Creative Nonfiction

Airi and Seia were two Japanese girls who neither looked nor thought alike, but in fact were twins. They were rummaging through their brains for a good New Year’s Resolution. They were both 14 and lived with their mom. Despite living in the same house, being brought up in the same way, they had completely different understanding on life and ambitions. Airi was way more matured than an average 15 year old. In her family, she was always referred to as the older one. Seia was like a little bird in her mother’s wings.

She was a decent 15 year old, nothing more nothing less. Airi was totally into science. Even her own twin calls her a nerd, but of course she didn’t care. She wanted to do more research on the unknown answers to various questions. Her tiredness would go away the moment she enters the Science lab, in her school or the one she made for herself in her house. Airi’s mom observed her interests in Science and plants and animals in general and had decided to help her design her own little lab in one corner of the house. As unrealistic as it sounds, Airi was slowly collecting all equipments and now the entire room was a science lab but with a bed in it. She always daydreamed about her becoming a renowned scientist.

Seia on the other hand thought spending too much time studying was a no-no. It seemed like Airi was the typical mom’s favourite but Seia was no less. Seia was a gymnast, trained since she was 6 and competed since 10. Airi’s mom was always surprised by how dedicated Seia was to her sport. Seia trained for 7 hours a day on an average but would still come back home and do stretching or watch other renowned gymnasts’ routines. Despite being ambitious, their mom was always upset that the girls had to overwork. Their mom would tell them to take breaks every now and then, go on vacations or just relax but the both of them thought it was a waste of time. She didn’t know whether to be proud or disappointed, but let’s just say life goes on.

“I have the best idea” her mom says at 11.30 pm on New Year’s Eve. It was a tradition in their family to resolve to something at 12am on the first day of a new year. Both the girls’ eyes’ shot up in hope. “Tell us fast” said Seia. “How about the both of you resolve to take more breaks this year and spend once every week with me” she suggested. “Mom that’s impossible. You’re telling me to miss 7 hours of training every week in other words” Seia said. Her mom was sad but to she knew she was being unreasonable. “Makes sense Seia. But how about you come home earlier on every Friday and we’ll all spend time together. I’ll come back from my extra lessons early too. How about that?” Airi suggested after sensing her hesitant mother who wanted to argue back. “That’s a good idea. Thank god you have a big brain” Seia says. Airi laughed with everyone.

Their mom was surprised because had it been any other year, they would’ve both said no. She was sure that that year was so busy and hectic, they learnt their lessons. Stopping her train of thoughts Airi say “But Seia, just so you know the size of the brain doesn’t-” Airi was cut off by Seia “I know, I know! Take a joke Airi” she said. Their attentions turn to the alarm. It stated “11.55 PM” Seia ran to it and turned it off and they all faced the TV. “3, 2, and 1...HAPPY NEW YEAR” They made their resolutions and wished each other.


Many people have told Airi’s mother that she was lucky to have two, very ambitious girls and that their lives were settled. Countless people have even advised Seia follow Airi’s footsteps and concentrate in education whereas many people have told Airi to not sit at home and try some sports. In conclusion, there were compliments and criticism. But their mom was always doubtful of whether a person’s second half of life is easy if they work hard in the first because it has always been a belief in most people she met. Ever since the girls made those resolutions that year, they followed it but soon gave up.

They both graduated and were almost aimless. Seia had to retire from her sport as she was too old to perform gymnastics and Airi was brought to real life from her daydream when she realized she couldn’t just become a scientist. Their mom was always alone in the house so she decided to set up a restaurant. Both the girls worked really hard but guilt had hit them recently when their spoke to them about setting up a restaurant because she felt lonely. Both of them discussed on what to do about keeping her company and came to an unexpected decision after weeks of thinking.

They invited their mom to dinner and cooked everything prior. “Mom, come down fast! Did you forget we invited you?” Seia shouted at the top of her lungs. Soon their mom came down and Airi laid out all the food. “Mom you like these?” they asked and waited for a response eagerly. She just nodded her head and smiled. Life had put her through a lot but she couldn’t even get what she wanted at the last years of her life. “Mom we have some breaking news” Seia screamed. Airi judged her for the unusual behaviour but let it slide because she liked the way Seia was building the suspense.

“We both are going to help your business and become partners with you” she said. “What? That doesn’t make sense” her mother said. “Mom we know you have been lonely than ever this year. So, I decided to help you run your business and work as a science tutor part time, Seia will also help you and she’s going to a fitness trainer.” She said. With evident guilt in her eyes, their mom said “Please don’t do things for me, it will affect you both and your lives.” She says. “No mom let me be realistic; we both have nothing but stress and zero satisfaction in life, why don’t we work together?” Seia said. Her mom got teary eyed and hugged her little girls. “Yes, let’s do it” Airi was happy to see the genuine smile on her mom’s face after years. “Also, how about we implement our resolution too, Fridays off?” Seia suggested and that is how after an entire decade, the resolution got the place it deserved. 

January 08, 2021 06:08

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Phantom Presents
14:16 Jan 10, 2021

Awesome story. Keep it up and a great time ahead.🙆‍♀️😊


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12:06 Jan 10, 2021

Awesome.. Unexpected twist


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