You Need Me

Submitted into Contest #255 in response to: Write a story about anger.... view prompt


Drama Creative Nonfiction Contemporary

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

I found him sitting in his car out in the parking lot outside the bank where he worked. I stood beside the car for a minute, gazing inside, soaking in the way he stared off into space, trembled, sobbed, wiped his tears, rinsed, and repeated. The whole cycle made my ears burn red hot. I clenched my jaw and fists, imagining what it would feel like to bash his window in with a rock and dive inside to strangle him with my bare hands. Instead I took a deep breath, counted to five, and approached the car to let myself in.

I ducked inside quickly. The cool dry air from the AC vents bellowed past my damp forehead and tousled my hair. "Ugh," I sighed, sliding into the seat and slamming the door shut behind me. "I can't believe you thought you could get through this without me." I leveled a firm, glowering stare at him.

He shook, startled, and his eyes went wide. "Who are you?" he barked, pressing himself against the driver's side door.

I pursed my lips, fuming and biting the tip of my tongue. I was sure my nostrils were flaring as I took in another deep breath and held it, counting to five. "You really should know me," I said stiffly through my teeth. "I've been trying to reach you for almost twenty years now, Nicholas." I let out an exasperated sigh.

"How do you know my name?" he gasped, clawing at his door in search of the handle.

"Can I call you Nick?" I asked, fighting the urge to roll my eyes. I drew in a long, hot breath. I tried cracking a friendly smile, but I could feel an outburst building. My jaw muscles ached as I ground my teeth behind the failed expression of friendliness.

He just stared at me, his red, irritated eyes bulging while they searched my face with big, dilated pupils. "Who are you?" he breathed.

I sucked in a slow, measured breath through my nose. "Nick, we need to talk." I said it slowly, a growl building deep in my chest.

"I don't know you," he began.

"That's precisely the problem!" I cried, my voice cracking with the fury of an exploding firework shell. "If you hadn't ignored me all these years you'd be doing a lot better right now! Heck, the whole reason you're even in this mess is because you kicked me out of your life and decided to go it alone!"

Nick withered, wincing and curling toward a classic fetal position.

I took a trembling but deep breath and held it, opting to count all the way to ten this time. I closed my eyes and put on a false smile, curling my lips in so I could bite them to give my tongue a break.

"What are you talking about?" Nick's quivering words trickled into my ears through the wake left by my tantrum.

I opened my eyes and glared at him. "You've been married... what, fifteen years now? Going on twenty?"

He nodded sheepishly.

"And right out the gate she was spending money secretly, hiding relationships from you, and lying to you about the stupidest things." I spat out the last few words with venomous force.

Nick grimaced and shrugged. "We knew a relationship would be difficult fo..."

"Don't make excuses for her!" I roared, punctuating it with a sardonic laugh. "You're always making excuses for her and you have got to stop."

He recoiled and stared at me with empty eyes, barely breathing.

I chuckled, trying my best to sound friendly. "Look, you're out here crying because you finally put one and one together and realized she's cheating on you, but I'm trying to show you that if you'd let me be a part of your life you could have been happier. You could have dumped that unfaithful, ungrateful sack of manure years ago in favor of finding someone who would be a true friend and committed lover."

Nick looked as though a semi truck was crushing his chest. A twisted look of confusion and horror writhed on his face. Finally he whispered, "what are you talking about?"

"Remember that time she made your least favorite food for your birthday?" I raised my eyebrows expectantly.

He rolled his eyes and almost seemed to be fighting back a grin. "Yeah," he sighed. "She was so..."

"Don't!" I barked. "No excuses! You had already been married nearly a decade by that point! She absolutely knew what you liked and didn't like, and if she didn't, that's not much better!" I forced a breath in through my nose. "How did you respond to that?" I asked.

He shrugged. "It was fine. I felt it was an honest mistake and I just... laughed it off."

"No!" I bellowed. "It was not fine! It was either a purposeful attack or a maliciously negligent act by an insincere friend! There is no reason for a loving wife and best friend to make such a mistake! That was the one food you constantly talk about not liking! Even casual acquaintances who barely know you at all would know better than to cook that for you!"

Nick cowered while I collected myself. He gawked at me with shock and awe written all over his face. "But..." he began before grinding to a halt. He huffed. "Even if I don't make an excuse for her, what good would it have done for me to get mad over something so small?"

"That's the thing Nick, it wasn't just that one thing. You never once got mad, upset, or angry with her even when she violated the most basic principles of decency. And even now that you know she's been sleeping around with other men, you're still blaming yourself and making excuses for her." I lifted an arm to let the conditioned air flow into my shirt sleeve and cool an armpit directly. Taking a deep breath, I let out a disappointed sigh.

"I wasn't the husband I should have been for her," he lamented.

I could feel the rage boiling deep inside me. I glared at him, my mind racing to put words into intelligible sentences before my hands could decide to do the talking. "Nick," I seethed. "That is the biggest crock of horse crap I've ever heard. That woman has never once apologized to you, never once taken responsibility for her actions, even when she physically hurt you, and she has never once acknowledged that she is verbally and emotionally abusive toward you. You have got to quit rolling over and taking this awful treatment!" I was almost foaming at the mouth, hot spit leaking from the corners of my mouth as I unleashed everything I'd wanted to say all these years on him.

He opened his mouth to respond, but in a miraculous twist he paused. I watched the gears turn in his stupid head while his eyes darted side to side as though he had become a slow machine reading holes in punch cards. Gradually the process ground to a standstill and he stared off into space, looking past me and all of reality into some unknown realm, an entirely separate existence.

I smiled, and this time it was a real smile.

"You know what?" he began, his words paced like globs of slime bubbling out of a pipe. "You're right." He faded again, his eyes distant and lost. His breathing was shallow but slow. His whole body seemed to melt and he sank into the driver's seat, staring straight ahead with unblinking eyes. Then, his jaw muscles bulged and his brow lowered a little. His empty, distant stare morphed into a glowering look of contempt. His nostrils flared.

In that moment, I knew my work was done. Grinning, I patted him on the shoulder. "We'll be in touch then?" I asked.

He nodded forcibly, still glaring straight ahead.

"Good," I said. "It's about time."

June 18, 2024 02:43

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Beverly Goldberg
07:05 Jun 23, 2024

It took me awhile to realize it was really anger he was up against--his own anger. Wow. I kept wondering who Nick was and when I realized I finally took a deep breath because I knew physical anger wasn't in the offing. Great story and finally the breakthrough.


Brian Haddad
07:56 Jun 23, 2024

Thank you so much for reading! I'm glad you were able to connect with the story on some level. It was a very personal one for me.


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Edward Roberts
02:15 Jun 23, 2024

Nicely done, Brian! I had visions of “Fight Club” while I read. I like the description of Nick at the end as he made the transformation into accepting his anger!


Kay Smith
16:24 Jun 24, 2024

I did as well! Lol!


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Brian Haddad
03:53 Jun 23, 2024

Thank you! I think the Fight Club analogy is fitting, if not a bit too generous! lol


Edward Roberts
13:23 Jun 24, 2024



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17:57 Jun 22, 2024

Very well done. The anger came in hot from the very beginning. It felt like release reading this out loud. Bravo 👏


Brian Haddad
17:59 Jun 22, 2024

Thank you so much! I'm really glad it had that effect on you. :)


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Milly Orie
15:35 Jun 22, 2024

Nice work! Halfway through I had the realization that Nick could be a personification of anger itself, then maybe even a sort of devil. Very creative!!


Brian Haddad
17:58 Jun 22, 2024

Thank you for the kind words! I'm really glad the realization is hitting about halfway through. I didn't want it to come too early or take too long. I appreciate the feedback!


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Carol Stewart
22:17 Jun 20, 2024

Nice. Anger itself as the main character - and without spelling it out. Nick, hmm highly suggestive of the devil... I'm wondering should he could call himself Nicholas at first?


Brian Haddad
22:23 Jun 20, 2024

One thing I definitely want to get better at is coming up with character names. There have been a few times I felt I had a perfect name for a character, and this was not one of them! lol But sometimes, by happy accident, a name works out. This was a random name (I am a software developer and I wrote myself a little web app that picks random names for me) but I do think the devil connection is interesting, adding a little nuance to the broader picture. Thank you for reading!


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21:12 Jun 19, 2024

I read your story because Trudy Jas suggested I read it. I took a similar approach with this prompt, and it was interesting seeing a similar story. A very fine story.


Brian Haddad
21:32 Jun 19, 2024

lol Trudy is such an amazing member of this community. I have no idea how she finds the time to read all the stories she does, comment on them, and write her own stories! I will take a look at your story as well. It certainly can be interesting to see a similar take with a different execution! Thank you for taking the time to read my story!


21:43 Jun 19, 2024

You're welcome. Yes, Trudy is. I've even taken to calling her "my editor" because she helps me with my mistakes.


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Trudy Jas
19:52 Jun 18, 2024

How do you think about stuff like that? Making anger a separate entity, teaching his guy to grow balls. Absolutely unique, brilliant.


Brian Haddad
21:01 Jun 18, 2024

lol Thank you. I originally planned on telling the story from Nick's point of view (and in my head I even drafted up half the narrative that way) but I think it made it a little more interesting to write from the perspective of anger itself. :)


Trudy Jas
21:03 Jun 18, 2024

It sure did. I could see Sean Penn playing the part. LOL


Brian Haddad
21:14 Jun 18, 2024

lol He'd be pretty perfect for it!


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Darvico Ulmeli
06:44 Jun 28, 2024

I had idea for story like this. Yours is much better. Nicely done.


Brian Haddad
07:13 Jun 28, 2024

lol You should still give it a try! You'll never know how good your version is if you don't write it! :)


Darvico Ulmeli
07:37 Jun 28, 2024

Another time in another prompt. :)


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Helen A Smith
08:10 Jun 26, 2024

Very good response to the prompt. For me, the story could be seen two ways. The character that joined him in the car was the part of himself that was anger. He’d been in denial all those years over his wife’s behaviour. An alternative way of looking at it was he actually had been joined by a man who knew all about him because he was man the wife had been having an affair and he’d had enough. He wanted the MC to smell the coffee. Either way, an enjoyable story.


Brian Haddad
17:13 Jun 26, 2024

Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts! I'm really glad you enjoyed it. :)


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Sarah Baker
19:46 Jun 24, 2024

The way anger is personified is so cool! I didn't even realize it at first, but it was done perfectly for the story, so good!!


Brian Haddad
20:08 Jun 24, 2024

Thank you! I am glad to hear that was your experience. I wanted it to be clear without giving away the identity of the narrator too early. :)


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Kay Smith
16:23 Jun 24, 2024

WoW! That was incredible an quite literally encapsulated Anger! Bravo!


Brian Haddad
16:54 Jun 24, 2024

Thank you so much!


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Alexis Araneta
17:58 Jun 18, 2024

Brian, you truly have a gift for writing such emotionally rich stories. Another brilliant one from you. The smooth flow and the descriptions shine in this one. Wonderful work !


Brian Haddad
18:01 Jun 18, 2024

And you have a gift for being far too kind! lol Thank you for reading. :)


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Nina H
12:22 Jun 18, 2024

Very “Inside Out”esque! I like how he stops making excuses and sees things clearly at the end in order to move on. He has heartbreak, but there’s a hope to heal here.


Brian Haddad
17:04 Jun 18, 2024

lol I have always loved personifying emotions and ideas. I'm glad that was clear here though because I worried that people might think the main character was just an estranged friend or something! lol Thanks for reading!


Nina H
17:07 Jun 18, 2024

I think you developed it just right so it was clear without having to be blatant about it! Nice work!


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Rozmarin Ideas
10:10 Jun 18, 2024

Heya Brian, how you doing? Love this one, gotta appreciate that imagery, wow! It's a real strength of yours, huh? I adore how you've personified anger here, and all the little details of this man's failed marriage that you included. Great job, A+


Brian Haddad
16:59 Jun 18, 2024

Hey! lol I'm fine, thanks. :) I have put a lot of work into trying to use imagery to increase immersion. Thanks for noticing! I don't know if it's always as effective as I hope it will be, but I certainly do want to take my readers on a journey! Thanks for reading and thank you for the kind words!


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Mary Bendickson
04:21 Jun 18, 2024

Good showing emotions.


Brian Haddad
06:19 Jun 18, 2024

Thank you!


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