red eyes. Zak didn’t know if he should stand his ground or just make a run for it. The panther and him sat there for a solid 5 minutes. Finally, the panther went into the dark mist leaving Zak shocked that he survived a deadly creature. He was worried that he was going to run into the panther again. He had realized why they call it the Murder Forest. But it was time to get back to business to find out who had put his daughter Nichole in the hospital. Because the doctor said that she was going to be there for a week.

Zak called his friend a6d to tell the suspects to go to the meeting building A6d agreed. When Zak saw all of them walk in, he was ready to ask them questions about that night. Clay said you got to be kidding me right now wat do you want Zak. I want to ask you a few questions, that’s all Zak replied. Okay whatever Zak ask me what you need to know about clay said. As the questions were more and more complicated to answer Clay got confused and wondered what kind of questions these were and those dumbest questions he had ever heard. Zak gained all the information that he needed from Clay. Next was Darel, one of Zak’s toxic old friends. Where were you the other day, Zak said. I was on Minecraft minding my own business, nothing else Darel replied with a sarcastic voice. Zak was very suspensions of Darel and was going to keep an eye on him. Next was Britney Nicholes' enemy, the 2 absolutely hated each other. So, Zak was thinking she had to be one of the suspects. Where were you the other day, Zak asked. I was minding my own business making beauty vlogs I wouldn’t waste my time on Nichole if I were to kill her, she would already be in the ground Brittney replied in an annoyed tone.

Zak had been through all his suspects and still nothing, so he looked around the sight again, but he looked down and saw footprints. So, he compared all his suspects shoe sizes. He found that it matched Darel's shoe size. So, Zak reported him to the police and showed them all the proof he had. And the police had seen enough and went to his house to confront him. Darel finally admitted that he did it, he shot Nichole and put her in the hospital. Hands behind your back you are under arrest for attempted murder, said the officer. You will be paying the medical bill Darel Zak told him. Darel refused but Zak threatened him to send him to death row if he did not so Darel payed the medical bill.

Back at the hospital Nichole was still recovering from getting shot but she was luckily going to be Realses soon. Zak and Caroline were relieved that Nichole was going to be okay. They were worried that they were going to lose her. Mom dad can we go home please I do not want to be here anymore Nichole said in a tired voice. Soon Nichole just wait a day or two then we can go home, Caroline told her. Okay Nichole replied. Finally, a week passed, and Nichole was released from the hospital. And Nichole was finally feeling her old self again.

During the past few days Zak has been keeping a lookout for trouble. Because he doesn't want the same mistake to happen again. But he thought to himself if he should look up some of Darel's history. So, he did and what he found out was so mind blowing that he was glad that he turned him into the police. So he wondered if he was soon going to have an even worst problem in the future when Darel gets out of prison.

(This story was typed back when I was in middle school, so this was created before I did the whole lore ideas of in my other story’s just for my new viewers, sorry that was weird to say. This also before I found out about the other youtubers that I use anyways bye <3) 

October 23, 2023 12:24

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