Submitted into Contest #74 in response to: Write a story that takes place across ten seconds.... view prompt


Christian Creative Nonfiction Funny

I Must,”  Sir, I am coming from very far and there was a lot of traffic and the intersection was busy, and then there were so many traffic lights. And how can I forgot when the traffic cop pulled over the man who was before me who actually blocked the road. That was the same gentleman who took my spot when I wanted to park just now.

I had to drive around the block at least three(3) times before I finally found somewhere I could park. And when I did I was told that it is reserved for the challenged person and I have to park six feet away. But then sir, I am challenged because I have been experiencing challenging moments and challenging times over the last ten (10) challenging months. I have had my dog ran over by my neighbor. I have had to go to the dentist with my cat and twice in the day my sparrow flew away. Yes, and I almost had to pay extra fees for the late appointment with Frisky my dog.

Yes, I am challenged because the pandemic has caused even my cat to begin to isolate and social distance from me. I tried reaching out to her only to realize that she was indeed wearing a mask so I had to get mine. I am….

What was that mister? That’s not what you meant? Oh! Please explain as these are really challenging times. So much has been happening across the globe and it is really, really frightening. It has been challenging to do the upkeep of the mortgage, the loans, the utilities, the school fees, the credit card payments, and all the other miscellaneous. Please explain sir when my spouse is in one room and I am in another because we have to do social distance and stay six(6) feet apart. When we no longer sit at the dining table although there are six(6) chairs and a lovely table to accommodate the entire family. Please help me understand sir when…. 

Just last night I… (and my thoughts drifted off) 

Friends, this was only in my mind as I hurriedly got dressed to go to the mall which was no longer a mall. As I thought about what time the mall will be closing and what would I say to the security officer if I ran late and he refused to let me in. My mind was in a twirl and going in a hundred or a thousand different directions and it seemed like I had no control.

Can I calm my mind down, you just asked. But how? Breathe you say. Yes, but how! when there is so much on my mind. Ok, I will! Now breathe girl breathe. It is not the end of the end. There is another day and definitely somewhere else that I could go. There are other things I could do and someone I could talk to. As I slowly inhale and exhale I found that not only was my mind relaxing but my body was coming into a calm equilibrium. That’s when I finally realized that I have the power to control my mind. I have the power to make the decision whether or not I go to the mall or somewhere else. That's when I realized that making that decision did not make me feel guilty, afraid, or fragile in any way. It did not take away my identity I was still me. In fact, having control over my mind empowers me and gives me the confidence to say yes or no with dignity.

Friends, that’s what goes on in our minds on a daily basis, as we go through the journey call life. Racing thoughts of unfinished work, family issues, making decisions all in a split second all account for crash thoughts.

The truth is when we are having these moments we may feel overwhelmed and feels like we are not able to slow down those thoughts. You may even ask how do I slow down these thoughts and how do I relax when there is so much going on around me. Your anxiety level goes off the chart as you begin to focus on the worst-case scenario that could happen in this split second.

But it is a crisis time all across the globe and the more we learn to relax and take things easy the better it will be for us. The more we look at life and take it one day at a time the less frustrated we become. The quicker we learn that there is someone who can take all the burdens we are carrying and gives us peace the better for us. His name is Jesus and he is the burden bearer, the deliverer, the healer, the sustainer, and the provider. The Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. He is our everything and he is waiting for us to let go of all the anxieties and cares. Let us learn how to,” Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7. What else were you thinking? Is there anyone else like me?

Whew! I am happy he cares. I am glad Jesus cares when our circumstances seem to overwhelm us. He promises that he will give us our daily bread, and he will clothe and protect us. This is too good to be true, (but it is). He is the best therapy. So on the count of 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Breathe, (inhale and exhale) Relax, let him manage all your concerns. I have done it. Will you? Rest assured that he can handle it.

I have eliminated my stress and I am no longer anxious. whenever I am faced with moments like these I paused for a moment, calm myself, focus on the present circumstances before me, pray about them and hand them over to Jesus. Now I learn to smile through the ten (10) seconds drama.

You may want to try it...it works.

December 27, 2020 16:50

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