Fiction Drama Contemporary

There was a telecast of the correspondent of a TV network interviewing the leader of the opposition in the government (LOP). Here are excerpts:

TV interviewer (TVI): Sir, as LOP it is your duty to analyse correctness of legislation introduced or envisaged by the ruling party. You do it conscientiously as sworn by you when you took office. You criticise the government when they go wrong and you oppose some of the government’s moves which you or your party considers inappropriate. May I have your views on some moves made by the ruling party?

LOP: Sure, go ahead.

TVI: Government says it will do its utmost to see that corruption is contained even if the guilty have taken flight to havens abroad.

LOP: I consider the government is sincere about it. I have raised the issue of how wrongdoers went out of the country. These criminals are living a luxurious life with looted money. Not to be browbeaten, government had pointed out the case of one of my party having been in league with a notorious absconder. Criminals exist in every party and as head of my party I have expelled the woman. When brought to book let law take its course.

TVI: Government says it is doing its best to help the visually handicapped. It says eye hospitals help those seeking eye care, and even provide glasses at concessional rates. They also say they have  arranged such that libraries stock books in Braille for the blind.”

LOP: What has been said isn’t enough. How will the blind reach libraries? They should be provided with ‘smart walking sticks’ free of cost. There should be volunteers knowing Braille who will help the blind to reach the chosen books, guide them to toilets, drinking water, canteens and so on.

TVI: Government says free rations will be supplied to the needy at their doors.

LOP: The list of rations must be furnished so that the supplies can be checked. Public must be informed about the timings for the distribution. They should also be informed about how to get the rations in case they were not home at the time of distribution. My party’s volunteers will check randomly if the distribution is right. It will also look into cases of complaints.

TVI : Government is planning to allow women to travel free on city buses.

LOP: With this introduction the transport authority will lose considerable earning. I cannot understand why this move is planned. It is sex discrimination. We are going to oppose it as it involves loss for the transport authority. But before we take a decision we will consider the saving which would accrue by the introduction of electric buses and avoidance of fossil fuels.

TVI: Government is considering issue of text books free of cost in schools.

LOP: This is stupid! Free midday meals, free uniforms and now free text books where will it end? If parents don’t spend on their children the value of education won’t register. Government thinks that by these stupid measures they are creating ground to find Nobelists. Free books will be thrown after use and will only benefit the cart man to supply packed peanuts. It will be a colossal waste. I will oppose it.

TVI: To improve women’s health, government will subsidise sale of sanitary products to make them cheaper so even the poor can buy them.

LOP: Government is myopic about the problem. Women will buy whatever they need even if not subsidized. The problem is in waste disposal of such used items. I know educational institutions have  problems  with clogged drains filled with the sanitary aids. Drain cleaning costs a lot.  Action is needed to ensure that waste disposal is attended to.

TVI: Government is planning to reduce the cost of electricity to homes.

LOP: It can’t happen. It is only a dream. Electricity demand is sky rocketing. Electricity is needed for charging the smallest mobile phone to recharge for electric cars and two wheelers. Air conditioners are in demand everywhere. Even one room apartments use room coolers. Sources have told me that electricity will be restricted here due to inadequate generation. New projects to generate electricity  haven’t been sanctioned. Neighbouring countries won’t sell us power. Policy planners say nuclear power generation would be feasible.  But where would the plants be located? What about funds? Where will nuclear fuel come from? These would have to be resolved. There is no solution in sight and government says electricity rates would be lowered. It would only be a pipe dream.

TVI: The minister for health has mooted the idea of free medical checkups for all senior citizens.

LOP: It is nothing new. When I was the chief minister I had asked the health secretary to examine the possibility of total health check of those above age 80. Of course at government expense. But it was found the numbers were large and we had to give up. The present chief wants health check for senior citizens, which means those who are above 60. It won’t be feasible. I will raise this point when the legislature meets and the subject comes up.

TVI: Minister for education has said that free laptops should be made available to all students. Students were agreeable to pay up to 20% of the cost. The minister has proposed that laptops should be made available free to students of backward communities and with 20% down to others.

LOP: This again was considered while I was chief minister. We had then wanted to give free laptops to all students. Since the outlay on such a scheme would be prohibitive, the education minister had said that students who scored 60% and above should be eligible to receive laptops. She had said that would be an incentive for students to do well in exams. I had said the others would only use the laptop to watch porn! I had said that was also education when she said “It’s insulting to women” and I had to withdraw my humorous remark. Funds shortage persisted and the scheme was withdrawn. I don’t think the financial position of the present government has improved so much as to be able to give free laptops to all students. But there is a bye election coming up, and this kind of talk about freebies is merely to cause voters to vote the present party. It is a mere election stunt.

TVI: Sir, any other remarks you would like to make?

LOP: I have a few more ideas I won’t reveal now which could return me to power. I won’t comment further.


April 12, 2022 23:55

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