The daisies will lie in stone and ashes

Submitted into Contest #80 in response to: Write about a child witnessing a major historical event.... view prompt

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Sad Suspense Teens & Young Adult

August 13, 1961

The wall was up when I woke up, momma and poppa had gone to go work in the shop late, and got stuck.

(Little did I know that would almost be thirty years without them)

 I got up and went to go over to west German to go visit momma in the shops, and get a slice of bread for breakfast. But when I came out the wall was up, I thought nothing of it and went to go jump over the wall. But Peter came screaming.

“Elizabeth, don’t cross that wall they will kill you” 

I thought nothing of it and thought it was a joke, until Peter came scooped me up and ran. The guns fired and I still remember the pain, the pain of Peter falling on my, they shot him. It was all my fault. I got out from under him and a crowd came in I ran away in tears to go back home, and an young women chased me. The tears that balled in my eyes, and I hit the ground with a thump, curled up in a ball on the flour and cried, cried that Peter was gone. 

August 14 1961

The lady that was running after me finally found me, balled up under an old rusty car. 

She explained that the wall had to be up and they shot anyone who tried to cross. 

She took me in but that didn’t stop the fact that Peter was gone and it was my fault. 

August 15 1961

I layed in the bed that Margot (the lady who found me) gave to me. I layed on my stomach and the plotch of blood from Peter was still stained on my old yellow dress. 

I layed and tried to act normal though a few tears made it past. For supper we couldn’t afford much, just an old loaf of bread from the nearby bakery. 

August 20 1961

It’s been awhile Diary since I wrote to you but I just couldn’t help but think of all the memories I had with Peter. We had fun together, we ran, and most of all he was my best friend even though he was 13 years old then me that didn’t stop us from being Best friends . I clutched my hand in my other hand and Margot came up. She gave me a hug and told me 

“you’ll be alright”

But what she didn’t know was that Peter is never coming back and for all I know I would never see mama and papa again.

September 1 1961 

I have been gone for a while . I had to help Margot with the cows and chickens, and she told me not to waste all my paper so I could write to the fall of the wall. If there was going to be one. 

I sat on my old spring bed and hugged my yellow bunny, which was a little old but there was no shame in that. I knew momma would have fixed my bunny but, when would that be? 

January 16 1963 

Things were still rough, but the beginning of a new year was the start of a new hope. 

Jan 30 1970 

Been awhile haven’t it but I have 10 pages left until the end of my book, I filled it most with drawings, drawings of the wall and most importantly momma. She looked like a fresh daisy . 

It also helped bring a tear to my eye, not that I wanted to but I just want to remember what it was like to stand next to momma holding her hand. 

November 18 1975 

Morgot was still with me and I took on a new inspire, poetry, here is one of my poems.

I’ll walk through the meadows, meadow of daisies. 

In hope one day I can hold it in my hand.

Until that day will arise 

I will dream 

Dream of a day that shall not come 

For all I know 

Those daisy will wilt 

Wilt into nothing but stone and ashes

Stone will harden with the daisies 

But so will the memories of what used to be 

They stood up tall and tall for sure 

But the light one day has to close 

Close on all the memories 

And make us forget 

Some will remain but other will lie 

 unclear as stone. 

May 14 1980 

Today another year, of my birthday I sometime cry wondering why, why 

Peter and now momma and poppa for all I know they are still ok but that is only a hope and dream. Marigot is a nice mom if I could call her that, but the thought of her replacing momma could never be.

June 8 1985

I am holding my hand so dear to me as my trembling skin eyes to me. We are planning and escape. To dig a tunnel and crawl underneath. In hope our plan will not end us. Like the angel that watches above Peter. 

November 9 1989

It finally happened the wall fell. When Margot woke me to the sound of an excited scream, I jumped out of bed think maybe we were lucky and got three or four more euros to buy more bread or even a cupcake. But now the wall fell. It took about an hour of them tearing the wall down before there was a hole big enough to squish through. 

Once I made it to the other side I saw momma not poppa but momma. She stood there in her ivory green dress. She looked older than I remember but still as beautiful as a fresh daisy in a meadow. I ran up and gave her the biggest hug. She bursted out in tears and said 

“Sweetie Poppa is gone, they shot him, he was trying to get to your we both were” 

I started to cry and I hugged her and hugged her. 

November 15 1989 

Berlin slowly started to get back to normal, momma still owning her shop. 

But the one thing that didn’t go back to normal was the fact that the splotch of blood, Peter's splotch of blood was still there, feet fourth were the wall once stood. 

February 13, 2021 03:50

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1 comment

Courtney C
23:04 Feb 19, 2021

Great job on finishing your story Emily! I wasn't expecting anyone to actually enter, so that's really impressive that you did. I enjoyed reading your story. Great work :) - Miss Crookes


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