Brighter side of the picture

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story about a rainy day spent indoors.... view prompt



Covid-19 has spread a lot of fear all over my country and we have been locked inside our houses for god knows how many more weeks. it's for our best though. it's raining today usually when it rains I'm out with my friends we usually put on some Qawwalis(Sufi devotional music) by Ustad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan and enjoy the rain eating spicy and hot snacks. but this time it's just me locked inside my room only with the joy of having a window. pon my bed I started thinking about different stuff I never thought of before the first thing was about by Cambridge international exams. I'm doing GCSE and my subjects include Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Maths and English. I've already given 3 subjects of humanity and I scored an A* an A and a B. Our exams got cancelled which most might think is a good thing but the pressure on us was that we didn't know for sure when are we gonna give them. I started panicking so I decided to think of something else that makes me happy. My family makes me happy and yet I spend least of my time with them. I thought maybe this is a chance from god. Maybe he's giving us all a chance to get back to what matters to get to know how your family is doing to share stuff that we don't anymore because of our jobs and studies but yet we still mourn staying in home and are locked inside our rooms rather than being with our siblings and parents. technology has changed us soo much, we meet our friends and colleagues every day but we never get to spend time with our family and we blame God for giving us such a tough life but now that we have the time and reason we are all on our social media panicking about having to stay home. I remember the time I used to sit in my chemistry class thinking about myself and how I have so less time for myself how I don't get to read my favourite novel or enjoy meals that I make rather swallow microwavable meals without tasting them. but now that have the time I'm still mad at being home I'm mad at everything. my boyfriend and I .we always fight over not giving each other time we have been distanced for soo long and the only way to communicate is through texts and calls but now that I have time for it I'm worried about my exams and not talking to him or loving him. I've always wanted to write a journal or a diary but I never had the time to well here I am completely free 24/7 and I still haven't grabbed a journal and wrote about my day cause I've nothing to write. I once uploaded a story on my Instagram that said "give the earth a break, we are ruining our home' well now you see I don't wanna give anything a break I want everything to be the way it was.

maybe it isn't my fault. Maybe its meant to be like this. maybe this is what human nature is we regret what we don't have and do not live the moment. I stopped thinking went downstairs sat with my family we played a little game of scrabble and my dad won as he's the one with words.i cooked dinner for everybody and I can tell my mom was proud of her little cook. we ate the very tasty alfredo that I made and then everyone grabbed a novel instead of their phones except me. I took my phone went to my room and video called my boyfriend, when I say the smile on his face was brighter than the sun I mean it. he was soo happy that I finally had time for him we talked about everything for the first time in a very long time I felt that girly glow we girls get after talking to someone we love. I thought to myself that I love this guy and I want a future with him. we told each other goodnight at 10 pm and he went off to sleep i, on the other hand, thought to pamper myself a little. I went to my bathroom and took out the most expensive face mask that I had I shaved my legs put on some music and gave myself a little manicure using the kit my cousin got me. after finishing up I thought I might give some time to my galpals I called the group it didn't seem like we were away we discussed everything from boy issues to the new hair straightener I got, we talked all night it just made all of us soo happy since our farewell party got canceled we all made a plan to put on our clothes and take pics for the gram I mean that would make us better. after an hour and a half, we all said goodnight. I went to the balcony and heard the little raindrops and the smell of the sand and water made everything soo much better again. I missed school and my friends but there is hope in my heart that still knows everything gonna be fine and everyone's gonna be fine its just a matter of time and we all will be together and healthy again. Amen.

sometimes all we can do is make a good time out of an awful situation. my grandma used to say,' times running and it isn't gotta stop for you so you just gotta sit back and accomplish your goals and give time and value to those who matter'. I know its a very hard time for everyone but let's not lose this precious time maybe it's for the best we should just stay safe and keep our families safe and leave the rest of it to God and the very talented biochemists that are working day and night to make a cure for us and to save the planet

March 27, 2020 14:23

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