The Sweetest Gift

Submitted into Contest #74 in response to: Write a story that takes place across ten seconds.... view prompt


Drama Kids Inspirational

“Mom, can you play with me for sometime?”

“I am a little occupied, Veda. I need to feed Sona but we can play together later.”

“You never have time for me anymore!” shouted Veda and stomped to her room. She shut the door with a loud bang.

Ever since Veda’s baby sister was born six months ago, mom has been too busy. Her baby sister has soft and chubby cheeks. She looks cute and the family adores her. When mom and dad told Veda that she will soon become a big sister, she beamed with joy. Most of her friends have siblings to play with. She used to hear what fun they have together. While her friends spent time with their siblings on weekends and vacations, Veda was usually by herself. While her friends had siblings to play with, watch a movie, ride bikes or bake cookies together, she spent time with her mom and dad and yearned for a brother or a sister.

When Veda found out that she was going to have a baby sister, she was on top of the world. Woohoo! It will be so much fun to dress her up. When her baby sister arrived, mom and dad named her Sona which means ‘gold’ in Hindi. Sona was like a life sized doll and Veda loved to tickle and admire her but soon she got bored of her parent’s constant reminders “be gentle… don’t wake her up… are a big girl now!” 

Many family members and friends have visited  their house to meet Sona. They brought cute gifts for Sona and Veda felt ignored. Veda who is 10 years old has been the youngest in her family for a long time. She has been the center of everyone's attention and felt uncomfortable with this sudden change.

Dad entered Veda’s room and they chatted for a while. He showed Veda some old family albums which mostly had pictures of her with mom and dad, other family members and their vacations. Veda was excited to see pictures of her when she was a tiny baby. An album marked “Veda’s first year” had pictures of her first bath, first tooth and the first time she walked. She was excited to see pictures of their trip to Disneyland, some pictures of the day she learned to ride her bike. There was a picture of her holding a trophy that she won at a dance competition. 

“This is so cool papa, you saved all these pictures of me!” 

“Of course, we cherished all big and small moments when you were little and we still enjoy watching you grow up.  Even though you have a little sister now, mom and I have enough love and kisses to share between the two of you. When you were growing up, mom and I made sure that we were present for all the special moments and we wish to do the same for your sister. Soon Sona will become smart and big just like you and the two of you can be best friends forever. 

Veda simply shrugged her shoulders and remained silent. 

The next day, Veda is taking part in an extempore competition. From an early age she has been participating in various extracurricular activities and mom usually helps her prepare and give moral support. 

Veda is nervous. Mom has been busy with Sona so dad sat down with her before the competition to give her a pep talk. It is her turn now to get on the stage. She looks at the packed auditorium. She could see many familiar faces. That is Mr. Sam from the art class sitting next to Ms. Jen, her music teacher. She smiles at her parents who were waving at her. Mom gives her a flying kiss. She was able to find a babysitter for Sona who is home. 

Veda slowly picks up a small piece of paper from a bowl in front of her. It contains the topic she has to talk on. She will have ten seconds to think of an answer. She hands over the paper to the moderator who reads it out loud “Tell us something about the sweetest gift you have ever received. You have 10 seconds to think of your answer and your time starts now.”

Well that’s easy, Veda thinks. I got my pink bike with purple tassels last summer. I also got a big 100 piece art case from grandma. Then there is the STEM set that I received on my birthday. Veda only has 10 seconds to start her speech but she has just too many ideas to pick from. She looked at the timer with the countdown 10...9...8. 

I have to be quick, she thinks. 7...6.. She has a flashback of mom and dad introducing her to Sona the day she was born. She did not have a name at that time. Sona looked angelic and Veda could not stop thinking about all the fun things they can do together. She can teach Sona how to walk and talk. She can help Sona ride a bike. They can have fun working on various art projects together. 

The countdown continues 5...4...3..I have to be quick, Veda thinks. 2...1… 

“Well I think, the sweetest gift I have ever received is my baby sister, Sona. I love the way she holds my finger when I touch her tiny hands. I love her silky soft skin, black eyes and red lips. I love the way she smiles at me and makes bubbles around the corner of her mouth. For a little baby, she is quite strong and after many tumbles she finally managed to sit up with a little help. I know, for now she needs a lot of time and care from mom and dad but soon she will be big enough to play with me. Sona, my sister is the sweetest gift I have ever received.”

Veda looks at her mom and dad sitting in the crowd. Their faces are beaming with pride. Dad is clapping while mom has tears in her eyes. They look like tears of joy. 

January 01, 2021 15:01

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