All The Pretty Little Horses.

Submitted into Contest #20 in response to: Write a story about a day in the life of a mother.... view prompt



All the Pretty Little Horses


A cry sliced through the tranquil night as the child was laid down on the fluffy mattress in his rocking crib. 

The crib was blue and had breathtaking carvings of galloping horses, trotting horses, and even neighing horses. Some of the beasts slept on the beautifully carved grass at the bottom of the cradle. Some pranced, some played but one thing was clear they were all beautiful.

”Hush.” a soothing voice sang. “Hush and I will tell the tale of all the pretty little horses.”

The wailing ceased, and the large chocolate-brown eyes of the young child gazed up at his mother. She smiled and began her tale. It started with a tune. A calming, soothing tune that promised peace.

“Hush-a-bye, don't you cry, Go to sleepy little baby. When you wake, you shall have cake, and all the pretty little horses.” 

After her tune, the woman glanced down at her baby who... 

Continued to stare intently back at her.

She gave one last sigh and began to massage his head.

“And all the pretty little horses.” she sang once more, even softer and more soothingly than before.

The child's eyes began to droop, and in the blink of an eye, he was asleep. The mother smiled, a beautiful smile, for her child was finally resting. He looked so serene compared to his usual rowdy, rambunctious self. The boy always demanded attention and wailed at the slightest upset. It was remarkably tiring to look after him. 

The weary mother yearned to feel as peaceful as her sleeping son. It had been a long, exhausting day and she ached to have a moment's silence. 

Just a little bit of rest.

But that could never happen, for the sake of her little boy. He could wake at any moment.

Something bad could happen to him if he were to throw a tantrum without her being aware.

She would just have to watch him.

Very carefully.

As she watched him sleep, the hours ticked by, and everything faded to grey, then black. 

Black like a horse. 

The room began to zoom in on itself and soon she was standing in a large brown and green field.

The soft dirt under her feet looked like powder and the nature sprouting out from it just made the whole scene more beautiful than she could have ever imagined nature to be. 

The Mother, no, woman, swirled around with a huge intake of breath to get a panoramic of it all.

Then she saw them. All of them.

All the pretty little horses.

They galloped, trotted, and neighed. Some slept on the lush green grass, and some pranced through the field. She laughed, the scene was so peaceful. She was finally getting the rest she deserved. When she laid down on the silky, green ground, a cake appeared next to her quite suddenly. It was adorned with candy pearls and the frosting looked flawless. She took a bite, almost feeling bad for demolishing the splendid array of it all. 


When the treat touched her tongue she closed her eyes and sunk deeper into the soft grass. It tasted even better than it looked. She took a few more little nibbles of the dessert, relishing the flavor of the cake in her mouth. She desperately wished for this to be a reality, but she knew that it was only a dream. A wondrous dream. The most peaceful and lovely dream. 

She could stay here forever.

She could prance around with the horses and sleep in the soft patches of grass.

Everything would be perfect.


A loud ear-shattering cry interrupted Th woman’s calming thoughts. Then she remembered him, her baby. Her son! 

She woke up with a start. She was lying next to his small blue crib. Her face was right beside the profound carvings. The carving of horses. They looked like the ones she’d encountered in her dream.

The infant shrieked louder.

“Hush,” she said calmly, as she sat up to grab her child. Once the boy was in the woman’s arms, he calmed and peered up at his mother passionately. 

Right then the woman grasped that he was the most important thing in the entire universe and it was her responsibility to keep him safe. She was his mother. Her son was far more special than a calming pasture of mares. Though her child could be unbearable at times, he was the one that gave her the most peace. 

The most affection. 

She would never trade anything for him. 

Not even all the pretty little horses.

(Thank you for reading. I know it was really cheesy and quite, short, but I go where the wind takes me. This was based on the song and nursery rhyme, "All the pretty little horses." I did not write the nursery rhyme bit of it! I just really like this poem and song, so I decided to write a little short story on it! Again if you read it, thank you so much, and I hope you enjoy your day! 😉👍)

December 15, 2019 00:03

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Saxony Ferguson
04:47 Dec 24, 2019

You seemed to capture the feeling of being a new parent in a simple and beautiful way. 👍🏾


Cam Croz
14:14 Jan 31, 2020



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Kaylee Tinsley
15:14 Jan 07, 2020

As you may have noticed, I have been scrolling through your previous stories, and I tell you that I am truly in awe. You have beautiful sensory imagery, and I simply ADORE your style. The way that you can switch from genre to genre is amazing. I just read your story "Drowning," and it was spine-tingling. A moment later I read your story about the grocery list and it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Then I read THIS story and I was filled with this deep sense of....peace. You have an incredible talent that I hope you never forsake. SHA...


Cam Croz
18:54 Jan 07, 2020

Thank you SO much for all the kind and encouraging words! They really mean a lot to me! Seriously! I love feedback and you sure gave me some kind feedback! THANK YOU!!!!


Kaylee Tinsley
15:13 Jan 10, 2020

Anytime!!! I have no problem giving honor where honor is due! Keep doing what you do!


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Ruth Owota
11:33 Jan 03, 2020

Oh your ardent descriptions are incredible. Your write up was beautifully done👏


Cam Croz
14:15 Jan 31, 2020

Thank you so much! I love you feedback!


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Yoomi Ari
00:13 Dec 28, 2019

Great story! It was so beautiful.


Cam Croz
14:15 Jan 31, 2020

Thank you! Im glad you think so!


Yoomi Ari
17:54 Jan 31, 2020



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04:21 Dec 16, 2019

Nice one! I don't know why but it reminded me of Black Beauty!


Cam Croz
14:05 Dec 16, 2019

haha, thanks! It does kinds remind one of black beauty in a way, doesn't it! 😉


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Unknown User
16:14 Jan 05, 2020

<removed by user>


Cam Croz
14:14 Jan 31, 2020

Thank you!


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01:53 Feb 18, 2021

Such a merry fairytale-like story!


Cam Croz
16:47 Feb 18, 2021

haha thanks


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