Cold Heart

Written in response to: Write a story with a big twist.... view prompt


Drama Thriller Fiction

‘’The camera is set," he motioned, "You begin in 3,2,1, and action..."

‘’Good morning to you all. I’m Nora Osman reporting live from the town-square chapel in Sowutuom. I’ll be reporting every little detail from the grand wedding of the member of parliament till the constituency of Anyaa Sowutuom is crowned with a new member of parliament or do we maintain the old one? Only time will tell. No information is going to be left hidden. Hash-tag, the race to the parliamentary position,’’ she positioned herself in such a way that she was partially facing the chapel, "By noon today, the most-talked about lovebirds would have their marriage sealed and this will be a huge boost to the reelection of the groom, current MP for Anyaa Sowutuom Constituency, David Pascal. As the only child from a political family as great as the Pascals, we'd be privileged to have high-profile people here including the parents of the groom themselves; Congressman Frank Pascal and Mrs. Justina Pascal,"

"Although most attention is on the groom, most ladies would love to be in the position of the pregnant soon-to-be-bride, Author Daniella Heyman, whose novels have highly skyrocketed after her relationship with the member of parliament not to talk about the difference in their class and backgrounds. She's bringing to light the Cinderella story that every lady dreams of," Nora ended with a smile. She was ready to continue with the joy of the news when her pod passed a piece of information to her. She looked petrified instantly but then continued to cast, "Just in. Information reaching me is that Miss Daniella Heyman was stabbed last night and is currently struggling for her life. This information is new so we'd give you all you need to know soon. Stay tuned."


"What happened to her?!" Nora asked with great concern as if she personally knew Daniella Heyman.

"I have no idea. We need to go and find out."


David walked straight to Comfort, his soon-to-be-bride's mother, when he arrived at the hospital with his parents. The news had reached them and taken them by shock so they instantly rushed to the hospital and wanted to verify if everything they had heard was true.

He looked really desperate holding Comfort by the shoulders and she wondered how he was going to take the news. Estelle was there too. She looked sad and her eyes were wet. She was like a sister to Daniella and even the Pascals knew how close those two ladies were.

‘’What happened to Daniella? Is it true?’’ Frank and Justina stared anxiously at Comfort after David had asked that question but then Comfort walked them to a table a little distant from where they all were. The four of them took their seats.

‘’I saw someone run out of our house yesternight. Daniella refused to go for her own bachelorette party. When I walked in with Estelle, Daniella had been stabbed.’’

‘’Who in his right senses would want to kill a pregnant woman?’’ Frank asked in disbelief.

‘’You have many political rivals who wouldn't want a wedding like this to come on so I don’t know but Daniella has lost a lot of blood and the doctor says she needs a lot of rest. I’m not sure there will be a wedding today.’’

‘’How is my child?’’ Comfort smiled slightly with tears still falling like beads from beneath her eyes as she stared at David.

‘’It was a girl…’’


‘’She died. Daniella received the stab right where the child was. Now her chances of giving birth in the near future are slim. She might never be the woman she used to be if she wakes up from that hospital bed. David, you’re the only person that can help Daniella now. Your love and attention towards her could help her recover. She needs you now more than ever,’’ David suddenly laughed to Comfort’s surprise.

‘’No child, no wedding and no wedding, no love. Can’t you see it, Comfort. It was the child that bonded both Daniella and I and if that child is dead not even in Daniella’s dreams would I be married to her!’’ he stood up angrily and Comfort stood too. She was petrified but the anger in her swept over quickly.

‘’Never in a million years did I expect to hear that coming out of your lips, David Pascal. You’re a cunning liar! I regret ever getting my daughter involved with you.’’

‘’He’s not to blame, Comfort. You were after the money. Anything that would make you rich,’’ Justina laughed standing too and Frank stood too a bit disgraced by his family’s behaviour but he knew David was right. Now that there was no child, nothing linked the two of them together.

‘’Now more than ever I wish that Daniella would wake up and forget you ever existed. You can’t do this to her,’’ she turned to Justina still in tears, ‘’you’re a mother too, Mrs. Pascal, how would you feel if your daughter woke up from an operation to find out that the man of her dreams abandoned her because she’d lost their child. A child she didn’t plan on losing but lost after she was attacked by an unknown individual?’’

‘’All these talks wouldn’t do you any good, Comfort Heyman. There is no wedding between my son and your daughter and there will never be one!’’ Justina said taking the lead with David following soon after. Frank just couldn’t move. He kept staring at Comfort.

‘’I’ll try my best to find out whoever is responsible for this. That I promise you, Comfort.’’

Estelle just stood and watched how the Pascal family quickly walked past them without saying a word. She wasn't the only one there to support Comfort. Some loved ones were around too but Estelle was the closest to Comfort. She studied David when he bypassed and noticed how he seemed to be both furious and relieved. She knew from that look that everything was far from well.

Soon their attention turned to Comfort who was still crying and walking towards them. Estelle rushed to Comfort quickly as well as Jasmine and Davena (other friends of Daniella) who helped her to come and sit.

‘’What did they say?’’

‘’David no longer wants to marry Daniella. That man is a liar, the greatest one. He was with Daniella just because of their child and nothing else and now that Daniella’s child is dead the Pascal family has cut all ties with us. I’m just wondering how my baby girl would take in this news. The pain of David leaving her would weigh her more than the pain of losing the child,’’ she cried even more.

‘’I always knew that man was a fake. I should have done something about it,’’ Estelle fisted her hands angrily, "I'm going to show those people a lesson," she tried to move and chase after the Pascals but then Jasmine's brother, Kent, held her tight.

‘You don't need to do that Estelle..."

"He just toyed with my sister's feelings," she broke down and cried even more and Comfort couldn't control herself too. She knew how concerned Estelle was about Daniella and everything hurt her.

’All politicians are fake. He just has to cut ties with Daniella and the next thing we see he’ll be running for MP again and just like always his family makes sure he has no strong competition,’’ Davena also stated angrily.

‘’I just pray this has no major side effects on Daniella. I’d commit suicide if that were to happen to me,’’ it was Jasmine and her frankness which wasn't needed at such a point in time.

Estelle received a message immediately. She wiped her tears and her eyes were just about to fall out from all the long hours of crying. The text was quite simple and clear, ‘’You never told me she was pregnant!’’ She turned to stare at Comfort and everyone around and then excused herself.


The pain was unbearable, she still felt weak but the memories were still alive, they were fresh and ones that could never be forgotten. Her eyes opened at once. She was quiet examining herself and then her eyes narrowed directly down to her stomach. It was flat once again, where was her child? The pain might have quickly disappeared because she sat upright trying to remember what could have possibly happened. Doctor James walked in immediately.

‘’You should be resting, Dan…’’

‘’Where is my child?’’

‘’You need to rest.’’

‘’I said where is my child?!’’ the doctor looked down sadly and she had a fair idea of what his look meant. She stood from the bed immediately pulling out the drips connected to her hands. Doctor James tried to stop her but she pushed him away and raced out. The first face she glimpsed on was that of her godmother’s, Monica.

‘’Daniella.’’ she said so softly but gained everyone’s attention.

‘’Where is my child? What happened to my child? Where is David? Why isn't he not here?’’ Comfort went first to hug her daughter gently patting her blonde hair as well but Daniella wasn’t interested in any of that. She let go of her mother’s grip and Comfort knew it was time to speak the truth.

‘’Your child is a girl…’’

‘’Where is she? I want to see her. I guess David has her in his arms already. Where are they, I wan…’’

‘’Daniella! Your child died and there is no David! That guy is a moron. He left you after he found out that your child had died. There would never be a David and Daniella union. The only thing that bonded you two was the child not love.’’

‘’You’re lying! You liar! Even if my child is dead I’ll fight through this with David. He loves me and he’ll never leave me on my own. He told me that himself!’’ Daniella continued in tears. Doctor James was now standing outside staring gently at his patient. He knew her problem was above his level. This wasn’t something that could be easily handled.

‘’Daniella listen to me if not your mother. Have I ever lied to you before? David Pascal was only using you because you had his child. He wanted to marry you because you were bearing a child of the Pascal blood and now that the child is gone there is no David and Daniella any longer. From godmother to god daughter, he never loved you!’’ Monica said sincerely. Daniella felt everything draw out of her that instant and she fell...



Estelle waited for everyone to leave the restroom before she made her call. Checking one last time if everyone was gone.

‘’Was it so difficult to do, Louis?’’

‘’You never told me she was pregnant. You expected me to kill a pregnant woman,’’ the man with blonde hair who stabbed Daniella replied on the other side of the line. He seemed really furious.

‘’You were supposed to rape her and squeeze the life out of her. She was supposed to die!’’

‘’You are heartless!’’

‘’I didn’t kill her child at least.’’ 

‘’What?! Did she die?’’

‘’Stop making me fill like I’m the bad one here. I wasn’t the one who stabbed her but thanks to you Louis there is going to be no wedding just like how David and I have planned it. And if you're feeling guilty don't worry because she's alive but there'll be no wedding any longer,’’ Estelle smiled staring at herself in the mirror proud of her achievements.

David didn't want the wedding to come on because he preferred Estelle and she desperately chose him and his money over the very girl she'd known for ages.

‘’I think there is something you should know, miss.’’

‘’What happened?’’

‘’She saw my face.’’


July 22, 2024 17:15

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