Sunset and my soulmate

Submitted into Contest #99 in response to: Begin your story with somebody watching the sunrise, or sunset.... view prompt

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Drama Fiction Suspense

There is a girl who named Sarah watching the sunset.... She speaks to the sun.....she told that she is talking to the sun because of she feels lonely.... She said, "Now I'm talking with you about my soulmate... Like this.... Oneday, I'll talk to my partner about you.... I said to him how did I spent my lonely days with you... When she finished her talk, there is one boy who saw in a different way. She went to him and asked what's he sees. 

     He introduced himself as Siddharth. And Said that he also likes sunset. And speaks to the sun like she did. Both of them smiled at each other. Finally they become a sunset partners. 

        From another day onwards they didn't talk to the sun. They two have a relaxed chat. Their friendship grown up. 

         Oneday, at the same beach they met. She talking to him like every day. But he didn't listen to that. He is on another mind. She keep calling him. Finally she got angry and shouted. He returns to reality from imagination. And Said to the sun, "thanks for making her my partner"

      She collapsed. He give her one flower and said "be my lifelong Sunset partner" She surprised. 

      And said "yes".They both smiles at the sun. Because the sunset made them partners. The girl said to the sun, " Now I'm going to tell him about me and our lonely days"And told Siddharth how she spent her lonely days with this sunset and told everything happened to her in her life. 

    " It's a beautiful sunset"he said. She told him that it's a dream of her to watch sunset with her partner. She also said that her one of the dream came true. He replied her, "from today onwards your all the dreams will came true. Be ready to watch that with me "

     She smiles at him. 

     They are getting married at the same beach. After 45 years, at the same beach they are talking with each other . They can't believe what happened to them. She said to siddharth, "you really made my all my dreams came true."

      He said, "you really thanks to this sunset. Not to me. Because this Sunset in every day reminds me your dreams. And given the strength to achieve it for you. "

        Both of them smiled at the sun.

     And suddenly heard the voice, "why! Why it's happened to me?.... All the bad things happening to me only..... All the people in the universe lives their life happily. But me? "She shouted at them. 

      Sarah and Siddharth asked to her, " What's wrong with you lily?"She cried and said, "Mom he left me.... He left me alone.... " Sarah and Siddharth looked at each other. Sarah asked, "who baby? Who left you alone my baby? "

      She said, "I'm sorry mom, I was in love with Sam. But he is left me alone in this world"Why he did that? didn't he thought about me before left this world....?Sarah and Siddharth are still confused. They can't believe their eyes. Siddharth told Lily, " Baby Let's go "

       She asked "where daddy...? " He said, "Sam's house".

       After hours, They returned from Sam's house. When they gather to eat, Siddharth asked Sarah, " Where is she? She told that she keeps crying. Siddharth went to her room and give some advice. He told that there is some of the bad pages in every one's life. If we struck on that page, we can't achieve our life's goals. I know your feelings. 

     I don't say, "Don't cry " I said, "Don't take so many days for this. Life is short. Think careful".He said take care and leave her alone. Sarah asked him, " Is this right to leave her alone in this time? "Siddharth said, " Absolutely right".

     Siddharth asked Sarah, "Did you contact her friends? " Sarah told that yes, just now I contact them. Siddharth asked, "what did they say about lily and Sam? "

      "Lily fall in love with him 1 year ago in the same beach" Siddharth asked, "what did you mean by Same beach? " Sarah smiled and said, "where did I fell for you, at the same beach she fell in love with him...! " Siddharth surprised.

         "Their friends said that they are made for each other. So please take care of her. She can't agree his death"Sarah said to siddharth. Sarah also said that She was planned to convince us today. But after receiving the news about his death, she can't introduce him to us.Siddharth asked Sarah, "How did he death all of a sudden?"

        Sarah said to Siddharth, "I received news about his death just now, His friends told me that he had some disease which is incurable.Doctors said that he'll going to die in 1 year.But nobody expected this. And they said that lily also known about his incurable disease. 

     " So, she is already had the aware of it.She will get out of this worrying soon"Siddharth said. Sarah said with sadness, "Anyhow if she get out of this worry that's enough to me"

      (After one month, lily is still sad) 

     Siddharth and Sarah going to night party for siddharth's promotion. But Both of them still worry about her daughter. All of a sudden, today lily is talking normally. So, Both of them going to the party confidently. Today night, lily only at home.... She decided to forget about her past.(She is actually a cute talkative girl in her parents view.)

      She decided to clean their house. That is helpful to forget about her past thinking just one hour. She decided to do it. When she cleaning the house, there is one diary which is founded by lily. She opened the diary. She excited because it's her father's diary. She is very excited to know what's happened in her dad's life. So, she continues to read. 

        In his diary, he met a girl who became his whole world. He did everything for her. He describes her in his diary that she is beautiful, cuty, my whole world. But there is a one thing which is giving a shock to lily. The girl who is described as her whole world is not her mother. She is LilyFather's first love. Yes. This diary was written in 1967 when her father was 17 . Lily's mom met her father in the age of 20 . So, she continues her reading. But there is another shock for her. Because She left Lily's father because of her status. Her father felt very sad about this. When she left Siddharth, he doesn't scold her. He just realized his money problem and worked hard. Now, he is go to the party for his promotion.Lily feels very grateful for her father. When Siddharth arrives home, she ran into him and hugged him and asked with tears, "how did you faced that situation dad?Sam is no more. That bothers me. But you... She left you because of status... I'm feeling proud of my dad.Sarah came hugged her daughter and told he is your dad only in the past days.... But now when you founded his past days, he is your role model dear. Siddharth worked hard and destiny makes us to meet....Lily asked Sarah, "Mom, Don't you scolded dad when you found out about his first love? "

      Sarah smiles and said why did I scold him... When I first met your father, your dad told me everything which happened to his past life. Siddharth said to lily, there is someone who loves you from your past in everyone's life. In my life,that's Sarah. Lily you also need to wait for someone who loves you from your past. Lily said to her father with smiles, "yes dad... Definitely"

        After a week, there is a special which day Siddharth and Sarah was meet. Lily planned to arrange a party at the beach for her parents.When they were a party, the boy who named Rishabh Comes near to lily and introduce himself.He also said that you are beautiful. When they both were talking, Siddharth and Sarah looks at each other. Because siddharth and Sarah's meeting also like that. Lily also likes Rishabh and they also became sunset partners like Lily's parents. Now lily telling everything what happened in her past life to Rishab."when you already know that he dead soon,you didn't leave him. That means if I had hard moment in my life, you don't leave are angel"Rishab said. 

        Both of them smiled. Siddharth and sarah watching sunset together... Lily keep it in her mind which is told by her dad. She said to Rishab, "My dad always told me that you need to wait for someone who loves you from your past. And I found the right man. That's you, Rishab".Rishab smiles and say, From now onwards your all dreams came true. Be ready to watch that with me. Siddharth and Sarah are very happy about their daughter's life. 

          -Sakunthala yowel

June 25, 2021 14:22

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Ruth Smith
13:30 Jul 01, 2021

Very moving story.


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