Historical Fiction Teens & Young Adult Adventure

Write about a character on the hunt to solve a mystery who uses their local library (or librarian) as a source of information.


Mantua – Italy

Amadeus stood on the stair pondering matters.

Time passed.

War had ravaged every one of the Empires from France, Saxony to Prussia and Austria. These were desperate times and the 7 years war had not left one land untouched by the madness of territorial conquests.

Even the British were fighting in Canada and further south in America.

What did any of this really mean, aside from the fact that one monarch and ruler was against another. Victory depended on his fighting men and the alliances that could be forged against his rivals.

Maria Theresa, or her full name Maria Theresa Walburga Amalia Christina, lost Silesia only but otherwise defended her Austrian Empire throughout her reign, some 40 years. So that gave the city of Mantua some stability for a time.

All this territory was for some time under a single despot therefore – Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Bohemia, Transylvania, Mantua, Milan, Lodomeria and Galicia, the Austrian Netherlands, and Parma. By marriage, she was Duchess of Lorraine, Grand Duchess of Tuscany and Holy Roman Empress.

True revival only took place in the mid-18th century when the region was under Austrians who, after the Congress of Vienna in 1815 established in Northern Italy the Lombardo-Veneto Kingdom, always under their influence.

The city of Mantua, had under his family, become the cultural center of Italy protected on three sides by lakes - the center of artistic life in Italy on the Po River. So in effect Mantua as a territory was under the jurisdiction of the Hapsburg Dominion but ruled and administered by the Gonzagas family who made it a great Artistic retreat.

Amadeus Gonzagas was handsome smart, a gifted genius, not only a musician but a painter and a poet of renown. He was known at the court of the Royalty for his artistic abilities and he excelled in all he did.

Amadeus befriended another artist who was of Jewish origin and together they had revived theatre and music in the Town hall: Merino Rossi was from a Jewish family but had been in Lombardy(northern Italy) for a few generations. He was a violinist, artist and his father was the equivalent of an Architect so he was skilled in design and building as well. Rossi being Jewish of origin was not a favourite or preferred station in life in the Austrian Empire of the mid to late 18th Century

As a Religion or origin or whatever….it was not sanctioned by Maria Theresa because there was no plurality when it came to Religion. Roman Catholicism was what was approved and none other. In fact many who thought differently or were even born in another Religion were summarily expelled.

Amadeus stood there on the stair and began walking down to the piazza and market square to the side of the Town hall. All these things were going through his mind and the one thought that remained there after all that was -Where is all this leading to!

It was a philosophic question that had to be solved by Philosophers. And here it all seemed to be a war amongst the different people of different places and different thoughts and races. Earth was earth and people were people but they were so barbaric it was no wonder that there was not much chance of one Empire surviving long enough to become really great.

The old Library Malatesta Novello was a long way from Mantua in Cesena and then to Rome. That triangular journey would take a few weeks to complete. ‘But Merino may go with me there.’ He thought ,as he increased his pace on the cobbled road passed the piazza, to Marino’s home.

Marino wasn’t home. His sister said Marino was at the market looking for some leather to finish a carry-bag he was making. Amadeus turned down the road and then through the lane down the stairway to the river and the open square of the Mantua Market. It was busy and the mist covered most of the shore but the vista was scenic and a pleasant day had dawned.

While he was looking through the crowds, he was distracted by a vendor peddling knives, someone tapped his shoulder. He turned and there was no one, but then…. he saw Marino, crouched low behind him.

“Ha! There you are! Scoundrel from Hades. Did you get the leather you sought.”

“Yes my friend! And what on Earth and in Mantua brings you not only inquiring at my door in the early morning, but searching the streets where I roam.”

“Friend, I am troubled of late by the dastardly deeds of the Empire and our accomplished Monarch. And in fact all Rulers. I have pondered deeply on the subject of conquest and the tired people of Europe who seem not to have enough space, as they repeatedly invade their neighbours, take their kingdoms and kill the man on the land. Disturbing and barbaric!”

“Amadeus! I see the magnitude of your deliberations precedes a formulated plan. What is the decision you have come upon?”

“Ah! Marino! This is truly why I prefer your company. You have the perception of a Seer and the Wisdom of a Sage. Yes! Indeed! I have an idea for which I sought you out at your home this morning. Let us go to the Library. The Malatesta Novello in Cesena where it it more conducive to uninterrupted deliberation and where we have reference and an archive of knowledge for our use. What say you?”

“Amadeus! You are, then planning to leave Mantua, for this mental marathon that has assailed you psyche!”

“Ay! This is the ploy – but not all of it! But only the first stop on the way. You see, this place is a threat. Even to you without lifting a hand, you could be ostracized, banned or excommunicated for being Jewish thug, from this Noble city because you are in Hapsburg Domain.”

“You speak sooth brother! I have meandered that dim alley a lot in recent months. Though, so far I have been fortunate, I am not resting on past good fortune but would prefer that I had control by own volition where I sleep!”

“Fair enough! Then we are of the same mind. We must make haste and prepare for the journey to Cesena in the new week. But first we must discuss the preparation and the final destination.”

Cesena -Italy

The next day they were both up arranging for the trip to the Library in Cesena in the south. To say they were excited may have been an understatement. They were both on form, had accumulated all they needed including pack horses and their fodder. An omnibus was not as reliable as self-owned and managed transport, though more cumbersome.

They left without much celebration. Most of the locals and their acquaintances and friends, thought them brave and liberated to just, up and leave a comfortable life for some mythical quest.

As they were in no hurry to reach the destination they camped out often and celebrated their freedom as they passed through the country.

Cesena was smaller than Mantua but very historical and had the oldest Library in Europe at the time. It was also not owned by the State or Church, which was one good reason it was popular and valued… , it was independent.

Having achieved the first objective they bought wine and had a feast in an Olive grove at the road side overlooking Cesena.

“She’s a beauty, though small, and has the best library in the empire, I’m told” said Marino.

“True and we will soon sample of it’s treasures! We will rest today and discuss the plan for tomorrow and what we need to do.”

“I think EMPIRE building has been with Man for longer than just the Hapsburg family and Austria’s succession of the Monarchy. I am inclined to think more in terms of many civilizations back and I prefer even…...a gift from the heavens in the dawn of civilizations.” Amadeus started the initial banter to open the discussion.

“What a stellar opening. I’m of the educated opinion we would have to look to some of these earlier Empires to get any understanding of this penchant of the conquerors. It would also appear to have a touch of magniloquence or megalomania. If I may be so bold to suggest.”

“No Merino, I think these people have to handle a barbaric and unruly mass, or horde, consequently have to show force of character and a ruthlessness to stay in the chair.”

“I concur. But that does not account for their tendency or love of violence, murder, rape, ‘scorched earth’ and general destruction while engaged in empire building.”

“No! Believe it or not, the general problem seems to be education. The better educated clans and communities are less warring.”

“Amadeus! We have missed – The Empire Builder somewhere on the track. The educated man will build a civilization. The Warlord is a destroyer and a ruthless cad, without his horde of barbaric warriors.”

“Ay Marino! Methinks it is time to visit Malatesta Novello’s sanctuary to learn of this folly that has kept mankind enthralled for centuries.”

Inside the Library they found the Historical section and made themselves at home in the seating.

“I think best solution is each of us takes an Empire and then researches the details making copious notes on the key protagonists and their fundamental philosophy or strategy in conquest and their policy etc.”

“Good!” Said Marino and started writing down the biggest empires he knew.

They spent the day in the Library searching for some common denominator of the Oligarchs, Monarchs, Warlords, Conquistadors and Military Commanders.

The next day was the same routine but the third day they were in the library continuing their research things changed. The Chief Librarian came to them hurriedly, and in a hushed voice told them there was a security detail outside, looking for two men from Mantua, and beckoned them to follow her.

She showed them a door that lead to a corridor and a private vestibule where they should immediately secure themselves. Both men rushed into the enclosure and locked the large wooden doors.

Half an hour later the librarian returned, knocked on the door and called their names. As the door opened she proceeded to tell them, of a Security patrol that visited the Rossi residence, in Mantua and had arrested some of the family members. The Security Chief said one other member of the Rossi family had left for Cesena to work in the Library with a friend. Empire Security has alerted all places on the route and we are looking for the two men. She was made to swear she would alert the Austrian Security if either of the two men show up at the Library.

“Amadeus! You were correct in estimating the time had come to move on. However it appears the authorities have found my Achilles heel, before I have had time to move it. This adds a different spin to this escapade in this Empire, would you say?

“Yes! I advocate we leave tonight. There is a ferry with the harbour master in Rome that I befriended at my last sojourn to that port. He will take us from this shore out of the immediate reach of Austrian security, if we are fast enough.

Rome- Italy

They traveled the whole night and arrived in Rome a day later. But now they had to evade the Security and beat a hasty path to the harbour and then sail away from this coast.

“Amadeus! Would it be a fair proposition to navigate to a port along the African coast to ancient Carthage’s shores.”

“Africa is a better choice than going east or west for that matter in our present

vulnerable high profile. But I do not think Tunis, or any of the coastal stops, is what we want. I have seen enough of the Men and places we have searched to think we should head for Cairo and then to Alexandria. Charlemagne, Alexandra the Great and Hannibal just to mention some of the more successful war generals in this arena were Heroes of early Roman and Carthaginian times. ”

Mediterranean journey

They were aboard a Brigantine, a two master, with a crew of 25 and the Master was Orpheus cello from Tuscany.

The crew was a rough and ready bunch, seemingly more like brigands than a ‘commercial crew’. The one good fortune in their favour was; there was not Austrian Security.

Egypt was under a duumvirate (a coalition of two people having joint authority) at the time of their journey, those two Emirs were Murād Bey and Ibrāhīm Bey.

A calm sea was not what they needed - so the journey to the north-east coast of Africa took longer than expected. Both men were intrigued with the country they were about to breast. Their final destination was Alexandria – the Library there was the ultimate place for research even since it was destroyed by Julius Caesar. Much and many of the original works were before its destruction being moved to other Libraries at the time – so they were preserved.

“This library is one where we will find, if not the ultimate resolution, then an explanatory substitute for the conundrum we have sought to solve.” Remarked Amadeus as they stood at the rail on the poop deck with a slight breeze which at least afforded them some speed towards Cairo.

Orpheus was passing them on his way to the for’ard deck and stopped by saying: “Amadeus! With this breeze we will make land in 2 days. We will be going to Alexandria direct on the western Nile delta as we do not need to off-load in Cairo.”

“Ay, that is very good. Alexandria is the preferred arrival point for us. Thank you! Have you any intelligence on the current conditions in the country.”

“It is calm and has been quite prosperous under the two Bey Emirs. Egypt is losing a lot of the export and importance that it had earlier so it is less of a conquest in these times.”

“Well we thank you Orpheus! And may your day be expedient and find you well at its end.”

He took his leave.

Alexandria – Egypt

It was a warm day as the mist from the delta rose in the penetrating sunlight. Both men were on the deck on the port side as the ship sailed into sight of the harbour.

Its wharves and access roads were busy after they debarked, both men joined the throng of merchants and commoners, traveling through the streets of the Harbour to the central city. There, they inquired about the Library and were directed to two of the sites where the original manuscripts and books were stored.

They spent two weeks researching ‘Empires’.

Then one day excitedly Amadeus called to Marino. He had an ancient Atlantean manuscript that was translated.

He was talking even before Marino arrived by his side.

“It tells of a story of the breakup of a planet called Probos and the defeat of the Empire called Q in a war. The population fled, some of whom arrived here on a vast continent which was also later destroyed due to very powerful beams and energy used and they had to abandon all. They then evacuate en masse for other lands here on this Earth.

“Now look here where they go…. to the Indus Valley, the Nile Valley, the Yucatan and Peru where we find or have found the largest most complex civilizations of ancient times. And there are also references to the Sumerians . All these civilization are located along the worlds most famous and longest rivers.”

“And here is the clincher; This is pay dirt. It gives the full History, and the name to use to find this manuscript. It also has the co-ordinates of the Star-gate they used. Marino they had a Star-gate!”

“So Amadeus – truly a stroke of genius and fortune as well as circumstance. What is your conclusion from this spectacular discovery?”

“I would answer as I have one but, I want to hear from you first.”

‘Well this is to put it succinctly a coup de grace and coup de theatre all in one stroke. And may I add your opening remarks when we started out on this quest is blest with a munificence hard to believe. Furthermore I have no more questions regarding Empire building that this does not satisfy.”

“Well done Marino! I think you have said it all. Lets us get some wine and food and truly celebrate accomplishment.


April 21, 2022 12:28

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