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Historical Fiction Sad Thriller

My heart felt like it was closing in thump,thump,thump….


I heard it like a lighting bolt striking through me, my little sister was born, It was a Misty Morning in Bratislava when my sister was born mother cried so much I was surprised that river nile didn't appear and Mother said “I will name her Ella”, and I loved her with all my heart but she had Asthma but no matter what I would love her. When we got home Mother was so sleepy she fell right into bed and Father had work so I watched Ella slowly close her eyes on the baby swing then I felt my eyes slowly close shut until there was Blackness like a black hole swallowing me whole. 

                                            6 years later 1939

   Ella and Me had a great friendship until 1939 when the Nazis invaded our peaceful City, Movie theaters and parks would close even our school closed .That when everything started to change even me and Ella friendship started to fade slowly. Ella and I were Jews just like Mother and Father and we were proud of who we are. It started with bombing and soon it turned into a battlefield. Trucks would come and take Jews to camp, Father would never talk about them so we went into hiding this is where this all started. Me and other families from our apartment hid in this old Hotel. It was squashed and soon food and water became scarce so we had to go get some more. We knew some people who were not Jews in our apartment. They kept our secret and got us food and water. More and more Jews got taken away each day Ella and I were scared but there were other kids just like Germans kids. We played tag and hide in seek the Adults would argue and complain but our family would not get involved. In the night time we had to be so quiet we could not even go to the bathroom and flush, it was eerie silence that lasted a long time one time I woke up to fin Ella reading a book I have never seen before, I got up to ask her but then a I stopped I saw a light shining through the blinds I leaped to Ella and knocked her head down so it would no shine on her from that day they boarded up the windows now we were trapped.

                                               4 years later 1943

“It has been three years and I'm done with this Ellie!!”Ella groaned. I said,”well we can't go out, it's too dangerous and if we get caught we are done, Me and Ella were two different people. First Ella was 8 I was 10, Ella was hyper and always got in trouble one time she hid everybody's shoes so they would get confused!! And I am quiet and shy Ella was a mother girl and I was a Fathers girl 2 different people, come on Ellie let sneak out tonight and we will have so much fun we can play in the snow and make something call a snow boy wait no a snowman come on it will be so fun!!! she kept blabbing on and on, until I said STOP being annoying and leave me alone!! And a bit too loud and rude a this kept going on for weeks and she kept saying she wanted to leave and go somewhere else and I have enough with this I shouted on the top of my lungs and said SHUT UP, your not leaving now go away, I regretted does words the minute they came out she looked at me in horror and said why are you the worst sister ever I have been talking about this for weeks, I just wanna be a normal kid but no I am cooped up in this hotel with a sister who just shouted at me then she ran away I felt so guilty after some time I went to check on her I saw her lying in bed I was about to go jump on her and hug then I realized with horror it was a pillow then I realized with shock I ran downstairs and told Father everything he got his jacket and boots and ran outside I was in tears a couple hours passed and I was about to explode then I saw something it was father and he looked sad too sad I knew what was coming Ella was taken by a Nazi I ran to Mother had a shocked look on her face then she broke down in tears we cried for hours until our eyes were red.

                                          2 years later 1945

Today is not anything special we were quite like always not a peep out of us. My dad read the newspaper and his face lit up fast as a light bulb what he said made my heart stop just like on the day Ella was born I sobbed but then realized the words coming out of my dads mouth we did it we don't have to hide anymore the Nazis are not in power anymore we are free!!!! I ran and hugged Mother and Father Oh my god!!!!!! I knew Ella would want the best for us. 1 week passed until we knew it was safe to go outside and when I saw what was outside waiting for I broke down in tears and sobbed my heart out it was Ella I ran and gave her a bear hug couple minutes passed and Ella finally broke down into me she sobbed and said she was sorry and so was I. she said when she ran away she was found by Nazi soldier but a German women came said I was her daughter I was with her for 2 years, finally when I got the news I knew I had to come back to you guys. And we continued sobbing. A sibling is a gift not a curse. Love them and respect them and they will do the same to you.

June 15, 2023 15:49

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19:18 Jun 15, 2023

About 2 girls living during Adolf Hitlers rule will they survive without getting on each other nerve.


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