Holiday Romance

“Are you kidding me!”

“What is it this time, Trina,” asked Nadia, owner of Nadia’s Brilliant Bakes.

“I just found out that Jenson Barker, from the bakeshop across the street, is entering the bake sale.”

“Yeah, so?” 

“That means his super-cute friend, Miles, is probably gonna be there too!”

“Trina! He’s the competition!” 

“I can’t help myself. I’m sorry!”

“Speaking of the competition we have to get to work on those cupcakes for the Christmas Festival.” 

In the back of the store, Trina was counting the cupcakes,

“Uh, Nadia, there are only 73 of the Grinch cupcakes, 78 chimney-Santa cupcakes, and 77 wreath cupcakes! Where are the rest!!” 

“Trina, chill out! I’m frosting the last batch right now” Nadia reassured. When all the cupcakes were done and loaded up into the van, the girls went to the Christmas festival. They got their booth number and started setting up.

“Don’t look now Trina, but I think it’s our competition”


“I can’t believe their both is right next to ours! It’s bad enough that our stores are on the same street, I thought this festival was going to give me a chance to sell something without him butting in!”

“Oh Nadia, give him a chance. I bet he’s not as bad as you think.”

“Well, for now, we’re enemies” laughed Nadia. 

The first day of the competition was a hit for both bakeries. Luckily for the girls, Jenson brought fruitcake and gingerbread men, which meant that they could sell more cupcakes. After the bake sell the girls went out to enjoy the festival. 

“Wow! I love the park this time of year with all the lights and decorations!”

“I know, it’s stunning!” replied Nadia

“Hey,” said an unknown voice “aren’t you Nadia, like the bakery?” It was Jenson! Her arch-nemesis! What could he want with her? 

“Probably trying to convince me to drop out of the bake sale,” Nadia thought to herself.

“Uh yeah, that’s me. I’m sorry but if you want a cupcake you’ll have to wait till tomorrow. We’re sold-out,” she figured she’d tease him a little. He deserved it for trying to take all her customers with his Christmas specialties. Who likes fruitcake anyway, it’s like Christmas meatloaf!

“I was wondering if you were busy, if not I thought we could walk around for a little bit. Get to know each other. We are neighbors!”

“Is he serious! If he thinks he can come over here and smooth talk me into dropping out he’s delusional.” 

“Um, actually we were just leaving, right Trina?” Already walking away with miles, Trina yelled back, 

“Sorry, you’re on your own! I couldn’t help myself! I’ll make it up to you tomorrow I promise!”

“Well I guess we can go get some hot chocolate, but you’re paying!”

“Yes ma’am!” After getting the hot chocolate the two go to a small table near the Christmas tree to talk.

“So, how long have you owned Nadia’s?”

“About three years. I opened it up right out of college. No time to waste when you have a student loan debt. I’ve always wanted to cook but also wanted to be an artist, the perfect solution was a pastry chef. So I bought the lot and got right to business. Trina and my mom both helped me startup and since then it’s mostly been just me, except for big events like this or birthday parties.”

“Wow! When I first got out of college I was lost. I went to culinary school to be a chef, but once I graduated I couldn’t find a long term serious job, ya know? But then my friend Miles, I think you know him, was talking about opening up a business since he went to business school and everything. Well, then I thought about opening a restaurant and being the head chef with miles managing. It was a good idea at first but then we realized that would be too much hassle to get legal stuff and open it. Plus paying the waitresses and cooks and any extra help was just not what we were looking for at the time. Like you said about debt, and we both had a lot! In the end, the best option was to open a bakery. Miles was the one to choose the lot and closed the deal. I didn’t even see it until after all the equipment was moved in. I honestly didn’t know that it was right across the street from your bakery or I wouldn’t have approved. Sorry about that by the way.”

“He seems sincere, but should I forgive him. Duh, I have to forgive him, what am I thinking.”

“Well I forgive you, but miles isn’t off the hook just yet,” laughed Nadia

“Thanks, I’m sure he’ll make it up to you somehow.”

“Well as long as he is nice to Trina, I’ll forgive him.”

“He isn’t a bad guy, but I think you two would buttheads.”

“Why is that?”

“Because you’re both strong-willed, determined people.”

“And that’s a bad thing?”

“No, It’s a great thing. But two determined people with the same business, on the same street, might not like each other.”

“Obviously, that’s why I was hesitant to even talk to you. But I guess that since you bought me hot chocolate and since you didn’t know about my store, we can be friends.”

“Thank you. See, you can’t judge a book by the location of his bake shop,” laughed Jenson.

“I’m gonna get some more hot chocolate. Want some? It’s on me this time,” Offered Nadia.

“I’ve still got some, but thanks.”

“Ok. Be right back,” said Nadia as she walked towards the hot chocolate stand. 

“I am totally falling for his charm. I need to put my poker face on, go back over there, and let him down easy. I don’t need him thinking that there could be something between us. He’s still my rival, at least until this event is over.” After getting the cocoa she went back to the table to tell Jenson she had to leave. She decided she wasn’t going to say anything rude, just that she had to go.

“Uh hey sorry, but I have to go. We’ve both got another busy day tomorrow. Plus Trina should be at the bakery already waiting for me. I’ll see you tomorrow right?”

“Yeah, I’ll be here. Right next to you, outselling you,” said Jenson jokingly.

“I think you got that backward their barker!”

“We’ll see!”

The next morning, both bakers headed out to the festival. The girls realized that they weren’t selling as well today as the day before. Every time they thought someone was coming towards their stand, they ended-up going to Barkers. Eventually, Nadia asked Jenson what he was doing to get all those people’s attention. Miles answered for him saying,

“It’s not him! It’s the smell of a ‘Christmas Classic’ that makes everyone feel nostalgic. Something your ‘Birthday Classic’ just doesn’t do this time of year. The rest of the year maybe, but this bake sale is ours!”

“Wow, Jenson was right. I don’t think we will get along.”

“Duh, you’re the competition!”

“That’s what I said! But you didn’t seem to care when you were hanging out with Trina yesterday.”

“Well, that’s different. It’s not like it’s her business, she’s just helping a friend out.”

“Would you two stop,’ begged Trina, “I really like Miles and you’re my best friend. You don’t have to like each other but at least try to get along.”

“I agree,” said Jenson.

“Well, I still don’t understand why everyone likes your Fruitcake. It doesn’t even look good. But the gingerbread I get.”

“I have a couple of pieces left if you want to try. I bet I can make you a believer.”

“Okay, I’ll try it. But just this once.”

“Here you go,” said Jenson handing the cake to Nadia, “wait, that’ll be five dollars.”

“Do you want me to believe or not?”

“Okay, this one’s on the house, but you’re paying for the next one.”

“Yeah right, I’m only eating this one for our mutual benefit.”

“We’ll see,” said Jenson finally handing over the fruitcake.

“Wow! Okay, that’s not too bad, to be honest. I see why people keep on buying them.”

Once both stands were sold-out, the girls agreed to go on a double date with the boys to the Christmas concert later in the night. 

“Thanks for coming with me tonight.”

“No problem Barker. You made a good impression on me with that Fruitcake earlier. It was free so this was the least I could do. Plus I didn’t want to third wheel with Trina and Miles.”

“Yeah, I get that.”

“Thanks for putting up with Miles today. He can be hot-headed at times. Anyways, what are you doing tomorrow night. I promised Miles I wouldn’t ask you out officially until this thing was over and since today’s the last day I figured I might as well ask now.”

“Um, I don’t know.”

“What do you mean, you don’t know?”

Well, I like you and everything, but I don’t know if we should get involved. I mean we’re rivals. That could be bad for our business, ya know?”

“I guess, but I don’t think that our bakeries will be in jeopardy if we go out. Maybe if we end up hating each other and start sabotaging each other’s businesses. But hopefully, that won’t happen,” laughed Jenson.

“Yeah hopefully,” agreed Nadia.

“So does that mean you will go out with me?”

“I guess.”

“You guess?”

“Fine. I Nadia Taylor agree to go out with you Jenson Barker,” laughed Nadia.

“Well then, it’s a date.”

“Where are we going?”

“Where do you want to go?”

“How about an Italian restaurant?”

“Well, if you like Italian, how about I cook for you?”

“I’d love that.”

“Maybe you can make dessert?”

“That sounds reasonable.”

“I guess that’s the plan then.”

After that, the two of them went on lots of dates, most of them double dates with their best friends. Four years after that Christmas festival, Nadia, Jenson, Trina, and Miles had a double wedding. Nadia and Jenson ended up joining forces and turned Nadia’s Brilliant Bakes into Nadia Barkers Brilliant Bakes. And Trina and Miles opened a salon in Jenson’s old store. Both couples ended up meeting the love of their life in the last place they’d ever imagined.

Posted Dec 05, 2020

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