Two Ships in the Night

Submitted into Contest #60 in response to: Write a post-apocalyptic romance.... view prompt


Adventure Drama Romance

It was a sultry evening in June. I was at work and I saw this tall, handsome man enter the workroom floor. He saw me too and came directly over and sat down next to me. I was immediately nervous and excited. He had a beautiful smile and big blue eyes. He was from the south part of the territory and he had a wonderful southern accent which made me melt right there. We started talking. His name was George. He was retired from the military. He told me he had secret information on the third world war and it was coming soon. It was going to be the apocalypse and we should get together as soon as possible. I could of listened to him all night. We took a break together and he reached over and held my hand. I blushed and removed my hand from his. We talked and laughed for our entire eight hour shift. After work, a bunch of us were going to the neighborhood pub. I invited him along so he would feel included in our group. We each had a few cocktails and I was feeling kinda fuzzy. He bought more drinks, and before I knew it, we were outside in his truck. I was so relaxed and my legs felt like rubber. He started rubbing my back. He had huge hands and fingers and it felt so good. Then he started kissing me like I have never been kissed before. It was such a deep kiss I could feel it all they way down in my stomach. We kissed long and hard throughout the rest of the night. The next day at work, my friends told me he was married. I was devastated. My world had just ended. I had been divorced for five years and I was actively looking for a companion. I had dated many men in the last few years, but none of them were like George. I had slept with about ten men but none of them made me feel like he did. I confronted him about him being married and he explained that he was getting a divorce. He said years ago his wife was raped and became pregnant and gave the child up for adoption. He said because of this, she was now frigid, and never wanted sex. He said they both agreed on the divorce. I didn't know if he was telling the truth, but he swore he was. Everyday he would sit by me and we would talk. I loved his accent and the way he kissed me, and I could not stop thinking about it. We ended up exchanging phone numbers. We would talk on the phone for hours. My day off came and he called me and said he had the day off too, and wanted me to meet him at a different pub, which I did. We drank and talked until my head was spinning. He said he would give me a ride home and we got in his truck. I passed out and when I woke up, we were at the hotel. We started kissing again and I just melted in his arms. He rubbed my shoulders and played with my hair. Then we went in and got a room. They had a pub inside and we had more to drink. We went to our room and he made love to me for hours and hours. It was like I was under his spell. We even made love on the pub patio outside in the open. Back in the hotel, he was so romantic and gently kissed me all over. After that evening, we met at the hotel every night. We would french kiss for hours before he would make love to me. He had me doing things I never thought I would do in a million years, but I just couldn't say no to this man. The more I drank, the less I could resist him. I wanted to please him, no matter what I had to do. I did things I had never even heard of before. If he wanted me to do it, I did it. I was in awe of him. He made me feel like I had never felt before. I really didn't know what was happening to my body, but I knew I loved these feelings and I wanted them to last forever. This went on for over a year. Everytime we would meet up, it was more exciting. He taught me many different things that I never knew before. I knew we could be happy for the rest of our lives. In the back of my mind, I kept thinking about him being married. I kept justifying it because he was getting divorced. Everytime I saw him, I had butterflies in my stomach. I couldn't wait for him to kiss me again. I would of done anything for him, which I did. I thought some of his requests were bizarre, but he would kiss me deeply and tell me it was alright. He wanted to please me and he was so good at it. He bought me gifts of dresses and nighties. Then one night at the hotel, he told me he loved me. I was stunned and did not know what to say. I finally said I was very fond of him too. I could see this upset him and he was cold the rest of the night. It was the end of the world as we knew it. We made love again that night, but it was not like before. He was very aggressive and demanding. I knew I had blown it. The next day, he told me that him and his wife were moving away. He wanted me to meet him at the hotel one more time. I refused and he became very angry, but I stood my ground and did not go. I keep thinking I missed out on an opportunity of a lifetime because I will never find another man who could make love like George did. By the way, he was French. 

September 21, 2020 02:06

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